Sort file:- Crayford, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 19 June, 2024.


Earliest 1860-

Printer's Arms

Closed Dec 1921

94 London Road


Printer's Arms 1930

Above photo circa 1930, kindly submitted by David Clinker.

Printer's Arms 1930

Above photo circa 1930, kindly submitted by David Clinker.

Former printer's Arms 2006

Above photo circa 2006, kindly submitted by David Clinker.


I am informed by David Clinker that the pub closed ages ago and the building extensively rebuilt to become a soap factory. Next it was a Trade Union office, and finally a Chartered Accountant's office owned by David, before being sold in 2012 and demolished.

It was a row of three Victorian cottages the left hand two being the beer house.


Kentish Independent, 09 September 1865.


Patrick Connolly, 27, of the "Printers' Arms," Crayford, was charged with being drunk and assaulting Police Constable Sharpe, 284 R, at Crayford.

The prisoner, who said that he had not tasted drink for three years previously, was fined 20s. or 14 days’ imprisonment.


The Kentish Independent, Saturday, 10 July, 1880.

A Paltry Theft.

Kate Crowley, 20, field hand, late of Crayford High Street, Woolwich, was charged with stealing a purse containing 1s., the property of Joseph Plowman, a painted, living at the "Printers Arms," Crayford.

Prosecutor said that he had been drinking with prisoner all the previous day. At 8 o'clock she took the purse from his pocket and ran away with it. The police proved that prisoner had been committed from this court, and had suffered three months' hard labour for stabbing woman at Woolwich some six months ago, and they Mr. Balguy sent her for 21 days' hard labour.

Prisoner, on hearing the sentence, said "Thank you, Sir."


From an unknown document.

Printers Arms - 94 London Road.

This pub is named after the local textile printing trade. The David Evans Silk Printers were situated opposite this pub.

In January 1863 William Miskin purchased a plot of land from The United Building and Investment Co. upon which this purpose-built beerhouse and shop was erected. The shop (a rag shop and warehouse) was later combined or, as the brewers property register notes, “have since been thrown together." In his historical book 'Memories of Crayford,’ (1958), Barnett suggested that there was a fire at the Printers Arms, which caused the greatest loss of life in Crayford. Although Barnett reckons the fire was said to have taken place around the end of 1889, or the start of 1890, I have been unable to trace such an incident. However, in September 1893, there was indeed a fire in one of three caravans at the back, which were used as lodgings. As it happened at 9pm, no one was in bed and the landlord with his neighbours prevented the fire from spreading, using buckets of water, until the Bexley heath, Erith and Sidcup fire brigades arrived. The landlord was only insured for £30 though the damage was estimated to be £50. This was an unfortunate loss as the caravans accommodated between 15 to 20 lodgers at a time. The Census enumerator for 1901 recorded that the caravans’ residents were “all casual tramps and lodgers - best information that could be obtained." The lodgers who held various occupations, including navvies and organ-grinders, gave the enumerator incomplete places
of birth and someone even gave his name as “Cock Robin."

The pub was referred to the Compensation Authorities and was closed in December 1921. Compensation of £2,210 was paid to the freeholder and £200 to the tenant. The tenant, Mr Pearce, immediately purchased the freehold for £550.


From the Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle and the Woolwich Gazette, Saturday, 4 January, 1910.

Inquest on a Crayford Man.

On Christmas Day a sad case of sudden death occurred at Crayford. With a companion, Daniel Fortin, aged 51, a fell-monger by occupation, visited some friends and wished them the compliments of the season, and of course drank to each others good health. On returning to the "Printers Arms," where they lodged Fortin and his friend had their Christmas dinner, and then indulged in a sleep. Subsequently Fortin's head was noticed to be falling forward, and on another man going to his assistance, he slid from the form on which he was sitting to the floor, and expired almost immediately.

The enquiry was held at Erith on Wednesday morning by the Coroner. Mr. H. Bolton Sewell.

Edith Driver, wife of Frederick Driver, of 106, Blenheim Crescent, Notting Hill, sister of the deceased stated that it was five years ago since she last saw her brother, although she had heard from him several times. She heard of his death on Christmas Day. She knew deceased had been accustomed to drinking for many years.

Arthur Pearse, the licensee of the "Printers' Arms," Crayford, stated that deceased, who was in regular work, had lodged with him from ten to eleven months. He had good health, except that he was subject to gout. On Thursday and Friday deceased seemed in better health than for some time, and on Christmas Day he went out at 10.30 to visit some friends. He returned at 2.20, and to all outward appearances was all right. Deceased had his dinner, and witness did not see him again until 5.10. when he was called into the kitchen, and found him lying dead on the floor. Deceased appeared to be sober, when he returned to the house, and witness had never seen him in any other way. He believed Fortin was accustomed to drinking, but he did not have much indoors because he drank spirits.

Thomas Whiffin, machinist, living at the "Printers' Arms," Crayford, said he had known deceased since he had lodged at the house, and he appeared to enjoy good health. Witness returned at a quarter to five, and found deceased asleep on a form in the kitchen by the fire. Whilst witness was having his dinner, deceased woke up and said. "Hullo, how are you?" Deceased went on nodding again and as witness noticed his head was falling onto the table, he called to him, but he did not answer. Witness went to lift deceased up, when he slipped off the seat into his arms. Witnessed laid Fortin, who was breathing, but unable to speak, on the floor, and called the landlord.
Police constable Hamlin, coroner's officer, spoke to removing the body, and on searching the clothing finding 16s. 3d. in silver, 4d. in bronze, and a tobacco pouch in the pockets.

The man who was out with deceased on Christmas morning was then called. His name is George Charles Perrin, also lodging at the "Printers' Arms," who said that they went to see friends who did not live far away, and wished them a Merry Christmas. All they had to drink was four little drops of whiskey, and on returning to the house they had dinner together.

Dr. C. M. Oakwell, of Crawford, was called at 5:30 on Christmas afternoon, and found the man lying dead on the floor in the kitchen. The body was that of a well developed and well nourished man. The condition of the internal organs marked the advanced stage of alcoholism, and death was due to syncope and uremia, due to the state of the kidneys, which was accelerated by chronic alcoholism.

A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.



KILLICK John 1861+ (age 46 in 1861Census)

LURRIDGE Alfred to July/1892 Maidstone and Kentish Journal

TANNER James July/1892+

DANN Mr July/1894+ Bromley and District Times

PEARCE Arthur 1901-22+ (also lodging house age 45 in 1901Census)



Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal

Bromley and District TimesBromley and District Times


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-