Elms Place
I have reference to a "Kent Inn"
situated at 12 Camden Road, which is about half a mile away, so I am
assuming that this is indeed a different pub to that one.
From the Kentish Gazette, 27 July 1810.
I Hereby inform the Public, that I will not after this notice, he
answerable for any debts contracted by my Wife, ELIZABETH BAILEY,
and all persons having; any demands upon me, are desired to send in
their accounts immediately.
"King's Arms," Ramsgate.
RICHARD BAILEY, July 16, 1810.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 8 September, 1860.
On Monday last the annual licensing meeting was held for the district.
There were five applications for new licenses.
Edward Osbourne, "Kent Arms," Elms-place, Ramsgate. Applicant appeared
in person, and was opposed by Mr. Snowden on behalf of the owners of the
"Maidstone Arms Inn." Mr. Snowden stated the fact that their house being
only ten yards from that of the applicant, and that there were already
quite sufficient licensed houses in the neighbourhood. There being non
other opposition the license was granted.
The majority of the old licenses were renewed, some few standing over
till the adjournment day.
From Kentish Gazette 11 September 1860.
Edward Osborn, "Kent Arms," Ramsgate. Objection by owner/occupier of
"Maidstone Arms," which within 10 yards of "Kent Arms." License refused.
South Eastern Gazette, 11 September, 1860.
The annual general licensing meeting was held at the Guildhall on
Monday. The following applications were made for new licences:—
Edward Osborne, for the "Kent Arms," Ramsgate. Opposed by Mr.
Snowden and refused.
BAILEY Richard 1810+
OSBORN Edward to Sept/1860