Sort file:- Tunbridge Wells, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Earliest 1839-


Latest 1879+

Crescent Road

Royal Tunbridge Wells


No address found at present. Unless St. Clements is an indication of the location. Local knowledge required please. However, I believe from the account of licensee changes from the Kent and Sussex Courier of 1874, that the address is in Crescent Road. (Assuming this is the same "Chequers.")


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 5 November 1839.

Maidstone Petty Sessions.

Before T. Pybus, T Smith, and T Hyde, Esquires, Justice's.

On Friday last, a youth, not yet arrived at "years of discretion," named Edward Pound, a shoemaker, was charged with having obtained various sums of money, and the false pretences, of Celia Whiffen.

Miss Whiffen, an aged spinster, who is cook at an eating house, stated that she had known the defendant 5-years. During the last 12-months ha had paid his addresses to her. In December last she lent in £20 to pay the rent of the "Walnut Tree" public house, at Loose, which he said he was about to take. In the February following she advanced him £30 more to pay the expenses of evaluation and inventories. In the month of April he came to her again, stating that circumstances had occurred which prevented his taking the house at Loose, and that if she would let him have £40 more he intended to take the "Chequers Inn," at Tunbridge. Witness advanced him the money. On the 9th of the following month she lent him a further sum of £9, and also £5 in each of the months of July and September, and amounting in all to £109. On her expressing her suspicions that all was not right, the defendant said his statements were quite true. However, not being satisfied, and beginning to fear, we suspect, that she had lost her money without getting a husband, the amorous spinster took proceedings against him.

Mr. Skinner, landlord of the "Walnut Tree" public house, and Mr. Mark Milburn, the former landlord, both deposed that the prisoner had never been in treaty with them to take the public house.

Mr. J. Brown, the clerk to the Savings Bank, prove the payment of the different sums of money at the several periods.

Mr. Morgan, who appeared for the defendant, contended that the question was merely a dry point of law. The warrant stated that the defendant had obtained various sums of money under false pretences. In order to constitutes a false pretence there must be an existing fact on which to prove the charge. From the evidence it appeared that there never was an existing fact, as the defendant did not put into execution what he stated to Miss Whiffen he intended to do. He had no doubts that this proceeding was instituted entirely out of revenge at the accused not marrying the complainant.

The defendant was held to bail till this day when the case will again come on.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 18 February 1851.

Woolley v. Burford.

Charge for having left a dray and horses in front of the "Chequers Inn," Tunbridge, on the 5th February, in such a situation that he could have no control over them.

Fined 1s., costs 12s.


Kentish Gazette, 28 December 1852.

Tunbridge. County Court, Friday.

There were not more than twenty cases for hearing; the only two of any interest; being Segrave v. Towner, and Segrave v. Pack. Both were cases of assault, the damages in each case being laid at £2 10s. Mr. Edward Carnell was attorney for plaintiff; Mr. Morgan, of Maidstone, for defendants.

John Segrave v. Stephen Towner.

Plaintiff deposed that he was at the "Chequers Inn," Tunbridge, on the evening of the 29th November last, at about half-past nine o'clock. Defendant, with whom plaintiff had previously had a deal for a horse, went up to plaintiff and desired to speak with him. Plaintiff declined entering into conversation with him. He asked plaintiff for £16 10s. alleged to he due on such deal, who replied that he knew nothing about the matter, but if he (defendant) considered he had any claim, the law would see him righted. He then abused plaintiff, and called him very bad names, flourishing his fist in his face, he pushed plaintiff two or three times with his knee; he then became very violent and thrust his fist into plaintiff's face. Plaintiff got up and pushed his fist on one side, when defendant struck him two or three times. Defendant did not appear to be drunk.

The witnesses for plaintiff were Henry Richardson, butcher; Frederick William Brenchley, shoemaker; Sidney Smith, carpenter; James Elliott, foreman; and John Chittenden, saddler; but as their evidence was of a similar description, we shall give Mr. Richardson's and Mr. Brenchley's only.

Henry Richardson deposed that he was at the "Chequers Inn" on the above evening, in the bar parlour. Towner asked Segrave to go out of the room, as he wanted to have some conversation with him about a deal for a horse. Towner was close to Segrave, when the latter put his arm up and pushed him back. Saw Towner swing his fists about. Heard him say he should like to punch his head if he dared. Didn't think Towner was quite sober.

Cross-examined by Mr. Morgan:— When he saw Towner swing his fists about, could not say if he intended to hit Segrave.

Didn't see him strike plaintiff till he (plaintiff] pushed Towner from him. Segrave was quite sober. Heard very bad language used. They were both much excited, and were separated by a person in the room.

Frederick William Brenchley deposed that he was at the "Chequers" on the night in question. Towner used some very violent language towards Segrave. Segrave said he didn't want any piece of work there. There was a scuffle after that, and blows were struck by both. Some person present interfered to try to part them. Heard Towner say he was only sorry he did not let fly and knock Seagrave down.

Cross-examined:— Did not notice defendant holding up his fist in a most menacing manner, nor anything else that was going on, until he heard the bad language. Would not swear who struck the first blow.

The evidence of the other witnesses for plaintiff, proved that Towner shook his fist in Segrave'e face, when Segrave pushed him away, and the scuffle and blows ensued. None of those witnesses could speak positively as to who struck the first blow.

Mr. Morgan contended that his client had not committed the assault complained of until after he had been pushed by Segrave. His client had simply asked Segrave to complete that bargain for the horse which had been before alluded to. Segrave said "I will have nothing to say to you." This excited Towner, and words were the consequence. It was whilst these words were used that Towner threw his fists about, but he was instructed to deny that they were used in a menacing manner until after his client had been pushed. He should be able to show that the assault would never had occurred, but for the conduct of plaintiff.

Defendant said there had been a dealing between him and the plaintiff respecting a horse. The bargain had never been carried out. On the day in question, he had been to Baron Goldsmid's rent feast in Tunbridge; he was quite sober when he left, at about nine o'clock. Went into the bar parlour at the "Chequers," whilst his horse was being got ready. Several persons were in the bar, amongst them the plaintiff. Went up to him and said "How do you do, sir?" Plaintiff replied, "Oh, I have nothing to say to you." Hit his hand on the table several times, but did not shake his fist in plaintiff's face. He then stated that plaintiff jumped up and struck him; that he did not strike again until after he had been struck. In answer to a question from the judge, he said (inadvertently we suppose) "Segrave told me several times to take my fist out of his face," to which he replied "I haven't yet."

The Judge:— You had been to Baron Goldsmid's rent feast. I suppose you had a good dinner, and as good eating deserves good drinking, I suppose you also had plenty to drink?

Towner admitted he had plenty of both.

After six witnesses had been examined on behalf of defendant, his Honour said he had carefully considered the evidence brought forward; he believed that although Towner was not so drunk, but that he was capable of taking care of himself, yet he had it from his own mouth that he was carousing for five hours, and he had no doubt he was a little elevated and excitable at anything that was said. The plaintiff was perfectly justified in pushing defendant, away, if he was in any danger of being struck. Defendant thought he was on the wind side of the law, in shaking his fist at him, which was in itself an assault, and plaintiff was perfectly justified in pushing him from him.

Damages £2 2s.

Segrave v. Pack.

This was a case arising out of the last. Pack, in the struggle between Segrave and his friend Towner, seized Segrave by the throat with such force as to endanger his being suffocated.

Damages £2 2s.


South Eastern Gazette, 18 September, 1860.

On Friday, John Price, a tramp, was charged before Major Scoones and J. Ridgday, Esq., with stealing about 5s. in money, the property of John Luck, of East Peckham. Both parties were lodging at the "Chequers Inn," and on Wednesday night prosecutor lost his money, which was found on prisoner.

Committed for trial.


South Eastern Gazette, 23 October, 1860.

John Price was charged with stealing 4s. 7d., the property of John Luck, at Tunbridge, on the 12th September. Mr. Sharp prosecuted.

The prosecutor, who is a letter carrier at Tunbridge, slept in the same room with the prisoner at the "Chequers Inn," Tunbridge, on the above night, and on prosecutor getting up in the morning he missed some of his money. He communicated his loss to the landlord, who sent for a police-constable. On prisoner being asked whether he had any money he said he did not know, but on his pockets being searched a florin, a fourpenny piece, and a three-penny piece, was found, and the prosecutor identifies the last named piece as his property.

Six months' hard labour.

(Tunbridge was often written instead of Tonbridge by the papers).


From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 3 December, 1861.


The anniversary of this saint was celebrated as usual on Monday evening, at Mr. Joy's the "Chequers Inn." About seventy of the principle tradesmen of the town were present, and Mr. Jesse Simes ably discharges the duties of chairman. An excellent supper was provided, and the whole proceedings passed off most satisfactorily.


Kent Times, 17 May 1862.

Gross Cruelty to a Pony.

Petty Sessions, Wednesday. Before H. T. Moore, Esq. (in the chair), A. Pott and C. Powell, Esqs.

Edward Laws, living at the "Dorset Arms," Tonbridge, (Sic) was charged with ill-treating a pony, at Chiddingstone, on the 12th inst.

The defendant pleaded guilty.

Mr. Superintendent Dance said he appeared on behalf of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and stated that the defendant had gone to Mr. Joy, of the "Chequers Inn," on the 12th inst., and enquired if he had a pony for sale. On being told that he had, the defendant represented that he wished to show it to a lady at Shipbourne (who wished to buy one), a distance of eight miles. Instead of this, the defendant had taken the pony on to Bow Beech, a distance of sixteen miles, and not only so, but be had brought it back with severe injuries, which the defendant owned to him since had been inflicted by excessive whipping.

Mr. Joy repeated the same statement to the Bench, describing the injuries inflicted as serious, and rendering the pony in the meantime almost worthless.

The defendant said he whipped the pony rather more than in ordinary circumstances, but he did not know it was entire.

The Chairman told the defendant that he considered the case a very bad one, in as far as the pony was only lent to him for a trial. Mr. Joy would have his remedy in the county court; but the Bench fined him 20s. and costs 11s. 6d., or in default he would be sent to the house of correction for a month.

Supt Dance applied for a moiety of the fine to be forwarded to the society prosecuting, which the Bench granted.


Kent Times, 26 July 1862.

County Court, July 17. Before James ’Espinasse, Esq., Judge.

Henry Joy v. Edward Lawse.

This was an after judgment case. The plaintiff, landlord of the "Chequers Inn," Tonbridge, (Sic) had obtained an order of £8 12s. 6d. in an action against the defendant for damage done to a pony by ill-treatment, and the money had not been paid.

His Honour ordered commitment for 40 days.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 24 April 1874.

Transfer of licence.

The certificates of the "Chequers Inn," Crescent Road, was transferred from John Evernden to Jesse Isard.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 5 September 1879.


Mr. Harris, solicitor, said that it would no doubt be in the recollection of some members of the Bench that on last Tuesday he made an application on behalf of a man for a temporary authority to be given him to carry on the "Chequers’" public-house. The Bench on that occasion refused the application. He believed that a grievous wrong had been done to a very worthy man. However, the landlords were always willing to bow to the decision of the Bench, and no one was more interested in the fact of the house being well conducted. A new tenant had now been found in the person of Edward Jenner, of Tunbridge Wells, of whom Supt. Barnes had received a good character from Supt. Embery, of Tunbridge Wells. He asked that temporary authority should be given to this man to carry on the house, and the application was granted.



JOY Henry 1861-62+

EVERNDEN John Apr/1874

ISARD Jesse Apr/1874+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-