Sort file:- Beckenham, August, 2021.

Page Updated:- Monday, 30 August, 2021.


Earliest ????

Jolly Woodman

Open 2019+

9 Chancery Lane


020 8663 1031

Jolly Woodman

Above photo date unknown, kindly sent by Maria Wilson.

Jolly Woodman 1940s

Above photo circa 1940s.

Jolly Woodman 1910

Above photo, 1910, showing the pub on the left. Kindly sent by Ian Muir of the Beckenham History Society.

Jolly Woodman 2016

Above photo, 2016.

Jolly Woodman inside 2016

Above photo 2016.

Jolly Woodman inside 2016

Above photo 2016.

Jolly Woodman sign 2009

Above sign, 2009. Kindly sent by Roger Pester.


Described as a beer-house in 1895

Until the middle 1970s this was an ale pub.


Kentish Mercury, Friday 1 May 1885.

Sudden Death.

Mr. E. A. Carttar held an inquest at the "Jolly Woodman," Beckenham, on Thursday, touching the death of a boy named Wilfred Augustine Anscombe, age 11 years who died at the St. Augstin Convalescent Home on Monday evening.

Eliza Pritchard, wife of a builder living at Bloomsbury, said the deceased was her nephew, and on Monday she brought him to Beckenham to the convalescent home. He appeared to be very weak that day, but she thought the journey had fatigued him. On the previous day had been out walking, but was short of breath. From what she saw she did not think the journey down would hurt deceased.

Elizabeth Pain, an assistant at the convalescent home, said the deceased appeared to be very ill and exhausted when brought to the home. He was put to bed just before 5 o'clock, and had some milk, and also beef tea and iron wine. This seemed to revive him but he died about twenty past ten on the same night.

Louisa Chapman, the nurse, corroborated, and said she did not think it necessary to send for a doctor, thinking deceased, who suffered from heart disease, was exhausted by the journey.

A certificate from Dr. Pearse, obtained the day after the child's death, set forth that he considered the primary cause of death to be heart disease.

The Coroner, in summing up, said he thought in such a case as this that it would be well in future to have a medical examination when a child was admitted to a convalescent home.

The jury returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes," and expressed the opinion that such a case ought not to have been sent to a convalescent home.


From the Probate 1918.

Edward George Copper of the "Woodman," Chancery Lane, Beckenham, Kent, died 2 March 1918. Probate: London, 5 June to Lucy Emma Copper widow. Effects £283 13s 5d.



LATHAM Ann 1851+ (widow age 56 in 1851Census)

GEAR John 1871-Oct/1895 (widower also grocer age 38 in 1871Census) Maidstone and Kentish Journal

Last pub licensee had LOW Margaret Oct/1895-Jan/96 Maidstone and Kentish Journal

SINDEN W Jan/1896+ Maidstone and Kentish Journal

WILLIAMS James 1901+ (age 56 in 1901Census)

COPPER Edward George to Mar/1918 dec'd

COPPER Lucy Mrs 1922-39+ (widow age 77 in 1939)



Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
