Sort file:- Tonbridge, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Earliest 1859-

Eagle Inn

Latest 1874+

High Street


Eagle location

Above photo, date unknown, showing the Umbrella shop, (right) where the "Eagle" used to stand.

Eagle location 2023

Eagle location 2023.


From the Sussex Advertiser, Tuesday 19 July, 1859.

Frederick Waller, of the "Eagle Inn," Tonbridge, was charged with opening his house for the sale of beer last Saturday afternoon before 5 o'clock.

P. C. Hoper said he saw five persons in the front room of the house, and a pot of something on the table. Saw the father of the defendant's wife take a pot and glass from the table and take them along the passage. After about 7 minutes the door was open to him. On entering he saw the father of the defendant's wife draw something. Went and accused him of drawing beer, and he said it was cider. On going into the front room he found there had been cider in the glass on the table. A young man named Faircloth said he had had a pot of cider, but no beer had been drawn. Before going in he saw the defendant's wife's father pour out what appeared to him to be ale.

P.C. Thirkell spoke to the defendant's speaking to P.C. Hoper at the Foresters' festival. Defendant said he didn't mind what money he paid if he could keep the case from coming before the court.

Defendant made his statements, denying that any beer was drawn at an improper time, and stating that he was ill in bed when the policeman came to his house.

George Barrow, blacksmith, of Leigh, the father of the defendant's wife, said he lodged at defendant's house on Sundays, and the party there on the occasion was invited there by him from Leigh. Witness treated them with a glass of cider each. Bought a pot of cider of between two and three of his son, and kept it till his friends came.

Faircloth having corroborated part of the last witnesses evidence, the Bench fined the defendant £1, and the cost 14s.


Kent Times, 10 May 1862.

To Beershop-keepers and others.

TO BE LET, the "EAGLE TAVERN", situate near the Town Hall, in the High Street of the town of Tonbridge.

For particulars apply to Messrs. J. T. and B. Baker, Quarry Hill Brewery, Tonbridge.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 10 April 1874.

Temporary authority was granted to Thomas Hobbs to sell beer at the "Eagle Tavern," Tonbridge.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 24 April 1874.


The certificate of the "Eagle Tavern," Tonbridge, was transferred from John Blundell to Thomas Hobbs.



WALLER Frederick 1859+

BLUNDEN John to Apr/1874 Kent and Sussex Courier

HOBBS Thomas Apr/1874+ Kent and Sussex Courier


Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
