Page Updated:- Monday, 28 June, 2021.


Earliest 1939-

Ingleton Hotel

Latest 1970s

(Name to)

75 Sea Road

Westgate on Sea

Ingleton Hotel 1965

Above postcard, 1965.


This is a hotel rather than a pub, but adding it to the site anyway.

Found as early as 1939, but as yet unknown to when it first opened.

John Drouot says the following:- The Ingleton was certainly there in the 1960s: my sister had a Saturday job there. The bar could be accessed by going down Cedric Rd, the street on the left of the photograph. The hotel was in Sea Rd, not Westgate Bay Avenue as you state on the web site. The building is now (2018) a Free House called the "Swan."


From an email received 15 May 2021.

I am one of 4 sisters. We stayed every summer until the youngest was 7 – then my mother agreed to get on a plane with us.

The Pilkington kids (glass family) also stayed with their nanny in the summer. They sang ‘Dominica, ica ica’.

My father spent time in the bar. My oldest sister sat on the grass above the beach with boys. I remember 1966 very well – the teens on the grass yelling when England won the world cup. Lots of noise from transistor radios (Trannies). I was on the beach below with mother and young sisters.


Chrissie Kimmons.


From an email received 28 June 2021.

This place brings back such memories… I used to work there clearing tables, cleaning glasses and stocking shelves back in the early 1970’s when I was 14, just before immigrating to Australia.

The things I remember most about the place was Sunday lunch times (back in the day when the pubs closed between lunch and dinner times). At around midday a local fisherman would bring in his basket of jellied eels, cockles and other seafood snacks he had caught in the morning and sell them to hungry patrons. In the background there would be an old couple that would play the piano in the front room and sing (he played and she sang). I can almost still picture them today.

When it was closing time, the doors would be locked and any of the local regulars who were still there we allowed to stay and have a drink with the old couple to finish off the day.

Clive Welti.



ROWAM Mabel & SIMMONS Madeline 1939+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
