Canterbury Road East
Above Google image, March 2009. |
This pub has been found by author and historian Michael David Mirams.
Further information hopefully found and added here.
The "Lord of the Manor" is named after the original landowner who was the
Marquis Conyngham in the 18th century and obviously the Lord of that Manor.
The nearby modern roundabout is now named after the public house.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne bay Herald, 28 September, 1889.
The East Kent Coroner, R. M. Mercer, Esq , held an inquest at the
"Sportsman Inn," Minster, on Friday afternoon, on the body of a man
unknown, whose body was discovered at Pegwell Bay. It seems that the
body was found a short distance outside the borough boundary, by a lad
named Sayer, who was in the Bay picking up driftwood. From an
examination of the remains it would appear that the deceased man was a
sailor, the upper portion of the body being attired in a rough “jumper,”
or blouse, of the kind usually worn by seamen. The trousers were made of
blue serge or similar material, covered with canvas overalls; but the
whole of the clothing was very much torn and thoroughly rotten. The
deceased wore a pair of half-Wellington boots, nearly new, and
apparently of English manufacture, and the feet were enveloped in coarse
grey yarn socks. The body was evidently that of a stiff-built man about
medium height. Identification was rendered extremely difficult, inasmuch
as only the bare skull remained on the head. On the left side of the
throat there were traces of a heavy blow. The hands were almost entirely
gone, the few bones that were left hanging by a mere thread to the
wrists. Upon the chests there were numerous punctured wounds, apparently
made with a knife or some other sharp instrument, and it was at first
stated that there was some suspicion that death resulted from foul play.
Some think that the wounds were caused by a boathook, it being customary
with fishermen and others when a body in a decomposed state is seen
floating at sea, to pierce it with some such instrument in order that it
may sink to the bottom.
John Sayer said:- I live at the "Lord of the Manor," St. Lawrence, and
am 14 years of age. I found the body just viewed on the Bay at Pegwell,
about a mile from the "Sportsman Inn," about 9 o'clock on Wednesday. The
water had just left it, and the tide was going out, I informed Mr.
Banger of what had occurred and he sent me to the coastguard at Pegwell,
and to Sergeant Tanton, of the Ramsgate Borough Police.
Dr. Samuel Arnold, of Minster, said:- I reside at Minster. I have
examined the body, and as far as I can judge there are ten wounds in the
abdomen and stomach; they are stabs. The skull appears to be perfect,
but there is a wound in the throat—evidently a cut. The body is so far
decomposed that I cannot for certain describe the nature of the wound.
The body must have been in the water five or six weeks. I would not like
to say that any of the wounds were done before death. You cannot define
the nature of the stabs. I should think that the stabs were not likely
to have been inflicted when the body was floating at sea. All the wounds
seem to have been inflicted with the same weapon. The wound on the liver
is the largest of the lot, and all of them might have been produced by
an ordinary sailor's knife. There is no means of identifying the
features, the body is so decayed. Identification would be entirely out
of the question. I cannot say whether the deceased died from the wounds
or whether death was due to drowning.
By the Jury:- I think the whole of the wounds were done by one
instrument, but they are not such as might have been produced by the
action of the waves. In answer to further questions. Dr. Arnold said:-
The wounds are clear cuts, and they might have been inflicted with a
spear. That in the throat was a very clear wound. If the body had been
speared as suggested, when floating, it would have given great
resistance to the weapon used. The cuts seemed to show that the weapon
used had been twisted in the flesh, but the cuts found in the shirt were
clean ones.
The Coroner, in briefly summing up, remarked that in all cases of this
kind the jury pretty well knew what their verdict would be before the
evidence had been taken, for it was almost impossible to identify bodies
under such circumstances. The only question for them to consider was the
form of verdict they should return, and he suggested that they should
return a verdict to the effect that the body was that of a man unknown,
cast up by the sea, but that how be came by his death it would be
impossible to say.
One of the jurymen remarked that the deceased was evidently a French
sailor, and another stated that be appeared to be between 40 and 50
years of age.
The jury then returned an open verdict as suggested, and the Coroner
gave instructions that the boy Sayer should be paid the sum of 5s. for
recovering the body.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 4 August, 1922.
The "Lord of the Manor" cross roads, Ramsgate, where two women were
killed in a motor car collision on July 2nd, was the scene of another
fatal accident on Tuesday afternoon.
The collision occurred between a motor coach on the Ramsgate-Canterbury
service and a motor cycle on which were riding Dr. Estlin Weatherall,
23, a physician at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, and Mr. Llewellyn
H. Barker, of 66, Highgate Hill, N.
The motor cycle was travelling from Sandwich to Ramsgate and the motor
coach from Ramsgate to Canterbury, when they met at the cross-roads
where the view was obstructed by some cottages.
Dr. Weatherall was injured severely and died almost at once, and Mr.
Barker was removed to hospital in a critical condition suffering from a
badly crushed leg. The motor coach, which had pulled up at once, was
afterwards able to proceed on its way.
From the Sheffield Daily Independent, 31 October, 1923. Feathers,
fresh and dry, for bedding, cushions, etc., 40lb bag 25s., carriage
G. W. Bell. "Lord of the Manor," Ramsgate.
Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 20 September 1924.
Wedding Day Crash Honeymoon In Hospital.
Lord of the Manor Accident.
An unfortunate accident interrupted the beginning of a honeymoon on
Wednesday when a London couple, who had been married in town at 2
o'clock, were the victims of a motor accident which occurred 9 hours
later, as result of which both bride and bridegroom are at present lying
in Ramsgate General Hospital.
The parties were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloomfield, and their address was
given as 124, Huddleston Road, Tufnell Park. They had been married in
London at 2 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, and later left by motorcycle
combination to spend their honeymoon at Ramsgate Road, Margate.
Apparently between 10:30 and 11 o'clock, as the vehicle was being
negotiated over the dangerous bend on approaching the "Lord of the
Manor," Mr. Bloomfield suddenly turned into the wall of the railway
bridge, with the result that he was thrown from his seat and his wife
was ejected from the sidecar.
Mr. Bloomfield's theory is that as he turned the corner something went
wrong with the machine. His wife, however, thought that in the darkness
her husband, travelling on an unfamiliar road, turned the corner too
At the time there was little traffic on the road, and the injured people
remained in the roadway for some little time until Mrs. Bloomfield
noticed a private car approaching from the direction of Ramsgate.
She was able to signal to the driver, Mr. William Kenworthy, of 2,
Camden Square, Ramsgate to stop, which he did, and he at once took the
injured coupled to the Ramsgate General Hospital.
Mr. Kenworthy afterwards conveyed the cycle to his garage.
Mrs. Bloomfield was found to be suffering from shock and general
bruises, but a husband was in a more serious condition. In addition to
general cuts and bruises, he had bad concussion, and a fractured
Both were detained in hospital.
A quantity of confetti which fell out of their clothing quickly betrayed
the fact that they were a newly married couple.
From the Thanet Advertiser and Echo, 13 December, 1949.
Motorist Committed for Trial. Cross-Roads Collision Inquest.
A verdict of manslaughter was returned by a Ramsgate inquest jury, on
Friday, against a 46-year-old Herne bay commercial traveller who,
witnesses alleged, drove his car over cross-roads without obeying a
"halt" sign and collided with a motor cyclist.
Ronald Raymond White, aged about 40, of 40 Wynn-road, Tankerton, who was
riding the machine, died in Ramsgate General Hospital nearly four hours
after the accident, which occurred the previous Friday afternoon.
Driver of the car, Thomas Walter Pettigrew, of Reculver-road, Herne Bay,
declared at the inquest that he did stop at the Lord of the Manor
cross-roads, Ramsgate, where the accident occurred, in order to look at
the direction sign.
After hearing evidence for nearly 3 1/2 hours, the jury returned a
verdict of manslaughter, and Pettigrew was committed for trial at Kent
Assizes by the East Kent Coroner (Mr. W. R. Mowll).
Henry Richard Divers superintendent engineer at Prince's-road electric
power station, Ramsgate, where White was employed as a fitter, said he
thought deceased was an experienced motor cyclist and knew the Lord of
the Manor crossing well. He had passed over the cross-roads night and
morning, five days a week, for the past seven months.
Dr. K. M. Healey, house surgeon at Ramsgate hospital, said White was
admitted at 3.30pm. on 2nd December. He was conscious, but suffering
from shock and a compound fracture of the left leg. He died nearly four
hours later.
Severe Concussion.
Dr. L. B. Morris, pathologist, who performed the post-mortem
examination, said that in addition to the leg fracture, deceased had
severe bruising of the right calf and some bruising of the chest.
Internal examination showed severe concussion of the head and bad
bruising of the chest and abdomen. Death was due to concussion and the
chest injuries.
P.C. Balsam, who was called to the scene of the accident, said he found a
Standard 14h.p. saloon car standing in the Haine-road, facing Margate.
It was 2ft 6ins, from its nearside and the front of the car was
extensively damaged. The front wheels were suspended and a B.S.A. 125
c.c. motor cycle was lying under the car in a completely smashed
An injured man was lying by the A. A. box. There was a fairly deep
groove in the road surface leading to the position of the motor cycle
under the car. It was 35ft. long and commenced at a point 8ft, from the
white line across the mouth of Sandwich-road. A "Halt" sign was situated
86ft. from the white line.
No Skid Marks.
The injured man was lying 25ft. from the apparent point of impact, and
there were apparently no skid marks from either vehicle. Visibility from
the white line along Canterbury-road towards Ramsgate (the direction
from which the motor cyclist had been coming) was at least 300 yards.
Robert S. G. Bocutt, Post Office engineer inspector, of 43 Osborne-road.
Broadstairs, said he was travelling as passenger in a Post Office van
along Haine-road towards Sandwich. The van stopped at the Lord of the
Manor cross-roads. In obedience to the "Halt" sign.
"I saw a car coming from the direction of Sandwlch," said witness. "He
came straight across the junction and four or five feet over the white
line, struck a motor cycle. The machine disappeared under the car and
the rider tumbled into the white blocks by the A. A. box."
A Good Speed.
As the car was approaching the cross-roads it appeared to witness that
it would not stop. "I am quite certain that he did not stop," he said.
"He came over at a good speed-I think not less than 25 m.p.h. The
motorist appeared to be taking no notice of the cross-roads."
John Terry Sprinks, driver of the Post Office van, of Crow Hill-road,
Garlinge, corroborating Bocutt’s evidence, said the car hit the motor
cycle broad-side on. Witness did not hear a horn sounded.
Benjamin John Palmer, general dealer, of 8 Fairlight-avenue, Ramsgate,
said he was driving his lorry from Sandwich to Ramsgate. At the Lord of
the Manor he stopped at the white line and was aware that a car was
coming up behind him. Witness turned right for Ramsgate and when he was
approximately in the middle of the junction he noticed in his mirror
that the car behind stopped at a point just short of the white line.
"I did not notice a motor cyclist coming from Ramsgate," he went on. “My
lorry ran out of petrol 150 yards farther on and when I got out I heard
a terrific crash."
Coroner:- How do you associate the car you saw in your mirror with that
involved in the accident?
Palmer:- I cannot swear to that, but the car behind me was a Standard. I
believe its colour was blue.
P.C. Goodall, of the Traffic Division, said the car involved in the
collision was black. He took a statement from the driver.
Driver’s Statement.
In this Pettigrew was alleged to have said "On arrival at the Lord of
the Manor I halted, looked round at the signpost on my left, and then
over to the A. A. road patrolman at his box. I drove away and was
halfway across the Ramsgate road when a motor cyclist seemed to appear
from nowhere."
The alleged statement went on "I had previously looked in the direction
of Ramsgate and could see nothing. The cyclist must have been travelling
at a terrific speed. I hit the motor cyclist broadside on."
P.C. Good all said "there was a strong wind blowing towards Ramsgate and
this would have had a great effect on the speed of a 125 c.c. motor
cycle equipped with a wind shield.
At this point Mr. W. A. Leach-Lewis, representing the driver, said he
did not propose to call his client to give evidence.
Summing up, the Coroner said it seemed very strange that, if the car
stopped before going over the cross-roads, the motor cycle should have
made a groove 35ft. long. There was a slow sign painted on the main
Ramsgate-Canterbury road, but the motor cyclist was quite within his
rights in riding across without halting, as he was on the major road.
"If Palmer is telling the truth" he said. I don't think the car he saw
in his mirror was the one involved in the accident."
In the Witness Box.
In view of the Coroner's comments. Mr. Leach-Lewis said he had decided
to put his client in the witness box.
Pettigrew told the Coroner he was so upset at the time he made his
statement to the police that he "just agreed or disagreed" when the
police officer suggested what had happened. He halted just before the
crossroads in order to read the sign-post and not because of a "Halt"
sign. He did not see the "Halt" sign and he could not remember if he saw
the white line.
Although he had been a commercial traveller in Herne Bay for five years
he did not think he had driven over the Lord of the Manor crossing more
than four or five times in that period.
Referring to the accident, he said "I looked across to the A. A. box,
then everything happened and all I could see was that poor fellow lying
in the road."
He was not aware, when travelling towards the Lord of the Manor, that he
was about to cross the Ramsgate-Canterbury road.
The jury retired for about 15 minutes to consider their verdict. After
it was announced the Coroner committed Pettigrew for trial and granted
him bail.
White's relatives were represented at the inquest by Mr. H. M. Knott.
From the Kent Archaeological Society 1969.
By Louise Mitxarp, B.A., Shirley Jarman, M.Phil., and Sonia Chap wick
Hawkes, M.A., E.S.A.
The Lord of the Manor public house stands isolated on high ground
more than a mile from the centre of Ramsgate and outside the present
built-up area of the town. It occupies the south-east angle of the
junction between the A253 road from Canterbury to Ramsgate and the A256
from Sandwich to Margate: in the opposite, north-west, comer of the
cross-roads is a triangle of waste ground bounded on its third side by
the Canterbury-Ramsgate railway line, and it was here, in May 1966, that
the Anglo-Saxon burials came to light (Fig. 1; N.G.R. TR 355651). They
were discovered during the excavation of a pipe trench for the Thanet
Water Board, and were reported to the Ramsgate Police, who in turn
notified the Royal Museum, Canterbury. The Curator was on the scene in
time to make a sketch section and plan of the trench before it was
filled in, and to record and take charge of the finds. Of these, the
bones are now in the Duckworth Laboratory, Cambridge, and the other
objects in the Public Library, Ramsgate.
From an email received 5 December 2018. In about 1964, when I was a
boy aged about 14 living in Ramsgate, I regularly cycled to Pegwell Bay
via Dead Donkey Lane to explore, dig lugworms and generally mess around.
On one such trip a friend and I discovered a small man made tunnel,
say 3ft by 3ft, about 6 foot above shore level due south of the "Lord of
the Manor" pub.
The following week we cycled back to Pegwell Bay and without anyone
knowing where we were or what we were doing we set out crawling along
the tunnel using candles on saucers that we had brought with us and to
see where the tunnel went. We must have gone about 100 yards when we
realised that the candles would not last and I was getting very
claustrophobic. We turned round and headed back to the entrance. We
never discovered where this tunnel came out but we felt sure it must
have been the "Lord of the Manor" pub. I would be interested if any
trace of this tunnel at the "Lord of the Manor" end was ever found,
perhaps in the beer cellar.
Tony Tucker. |
SPAIN James 1861+ (listed as agricultural labourer age 30 in 1861 )
WHITEHEAD Thomas 1881+ (listing unclear age 38 in 1881 )
SAYER 1889+
BELL G W 1923+
BELL Edward 1939+ (listed as plant grower and nurseryman age 20 in 1939)