Sort file:- Deptford, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest ????

Princess Royal

Latest ????

35 Regent Street (Effingham Place 1866)

St. Paul



According to the Lost Pubs Project the pub closed around 1896 and has since been demolished. They say that Regent Street is now called Frankham Street.


Not sure what happened but the Kentish Mercury of 1894 published that Patrick Arundle Hurley was replaced by James Neagle in March 1894, and also by Paul Henry Unwin in May 1894.


From the Woolwich Gazette, 26 August 1892.

Mr. Pook appeared for Mr. Neale, the applicant for the licence for the "Princess Royal," St. Paul's, Deptford been fined 20s. and 10s. costs at Greenwich Police Court, on February 25th, for assaulting a man.

Mr. Pook said the applicant was in possession, and was virtually granted the transfer at the last sessions on a certificate of good character from the police, but the case was adjourned for legal proof of tenancy. In the interim he was called upon to quell a disturbance in the house, with the result of a summons and a small penalty. He could call evidence to prove that the applicant was in no way to blame.

Captain Sheasby:- We cannot go behind the decision of the Police Magistrate, and the question for us is whether a man convicted of assault should hold the licence.

Mr. Pook:- Surely you will not deprive a man of his living for such a trifle?

Captain Sheasby:- The fault is not ours, but his.

Mr. H. M. Gordon dissented from this view, and thought they should have some sympathy for a man who had suffered in his zeal for preserving good order in his house.

The Bench consulting and the Chairman announced that the transfer would not be granted.


From the Woolwich Gazette, 16 February 1894.

Blackheath Petty sessions. Transfer of licences.

Several applications were adjourned for a month, the reason in nearly every case being non compliance with the rule which requires previous evidence of a yearly tenancy to be given to the clerk. In one instance, Mr. Pook, solicitor pleaded that the delay had been unavoidable and asked to have the transfer granted subject to the production of the agreement within 24-hours, but the Bench decided to uphold their rule.

The Adjourned cases were those of the "Princess Royal," St. Paul, Deptford; the "Crown," Lee; the "Fort," Woolwich; and the "Duke of Cambridge," Lewisham. The other transfers were granted.



CROUCH John 1826+

TUCKER Edward 1836+

JOHNSON Aaron 1837+

GARRETT William senior 1837+

GARRETT William junior 1839-40+

TIBBLES William to Jan/1847

HOWE Mary Ann Jan/1847+

TREGUNNO William 1851+

CLARK William to May/1851 (age 63 in 1851Census)

SEAMAN William May/1851-Jan/53

ALDOUS Thomas Jan/1853+

ALLOWAY Robert to May/1853

HALL Henry May/1853+

KELSEY John 1856+

BEACH James to Mar/1857

STEWARD William Mar/1857-Oct/59

DENYER Joseph George Oct/1859-Nov/60

LEFTWICH George Nov/1860+ (age 22 in 1861Census)

LEWIS James Aug/1866+

KINGWELL Hugh 1869-71+ (age 36 in 1871Census)

ARTHUR Benjamin Rake 1881+ (also traveller age 38 in 1881Census)

HOLDER Albert Thomas 1882+

STAINER Frederick 1891+ (age 26 in 1891Census)

GILBERT Charles to Aug/1892 Woolwich Gazette

HURLEY Patrick Arundel Aug/1892-Feb/94 Kentish MercuryWoolwich Gazette

NEAGLE James Feb/1894 Kentish MercuryWoolwich Gazette

HURLEY Patrick Arundel to May/1894 Kentish Mercury

UNWIN Paul Henry May/1894-95+ Kentish Mercury



Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury

Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
