62 Speedwell Street / Charles Street
St. Paul
Research suggests that the pub changed name to the "Empire
Hotel," but date of change unknown.
The address was given as Charles Street in 1862 & 95. Less this is a
different pub.
Orr's Kentish Journal, 17 May 1862.
Transfer of Licences.
"Lads of the Village," Charles-street, from C. W. Swift to John
Kentish Mercury, 20 May 1854
Petty Sessions.
The usual petty sessions, for the transfer of licences, was held on
Saturday last, at the Public Rooms, Croom-hill, before T. Lewin,
Esq., chairman; F. B. Hookey, Esq., J. Sutton, Esq., and E.
Eagleton, Esq., when the following transfers were made:
Deptford, St. Paul:
"Lads of the Village," Charles-street, Alfred Hervey, to William
The Kentish Mercury, 30 August, 1889..
August 27th. Present: Mr. M. W. Adamas (chairman). Col. H. M.
Gordon, Mr. J. E. Jolly, Mr. J. T. C. Wingfield, and Alderman J. E.
Applications were made for the transfer of the following
public-house licences:—
St. Paul, Deptford.
"Lads of the Village," from Thomas Benns to Edward
James Norris (adjourned from last section).
From a local paper, date unknown. 1889ish.
Harriett Houlihan, wife of the last prisoner, on a warrant,
assaulting Thomas Benns, landlord of the "Lads of the Village"
Charles Street, Deptford.
Mr. Raddle attended to prosecute.
The complainant said he had given evidence against the prisoner's
husband at that court, and after he got home she came into his house
and threw a jug at him. The jug struck the pull of the beer engine,
and was broken, some pieces striking him on the chest. A neighbour
pulled her out of the house.
The prisoner said she did throw the jug when the landlord refused to
serve her, but it did not strike him.
The gaoler said the prisoner had been to the court with her
husband’s tea in the jug. She was a hardworking woman.
Mr. Benns said he did not wish to press the charge.
Mr. Marsham ordered her to find one surety in £5 to keep the peace
for three months, or 21 days' imprisonment.
BIRD Thomas William 1847-May/48
BRYANT Charles May/Nov/1848
DOWLING Henry Nov/1848+
DAY Henry 1852+
HARVEY Alfred to May/1854
SPREADBURY William May/1854-58+
SWIFT C W to May/1862
HUNTER John May/1862+
IVEY William Henry Aug/1866-69+ (Charles Street)
EDWARDS Willian to Mar/1879

MANSER George Mar/1878-82+
(age 58 in 1881 )
BENNS Thomas to Aug/1889
NORRIS Edward James Aug/1889+
BANKS Benjamin 1895-99+
MARMER D G to Sept/1906 dec'd
(could be King Street)
DEAR John Sept/1906+
(could be King Street)
LAKER/LUKER Charles William 1910-15+ (age 40 in 1911 )
Kentish Mercury