Sort file:- Canterbury, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest 1889-


Latest 1889+

Peter Street

Rhodaus Town



Only reference to this so far is from Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 26 October, 1889.

Further information says "Canterbury Motor Co," but I don't know in what context to the pub.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 26 October, 1889.

TUESDAY. Before D. Amos, R. T. Fill, and W. R. Young, Esqs.


Mr. Edwin Bateman, of St. Peter's Street, was charged on remand with being drunk and disorderly.

Mr. Broughton appeared for defendant.

The evidence of the Police Constables having been read over, further evidence was called.

Sergt. Walter John King, 5th Lancers, said on Tuesday night he was in charge of a picket. About eleven he went outside the "Pavilion." He waited there about two or three minutes to see the place cleared, when a crowd assembled and he heard a police constable tell the prisoner if he did not go away he would take him into custody. Witness was then ordered away. In answer to the Superintendent, he did not notice whether prisoner was drunk or not. In answer to Mr. Broughton he was certain that the police constable spoke to prisoner. Mr. Broughton said before he addressed the Magistrates he wanted to withdraw the charge against the police that they were drunk. Mr. Frank Wacher, surgeon, said on Wednesday, the 16th of this month he examined Mr. Bateman and found him very tender and sore on the left side of his chest. Slight bruises on the left elbow, hand, and knee. On the left thigh a large, swelling and discolouration of the skin, and it was very difficult to account for it by a fall. It was such a bruise as might have been caused by a kick. All the injuries were of the same kind.

In answer to the Superintendent witness said they might have been caused by a fall on a rather sharp edge; such as a kerb stone.
Mr. Broughton, for the defence, said he was not going to say that Mr. Bateman had had nothing to drink that night, no doubt be had had a glass or two. On the previous day Mr. Bateman had seen something done by members of the police force in company with other people, and which he thought he ought to report. When he saw Jackson on the next evening be was ejecting two men from the "Pavilion," and Mr. Bateman thought he was exceeding his duty by the way he handled them. He told the policeman he should report him, when Jackson said "You had better go to the Police Station and do it now." He followed them to the Station, but was not allowed to see the Superintendent.

The Magistrates said they had given the case every consideration, and he had been ably defended by Mr. Broughton, but they failed to see how he had in any way disproved the charge. They had decided to fine him 20s. and 16s. 6d. costs to be levied by distress, or in default fourteen days’ hard labour.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
