Sort file:- Deptford, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest 1600s

Gun Tavern

Closed 1807+



Gun Tavern chimney piece

Above image showing a chimney piece at the Gun Tavern.


It is suggested that the premises was built circa 1568 and that it operated as a Tavern some time in the 1600s and 1807.

Deptford was also apparently the residence of the Earl of Nottingham, instrumental in helping destroy the Spanish Armada - he was supposed to have resided in the "Gun Tavern." At the north end of Deptford Green, the Skinners Place property was leased to Lord Howard of Effingham, Admiral of England, in the late sixteenth century, and this appears to be the origin of the Lord High Admiral's official residence on the Green in the seventeenth century. It had two wharves with yards, several gardens enclosed with a brick wall, a barn and a stable, and a number of houses held by sub-tenants. The main house was rebuilt shortly before 1568. This building later became the "Gun Tavern" and in 1807 it was converted into dwellings and warehouses owned by Messrs Gordon, Biddulph and Stanley, anchor-smiths. The property later passed to the General Steam Navigation Company.


Information taken from

The Admiralty was long held at Deptford, in "The Gun Tavern" — a house previously the residence of the earl of Nottingham, lord admiral to queen Elizabeth. This tablet was the chimney piece of the Board room, which had a window with a balcony fronting to the Thames, bearing the arms of sir Thomas Howard, K.G., earl of Surrey, and afterwards duke of Norfolk, who in April, 1514, succeeded his brother sir Edward, the first lord high admiral; who was appointed by indenture, dated the eighth of April, 1512, with an allowance of ten shillings a day for his own maintenance, wages, and rewards; and killed at Conquest, the twenty-fourth of April, 1514.

This tablet, which is six ft. one in. wide, and four ft. three inches in height, is of oak. The carved figures (male and female) are gilded, and also the lion’s head, with the flowers or pateras in the triangular compartments and mouldings, immediately surrounding the four panels. The top ones contain drawings or plates of the Henry Grace de Dieu, built by Henry the eighth, at Woolwich. One panel shews that ship afloat; and in the other, are projected the various shipwright’s lines and sheer plane of the same vessel.

In the compartment to the left, is the following inscription written in gold:- "Soon after his accession to the throne, Henry the VIII., settled the present constitution of the Royal Navy Offices."

In the opposite panel, is the inscription as under, also written in gold:- "In the Spring of 1514, the lord high admiral entered the Port of Brest, with forty-two ships of war, and some small vessels; where he found the French fleet protected within the harbour by batteries, and a range of twenty-four hulks linked together; whilst there, Monsieur Pregent, arrived in the bay of Conquest, with six gallies and four boats, which he secured between two rocks, well furnished with ordinance. Nevertheless, the lord high admiral resolved to attack them, and having prepared two gallies and four boats, he embarked in one of the gallies, which he laid alongside of Monsieur Pregent, and himself headed the boarders; but his galley, by accident, swinging off before she could be lashed, and when only seventeen of his men had been able to follow him, he was killed the 24th of April, 1514."

The moulding surrounding the coat of arms and the shield are properly blazoned.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
