Kentish Gazette, 18 May, 1774.
To be sold by auction, (upon the premises) by Henry's Swinny, on
Friday next, the 27th instant May, between
the hours of 3 and 5 in the afternoon, together or in two different
lots, and shall be agreed on at the time of
sale, (unless in the meantime disposed of by private contracts, of
which public notice will be given.)
All that Messuage or Tenement, being a good accustomed public house,
called the "Crown and Freemans Arms;"
with the Outhouses, Yard, and all conveniences thereunto belonging,
situate and being near the Warren in
Woolwich, in the county of Kent, in a street there leading from the
Warren to Warren Lane, and now in the
Tenure of William Knight as under tenant to Mr. Pettits.
The above house is let on Lease (which will expire at Christmas,
1780) to Mrs. Pettits, Brewer, at the yearly Rent
of £4 10s. only; but the expiration of the term will be capable of
very great advance.
And also all these two Messuages or Tenements, with the Outhouses,
Yards, and Appurtenances thereunto
belonging, and adjoining to the aforesaid, called the "Crown and
Freemans Arms," and now in the tenure of
Mrs. Herring and Mrs. Chambers, Tenants at Will, at the yearly Rents
together of £2 10s.
The Messuages in the Tenor of Mrs. Chambers was formerly called the
"Bell and Griffin," but is now inhabited as
a private house.
The Premises may be viewed by applying to Mr. Knight, the Tenant;
and for Particulars enquire of Mr. Lawrence
Ruck at Crayford; and of Messrs. Mann and Evans, Attorneys, at
Gravesend, Kent.