Page Updated:- Friday, 10 May, 2024.


Earliest ????

Hogarth Inn

Open 2020+

41-43 High Street

Isle of Grain

01634 271199

Post Office

Above photo, date unknown.

Hogath Inn Post Office 1955

Above postcard, 1955, showing the building when it was a Post Office.

Hogarth Inn Post Office 1955

Above photo, 1955 showing the inside when it was a Post Office.

Hogarth Inn 2017

Above photo 2017.

Hogarth Inn bar 2017

Above photo showing the bar 2017.

Hogerth Inn restaurant 2017

Above photo showing the restaurant 2017.

Hogarth Inn 2023

Above photo 2023.

Hogarth Inn 2023

Above photo 2023.

Isle of Grain map

Above map showing overlay of old and new.


The Hogarth Inn was named to commemorate the visit of the London born engraver and artist, William Hogarth, who together with his associates visited the Inn back in 1732.

The building gained a Grade II listing in 1966.


From the By Clare Freeman, 23 February 2016.

Pub The Hogarth Inn in Grain reunites war veteran Tom Sparkes with his long lost medals.

From France to the Middle East, Tom Sparkes remembers his days with the Army fondly, but one thing has long been missing.

At some point, decades ago, his medals were lost or misplaced. At the age of 95, he never expected to see them again.

But after a conversation with his friends at The Hogarth Inn in Grain, the village rallied round to reunite the veteran with his medals.

Tom Sparks 2016

Anne Sparkes, Tom's daughter, with Tom Sparkes, David Warrington, and Kathryn Beckley, Tom's Granddaughter. Picture: Simon Hildrew.

At a surprise presentation Mr Sparkes’ once again held his military decorations in his hands, with ribbons and medals commemorating his time in France, Germany, North Africa, Libya, Italy and Palestine.

Mr Sparkes said: “I was very surprised, I never expected it. I feel wonderful, it’s made my day.”

His daughter, Annie Sparkes, 67, was watching along with his granddaughter, Kathryn Beckley, 27, who had travelled from Bristol for the presentation.

She said: “It’s really good for grandad to have his medals back, I think for any war veteran they symbolise a significant part of their life so it’s great he has them back.”

Villager David Warrington, who presented Mr Sparkes with his medals, said: “There are times when we know something’s gone wrong and we can correct it and today we’ve all gathered together to put a wrong, right.

“It’s fantastic to see him walking about the village, it really is great. He’s revered and respected by all that know him and always has been.”

Debbie & Paul Ramsey 2016

Debbie and Paul Ramsey at The Hogarth Inn on the Isle of Grain. Picture: Steve Crispe.

Mr Sparkes is a regular at the 16th century pub in the village high street and often goes for walks along the seafront.

Paul Ramsey, who runs the pub with his wife Debbie, said: “He spoke to one of the other guys about it and they made a note of his army number and found out about his medals.

“We had a bit of a whip round and when word got out in a few days it was done, with a bit left over for him to have a few pints as well.”

They contacted SMI Militaria, a veteran-owned company specialising in military medals and badges, and owner Julian Allerhead researched Mr Sparkes’ service history to find the correct medals.


From the By Andy Robinson, 19 October 2018.

A girlfriend, 27, went to the beach with her partner and stepson and suddenly died.

Paramedics attempted to resuscitate Jade Lines for almost an hour.

Jade Lines 2018

Miss Lines had gone for a walk after saying she had a headache.

A man rushed to a pub to get a defibrillator for his girlfriend after she suddenly collapsed in front of him, but staff could not find the key.

An inquest heard that Jade Lines, 27, had been out for a day at the beach on the Isle of Grain with her boyfriend Chris Savage and his son, Ashlee, 11.

Miss Lines had complained of headaches on that day, May 4, so they had gone out for a walk.

But she suddenly collapsed on the way back to her boyfriend's home and died at the scene.

An inquest into Miss Lines' death was carried out by assistant coroner Katrina Hepburn at the Archbishop's Palace in Maidstone yesterday (October 18).

The cause of death was given as sudden arrhythmogenic death syndrome, also known as SADS.

It causes a cardiac arrest caused by an irregular rhythm of the heart and often leads to a sudden death.

It is common for the individual to be unaware of the medical condition which can run in families.

A GP report detailed how she had been treated for depression when her fiancée Colin suddenly died of incarceration of the lung.

Her sister Naomi Lines told the courtroom: "She wasn't herself. I was with her when he died and it was traumatic.

"She was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder."

Ms Hepburn admitted at the end of proceedings that "it might well have been the stress" that contributed to her death.

A police report filed by DS Martin Carter said officers were notified by the ambulance service of Miss Lines' collapse at 9pm that day.

She had collapsed at the side of the road by St James' Church of England in High Street, Isle of Grain.

They established a cordon but found no suspicious circumstances or signs of third party involvement.

The South East Coast Ambulance service's evidence stated that they were called at 8.50pm.

They arrived at 9.07pm but after an hour's attempt at resuscitation, there was no heart beat.

At 10.07pm, Miss Lanes had died.

CPR was administered by passers by who called 999.

The fire service then took over as the first responders after two young boys on pedal bikes raced down to the station and banged on the doors.

Mr Savage had gone down the road to The Hogarth Inn to find a defibrillator but the pub was unable to locate the key, he told the inquest.

Ms Hepburn is set to contact the pub to ensure this has since been rectified.

Professor Mary Sheppard gave a cardiovascular pathology report due to the unknown circumstances but due to the sudden cardiac arrest with a normal heart, she gave a diagnosis of exclusion.

She also advised the family to be screened as arrhythmogenic deaths can be genetic.

'There is no explanation'

Pathologist Dr McKenna also added that there were no abnormalities and that it was a morphologically normal death, giving the cause of death as a diagnosis of exclusion.

In her conclusion, Ms Hepburn said: "Depression medication did not contribute to her death.

"The post mortem showed nothing apparent to explain her death. The heart was sent to Ms Sheppard but showed the heart was normal and found a diagnosis of exclusion.

"I reach the conclusion that the death was naturally occurring.

"It seems that this is a case where there is no explanation and this is a diagnosis of exclusion.

"I find that Jade Lines died of sudden arrhythmogenic death syndrome and that is the conclusion that I reach.

"The conclusion that I reach is that this is a naturally occurring death. I'm very sorry for your loss."


From the By Nicola Jordan, 27 November 2023.

Historic former smugglers' pub The Hogarth Inn, Grain, up for auction.

A historic village pub which was once a popular haunt with smugglers is up for sale at auction.

The Hogarth Inn in Grain, which got its name after a visit from the English artist William Hogarth in 1732, is going under the hammer with a guide price of between £320,000 and £340,000.

It stands on the Hoo Peninsula, once a haven for the illicit trafficking of many sought-after items on the surrounding waterways,

A network of tunnels, including one reportedly underneath the Grade II-listed pub in the High Street, are dotted around the marshy and – what was then – isolated area.

Areas like Yantlett Creek, which divides the Isle of Grain from the rest of the peninsula, and the Chalk Marshes were ideal locations for those engaging in the illegal trade.

The hostelry was initially a private residence and then a post office before being converted into a pub, then called the "Cock Inn." (I don't believe that is correct, that was next door at 39 High Street. Paul Skelton)

One of the few pubs serving the rapidly expanding peninsula, it is popular among locals and ramblers.

It has residential accommodation on the first floor, with two bars and an outside seating area in the heart of the village.

It’s among 149 lots listed for the next online sale by Clive Emson, the land and property auctioneers.

Auctioneer John Stockey said: “This is a fine opportunity to buy a historic pub.

“It sits on a plot of 0.36 acres (0.15 hectares) and there might be potential for further development as long as all necessary consents are obtainable.

“The pub does need refurbishing and would make a great business for someone.

“Its historic nature just adds to its charm. And it has a huge chimney so Santa will have no problem leaving presents for the new owners.”

This sale will conclude on Wednesday, December 13.


The current (2024) owner of the building is John Woods who owns Maidstone Building Supplies. The current licensee running the pub is as yet unknown but isn't John Woods.



RAMSEY Paul & Debbie 2016-18+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-