The Courier, 10 March, 1905.
The Cherry Tree, Harrietsham.
Mr. Pitman appeared for the tenant of the "Cherry Tree," and "on"
beer house, situated in Harrietsham.
Police Sergeant Martin said the inhabitants of Harrietsham numbered
574, and the area was 2,494 acres. There were 5 licensed
houses in the district - viz. 2 ale and 3 "on" beer houses. The
inhabitants were 114 per house. The "Cherry Tree" only did a poor
Mr. Pittman:- Why have you selected this particular House?
Witness:- It is only a small house, and there was another public
house within a few yards of it.
Mr. George Hope, the tenant, said he had conducted the house for 10
years, and his father had it before him. His trade was two
and a half barrels on average per week.
The decisions.
After a retirement of nearly three quarters of an hour, the Chairman
announced the Magistrates decisions as follows:- The "Cherry Tree,"
Harrietsham, referred to quarter sessions. |