Page Updated:- Saturday, 06 April, 2024.


Earliest 1997

Danson Stables

Open 2020+

Danson Park

Bexley Heath

020 8303 2071

Danson Stables 2019

Above photo, 2019.

Danson Stables 2019

Above photo, 2019.

Danson Stables sign 2016

Above sign 2016.

With thanks from Roger Pester


I would say this is operating more of a restaurant than a public house.

Originally built in 1760 as a stable block for the palladian mansion called Danson Park, the building is now Grade-II listed. Opened as a pub in 1997 by Bass then Mitchell & Butler. One of a large batch sold to Stonegate in 2010, renovated in a £30,000 investment in 2011. Great location in parkland but hard to access on foot as in the evenings only the Danson Road entrance is open, but during the day other entrances are available. Not as big as it looks on the inside.


From the By Stela Gineva, 16 July 2019.

Staff at Bexley pub 'retrained' after girl, 7, served raw chicken goujons.

Environment health officers paid a visit to the Danson Stables after one furious mum complained.

A mum-of-three was left furious after her children were served undercooked chicken at a recently renovated pub near Bexley.

Following a £300,000 refurbishment, the Danson Stables re-opened in late June under the management of Stonegate Pub Company.

Office manager Kali Richardson took her daughters Millie, 13, and Sophie, 7, for a meal on July 5.

The children ordered the Baked Chicken Goujons from the Kids Menu as part of a Pick'n'Mix deal priced at £3.99.

The meal arrived 'within five minutes' of placing the order and the children started eating.

Millie approached her mother to ask whether the food was 'okay' when she noticed the chicken's colour.

Ms Richardson immediately asked the children to stop eating, but Sophie, 7, had finished most of her meal already.

The 40-year-old said: "You don’t expect to go to a restaurant, order food, and your children are presented with raw chicken which could potentially have horrendous side effects."

Raw chicken is often contaminated with salmonella and E.coli among other bacteria, which are killed when the food is cooked properly.

Consuming uncooked chicken can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and potentially more serious conditions, according to the Food Standards Agency.

Ms Richardson's daughter, Sophie, suffered stomach aches following the meal, but as the symptoms did not progress further she did not need to be seen by a doctor.

Ms Richardson added: "I was disgusted. I was shaking with anger and went crazy at the manager."

She said the manager 'couldn't apologise enough' for the incident.

He explained that the food wasn't actually cooked on the premises and that the suppliers would be contacted.

Ms Richardson said: "Regardless of whether the food was cooked on the premises or not, it should have been checked before it was served to customers."

She added: "I will never eat there again. I mean, this is the most local restaurant to where I live.

"It's in my favourite park. It's a beautiful building. To sit there and have a drink is lovely but the food - they just can't get it right."

The mum had visited the pub for food on two other occasions and was not pleased after having to wait to be served for over an hour.

She published a public 'warning' post on a Bexleyheath Facebook page following the incident, which has been shared more than 300 times.

A spokesperson for the Danson Stables said: “This was an unfortunate one-off occurrence.

"As soon as we were alerted to the fact that a customer had been served undercooked chicken we took immediate action.

"The party in question was offered a full refund and all their meals were replaced.

"The matter was fully investigated to ensure that it does not happen again and Environmental Health officers visited the site after the event and have confirmed that no further action is required.”

Bexley Council's Environmental Health team confirmed that a complaint was received last Monday (July 8) regarding the consumption of raw chicken at Danson Stables.

A spokesman for the council said: "An Environmental Officer has attended the site in response to the complaint and has carried out an inspection.

"We have since been informed by Danson Stables management that its staff will be undergoing re-training."

The full report will be available by the end of this week.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-