Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


???? (Name from)

Bridge Inn

Latest 2011+

129 Station Road


Bridge Inn 1912

Above postcard, circa 1912, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Bridge Inn 2011

Above Google image, 2011.

Bridge Inn 2019

Above photo 2019.


The house was built in 1881 and it is said when it opened it was known as the "Railway Inn." Date of change some time after 1938.

The pub is now closed (2016) but I believe was still operating in 2013.

Planning permission was sought after to convert the premises into 3 flats, but roosting bats on the location have proven to have caused difficulty.

If my memory serves me right, I did venture inside one evening probably 2009ish, after a game of table tennis at Dymchurch to find the licensee, unfortunately in advanced years and unable to climb stairs, had set up his bed in the downstairs bar area, along with side-cabinet housing his medication. I guess when he was unable to continue the pub sadly closed for good.


From the By Sean Axtell, 18 March 2019.

Bats could block plans to turn the Bridge Inn and Royal Mail pubs in Lydd into flats.

Developers are being driven batty by a protected species roosting in the rafters of former pubs earmarked for homes.

Bats, which have the highest level of protection, have been discovered in two dilapidated pubs in Lydd: the "Bridge Inn." and "Royal Mail."

It means developers' plans to transform the abandoned buildings into apartments have been met with fierce resistance by the district council.

Stephen Komolafe this week unveiled plans to transform the Bridge Inn, in Station Road, into three homes.

Also known as the Bridge Tavern, the bar is one of Romney Marsh’s 17 recorded lost pubs and closed in 2015, according to public records.

Folkestone and Hythe District Council officer Robert Allan has poured cold water on the proposals, arguing the site could still be used as a pub.

Mr Allan, who will recommend planning chiefs to throw out the plans, argued the proposed layout was shoddy and future residents would suffer “poor amenities” should building commence.

Mr Komolafe's plans, previously given the nod by Lydd Town Council, could also harm protected wildlife, Mr Allan’s report added.

It says: “Bat droppings were recorded within the loft space and that there are suitable features for roosting bats on all elevations of the building.

“There is a need for an emergency survey to be carried out to fully assess the presence of bats within the site.

“These surveys are required to fully assess how bats are utilising the building and to consider the impact that the proposed development will have on protected species when determining the planning application.

He added: “No details of proposed mitigation have been provided and it cannot be concluded measures are being taken to minimise the impact on protected species.”

Bats are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 because of their specific roosting requirements.

Disturbing the animal, or so much as obstructing a roost, is a criminal offence.

Indeed, Natural England must be told of proposed action likely to disturb the animals or their roosts.

Abba Holdings, ran by Karen Komolafe, prepared a design and access statement on behalf of Mr Komolafe, who lives in Dickleburgh, south Norfolk.

“The Inn was not a financial success and it was put on the market in 2015.

"It was marketed as a growing concern for more than three years but did not receive any interest.

“The applicant wishes to convert the inn into three dwellings,” it says.

The plans will go before Folkestone council’s planning committee on Tuesday.

Nature expert Owen Leyshon, from the Romney Marsh Countryside partnership said the abandoned pub is an ideal spot for the animals to breed.

“There are a number of bat species found on the marsh including the pipestrelle, long eared, daubenton and serotine bats.

“Grey crested newts, badgers and bats are heavily protected and give developers the headaches.

“In Lydd there is an amazing habitat around the town and to the back on farm land.

“Bats need to roost and prefer roosting in older buildings where they can be left safe and in peace.

"Many bats feed over the lake in Jury’s Gap and will travel from their roosting spots in the urban area."




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
