Sort file:- Herne, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 13 July, 2024.


4 Nov 2021

(The) Pub

Open 2021+

73 High Street

Herne Bay

73 High Street 2009

Above Google image, March 2009, showing 73 High Street.

73 High Street 2018

Above Google image, August 2018, showing 73 High Street.


Mentioned as early as 2016. I have been informed that there is to be a new micropub opening up close to the "Bouncing Barrel," possibly in Bank Street. The owners at present (Jan 2016) are awaiting planning permission, but I believe it is owned by one of the partners of the "Firkin Frog."

As yet the name of the pub is unknown.

Furth information tell me that it is actually going to be opened next door to the Old Cinema at 73 High Street.

It eventually opened on the 4 November 2021.


From the By Jack Dyson, 16 March 2021.

New Herne Bay micropub set to open after Canterbury City Council green lights plans.

A seaside town’s newest micropub is set for a summer opening - after plans to launch the tavern in a former shop were given the go-ahead.

Firm Bell & Beerling Pubs submitted a bid to convert Household Goods Bought & Sold in Herne Bay High Street into the latest addition to its chain of boozers at the beginning of the year.

73 High Street 2021

Household Goods Bought & Sold in High Street, Herne Bay, will be turned into a micropub.

And it has this week been given the green light by Canterbury City Council, paving the way for it to start serving cask ale by the time the country comes out of full lockdown on June 21.

Franchiser Max Bell believes the venue, called The Pub Micropub, will “massively” improve that part of the town.

“The area seems to be steadily improving and we like to think we’re part of it," the 20-year-old said.

“We’re going to make the pub look really hip and trendy.

“There’ll be no televisions showing football, or any loud, obnoxious music in there - the main object of the place will be to create conversation.

Pub artists impression 2021

An artist's impression of the planned micropub.

“Real ale doesn’t attract troublemakers or those looking for a fight. It’ll be a place for those who just enjoy drinking beer.”

But Mr Bell, who believes he could be the country’s youngest landlord, says he and franchisee Richard Yardley are unsure whether to open in May or a month later.

Boris Johnson’s road map says pubs will be able to seat customers observing the rule of six indoors from May 17 at the earliest. All limits on social contact are expected to be lifted no earlier than June 21.

The bar is expected to serve a variety of beers starting from £3, and wines, gins and rums, which Mr Bell says could be the “next big thing”.

“We’re going to start stocking up some interesting rums and colas and mixers to go with it,” he added.

Max bell & Richard Yardley 2021

Max Bell (right) with Richard Yardley, who will be the micropub's licensee.

“We’ll also serve alcoholic slushies, which we make in-house. They’re always very popular.

“We haven’t decided yet whether we’re going to open with the rule of six in May or to go for a flat-out opening in June.

“I reckon June is the most likely. It could be worth waiting that extra month to run at full capacity.”

The Pub will be open between 5pm and 10pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and from noon until 11pm on Fridays and weekends.

Bell & Beerling Pubs also secured the lease for Lyfe Lounge in October.



BELL Max & YARDLEY Richard June/2021+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-