Sort file:- Rochester, June, 2022.

Page Updated:- Friday, 03 June, 2022.


19 Oct 2018

(Name from)

Dead Pigeon

Open 2022+

378 High Street


Dead Pigeon 2019

Above photo, 2019.

Dead Pigeon sign 2019

Above sign 2019.


According to the What Pub web site the premises was originally known as the "Albion," and was operating at the end of the 19th century. However, at present I have found no information regarding this, and it doesn't appear to be the "Albion" addressed at 63 High Street, unless that is incorrect and the road has been renumbered. More recently the premises was operating as a micro-pub called the "Northern Seaman."


From the By Rachel Dixon, 5 November 2018.

The Dead Pigeon: New Rochester bar's name inspired by a dead bird called Dave.

A spooky sight inspired a new bar’s name and could ruffle a few feathers.

Friends Jamie Clark and Tom Mudge, both 30, were struggling to decide on a name for their new bar in High Street, Rochester.

But a strange discovery during refurbishment work provided their inspiration.

Tom Mudge & Jamie Clark 2018

Tom Mudge, left, and Jamie Clark at their new bar the Dead Pigeon in High Street, Rochester.

Mr Clark, of Rainham, said: “We found a dead pigeon. The previous owners had chalked round it, put two candles around it and wrote ‘RIP Dave’.

“We couldn’t think of a name so we decided to go with The Dead Pigeon.”

The pair got a dark arts expert in to investigate.

Mr Clark said: “The meaning is that the pigeon takes the burden of whatever went wrong before. It’s meant to mean we have a good new beginning and a good future ahead.”

They have kept one of the feathers but nothing more.

Mr Clark said: “We’ve had so many people asking us about it, they think we’re pigeon slayers. We want people to have a laugh at it, if we ruffle a few feathers, it’s okay.”

Dead Pigeon Dave

RIP Dave, the pigeon found before the bar was refurbished.

Medway-born Mr Clark and Mr Mudge launched The Dead Pigeon in the former "Northern Seaman" micropub.

They plan to hold comedy open mic nights, play lots of sport and have a smart phone quiz night every Monday.

Mr Clark said they were trying to offer unique drinks such as pear and nettle cider.

He added: “Our main drink is called The Dead Pigeon and it’s red like blood. It’s gin and coke so people think it sounds disgusting but everyone says it’s the best, so we challenge everyone to try it.

“We just want to do something a bit different and bring a bit of trendiness to our end of the High Street.”




MUDGE Tom & CLARK Jamie 2018-22+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
