Sort file:- Tenterden, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Monday, 17 February, 2025.


Earliest 1880+

(Name from)

Ye Olde Cellars

Closed 1986

2 High Street


Ye Olde Cellars

Above photo, date unknown.

Ye Olds Cellars

Above photo, date unknown.

Ye Olde Cellars inside

Above photo showing the inside of the pub, date unknown. Information from Chris Houghton says the pieces of paper hanging on the walls were all bank notes, many from the WW2 era.

Ye Olde Cellars inside 1950

Above photo, circa 1950.

Ye Olde Cellars 1950

Above postcard, circa 1950.

Ye Olde Cellars 1950

Above postcard circa 1950, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Ye Olde Cellars

Above photo, circa 1950.

Ye Olde Cellars inside

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Farrow.

Ye Olde Cellars

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Stephen Starbuck.

Ye Olde Cellars 1934

Above photo showing KM veteran car rally passing, circa 1934, kindly sent by Roger Smoothly. Archivist at

Ye Olds Cellars

Above photo, date unknown.

Ye Olde Cellars

Above photo, date unknown.

Ye Olds Cellars inside 1973

Above postcard, circa 1973. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Ye Olde Cellars 1976

Above photo, 1976. Person as yet unknown.

Ye Olde Cellars 1976

Above photo, 1976 showing Ross De'Ath and Chris Woodcock with licensee Danny Field in the background.

Ye Olds Cellars 1982

Above photo, 1982, kindly sent by Mark Farrow.

Ye Olde Cellars 2010

Above Google image, October 2010.

Ye Olde Cellars card

Above card, date unknown.

Ye Olde Cellars card

Above engraving showing the front of the card, date unknown.


It started life as wine cellars in 1700 for Avery, the wine merchant, and remained in the family for over 200 years.  The dinking saloon was opened in the 1880s I believe at the time it was known as the "Greyhound" in its underground site. Then called  the "Olde Cellars" it was closed in 1986. It is now Boardroom a sports retail shop (2015.)


Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald 12 June 1926.

By order of the Executors of the Will of J. S. Winser, dec'd. Tenterden, Kent.

Banks and Son, Will sell by auction at the "White Lion Hotel," Tenterden, on Wednesday next, 16th June 1926, at 3 o'clock p.m., that valuable and well-known Freehold Fully Licensed Property known as "Ye Olde Cellars," Tenterden.


Yass Tribune-Courier, Monday 3 April, 1939.


Public House In Kent.

In the High Street of the little town of Tenterden, in the Weald of Kent, is an underground public-house where they have not brushed the cobwebs down for 50 years, states the London "Evening Standard."

Cobwebs festoon the lamp brackets, drape hundreds of old bottles' in a dusty mesh, and make a curtain between the rafters.

The only cleaning they do at "Ye Olde Cellars" is to sweep and sawdust the floor every morning and dust the beer barrels and wine casks the customers use for seats. Barrels and casks serve as tables, too. There is no bar.

Pinned to the rafters are thousands of visiting cards, old envelopes, postcards and letters.

This is just an old custom of "Ye Olde Cellars. Years ago someone started it, and it has just gone on. No one is ever asked to leave his card, but if anyone wants to do it the landlord, Mr. Edgar Mittell, will give him a drawing-pin with which to perform the rite.


From local publication 1939

No-one would take a vacuum cleaner to "The Cellars".

A Salesman might as well try to sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo as offer a vacuum cleaner to the landlord of the Cellars at Tenterden.

For although in this underground pub dust and cobwebs abound, no one ever goes round with dustpan and brush, but rather this accumulation of the passing years is preserved as part of the atmosphere.

The popularity of the place is evident from the hundreds of visitors and local customers who turn off the High-street, down the wooden steps, and Into the wooden-raftered bar below street level.

Two massive barrels do duty as a counter: around the walls are even bigger barrels; and for seats there are specially-topped casks and beer crates.


A never-failing source of interest are hundreds of visiting cards, letters, photographs, messages, and mementoes, pinned to the rafters and barrels, left by visitors from many different parts of the world. This idea, started by regular customers, caught on until nearly everyone visiting for the first time felt bound to leave some kind or souvenir.

There are theatrical bills, cards commemorating race meetings—and even a photograph telling the story of a romance which began at the Cellars between a couple staying at Tenterden volunteer agricultural camp. All the rafters are black with age and festooned with cobwebs.

As the name implies, the part now used as the bar was once the cellars, where liquor was stored for sale in the wholesale premises above.

A reminder of the former days is a wooden corking machine, believed to be 150 years old, still kept near the new empty dust-encrusted casks. It has a leather holder for the bottle, a cork-softening device, and a mallet for hammering in the bottle stoppers.


The present landlord, Mr. W. S. Mitell, has been in charge for six years. When his father, the late Mr. E. G. Mitell, who held the licence for 50 years, went to the Cellars to work, he was employed by Mr. R. Avery, whose family retained the licence for 100 years. Record of the licence can be traced back to the year 1700, but although it allowed opening seven days a week, it was not until very recently that the bar was opened for Sunday trade.

Ye Olde Cellars

Above photo showing An evening in the Cellars. The landlord, Mr. Will Mitell, chats with his customers.

Sussex Agricultural Express 3 June 1949.


As from June 5th this well-known old Kent Inn will be open
on Sundays.

Fully Licensed. Fremlins Elephant Brand Ales and Stouts.


Kentish Express - Friday 22 August 1980.

No cobwebs in the old cellars now.

It's enough to make the long departed bucolic characters who were once regular patrons of a below ground bar turn in their graves.

"Ye Old Cellars" at Tenterden has gone all posh. Not a single cobweb or a speck of dust after be found. Sawdust on the floor? That's gone, too.

The famous lower bar were farmers and their men in rough country clothes and boots used to meet, is now the ancient pub's saloon and restaurant.

A big effort has been made to preserve the original atmosphere. Most of the barrels and old bottles, minus the dust, remain.

Present regulars, forewarned of impending changes at the end of last year, have accepted the new look philosophically.

"I think it is very nice," said Arthur Goldsmith. Arthur, 80, a retired master baker, has been using the bar for the last 57 years.

George Pay, a retired building work at, was not fuzzy. "As long as I can still get a drink there I'm not worried," he declared.

Harry Brunger, 81, of Hales Close, Tenterden, also approved of the clean-up. His only complaint was that the bar was too dark.

John Sanserson 1980

John Sanderson, who took over the inn with his wife Sheila last November, said about one-third of the bar space was now devoted to the restaurant.

John (in picture) is pleased with his first weekend at "Ye Old Cellars Mark 2." "There was a marvellous response," he said. "We were packed out on Saturday night.




MITTELL Edgar  G 1890-1939+

MITTELL S Will after 1939+

SANDERSON John & Sheila 1980+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
