Sort file:- Greenwich, April, 2021.

Page Updated:- Monday, 12 April, 2021.


Earliest ????

Enderby House

Latest ????

Enderby Wharf


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Enderby House 1965

Above photo 1965, showing the "Enderby House" left.

Enderby House 2004

Above photo 2004.

Enderby House 2004

Above photo 2004.

Enderby House 2014

Above photo 2014.

Enderby House 2020

Above photo 2020.

Enderby 2021

Above photo showing the inside 2021.

Enderby inside 2021

Above photo showing the inside 2021.

Rooftop Terrace 2021

Above photo showing the Rooftop Terrace.

Enderby sign 2020

Above sign 2020.


Believed to have been built about the year 1830, Enderby House, stands on the bank of the River Thames, Proof that the Enderby family actually dwelt there is hard to find. but the nearest confirmation of their occupation of Enderby House so far found is in the Illustrated London News of Saturday, March 8, 1845 which  gives a description of a disastrous fire which occurred at the Enderby factory on the previous Sunday evening.


Illustrated London News and Sketch Ltd. Saturday, March 8, 1845.


"About 8 o'clock on Sunday evening, the extensive premises belonging to Messrs. Charles, Henry and George Enderby, patent rope, twine and canvas manufacturers, at East Greenwich, were discovered to be on fire. The flames were first observed from without, in the rope-walk at the rear of the factory, which was a strong brick building of about 140 feet long by 40 feet deep. It was not till daybreak on Monday morning that the firemen could extinguish the flames, when a scene of the utmost desolation presented itself. Of the main factory, which faced the Thames, and was the most prominent object on that bank of the river between Greenwich Hospital and Woolwich, nothing remained but its lofty. walls, which in the course of the day were blown down with tremendous force by the wind. The machinery it contained was most extensive, and its immense value can be better judged from the fact that its completion has occupied a space of ten years. The whole of it was destroyed. It is proved that flames were first seen raging in the store-room in the rope manufactory, which was detached from the main building, where there had not been a light for several weeks.

"There was a considerable quantity of manufactured goods deposited there, which were seen perfectly safe a few hours before the outbreak. The supposition is, therefore, that the fire either arose from spontaneous combustion, or was wilfully caused by some incendiary.

"The factory, or waterside premises, containing joiners' workshops, spinning, card and loom rooms, is totally destroyed. The hemp and spinning rooms over the engine and boiler house are burned out, and the roof has fallen in. The engine room beneath is considerably damaged. The weaving workshops, fronting the factory, are greatly damaged; the roof has been partly demolished by the falling of the opposite walls. They contained twelve weaving looms, worked by machinery, which are all damaged. The dwelling-house of Mr. Enderby, on the north side of the factory, is much damaged by fire, and most of the furniture and its contents destroyed, as also are the stores at the back, and part of the rope manufactory. The rope gallery, adjoining the manufactory, is a quarter of a mile in length; about 100 feet is gone, and but for the firemen cutting off the communication, the whole would have been levelled to the ground. Unhappily, upwards of 250 workmen are thrown out of employment by this calamitous event.

"The exertions made by the military, parochial and other authorities, as well as by the neighbours and work-people, during the conflagration, were very efficient in saving much valuable property. The loss to the worthy proprietors, we are happy to add, is well covered by insurances."


In 1948 the building was taken over by the "Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Company Limited." Members of the staff remember, its rooms as the staff dining rooms for many years.


From the By Darryl Chamberlain, 23 August, 2018.

Young’s asks for licence to turn Greenwich’s Enderby House into pub.

East Greenwich’s historic Enderby House is set to become a pub after one of London’s biggest chains applied for a licence to serve alcohol there.

Young’s wants the new pub to be able to serve alcohol from 8am to midnight Mondays to Saturdays, and 8am to 11.30pm on Sunday.

Built in 1846 by the Enderby whaling family, who were immortalised in the book Moby Dick, the Grade II-listed building had fallen into disrepair after being taken over by developer Barratt, which is building housing at Enderby Wharf.

Barratt has been renovating the Thames-side property, although there is currently no public access because of works on the river wall.

Campaigners at the Enderby Group want to see the wharf’s pivotal role in communications history – the first transatlantic cables were loaded there – commemorated at and around the house.


From the By Murky Depths, January 30, 2021.

Enderby House pub in Greenwich finally set to open.

After years of delay it finally appears that the new Enderby House pub in Greenwich is almost ready to open.

Fit-out appears almost complete and signage has been installed at the listed building – which has seen a modern extension constructed alongside. Young’s will operate the pub, as they do the "Cutty Sark" pub not too far along the Thames path. This will be their fourth in Greenwich alone including "Richard I" and the "Old Brewery."

It’s coming up to three years since I first covered plans for Young’s to operate the pub, and in early 2018 a summer opening was planned – which never materialised.

In early 2020 no opening was still in sight, and an application was made a year ago for essential work including “timber decay/dry rot eradication works including removal of windows, application of fungicidal treatment and reinstatement of windows.”

It’s not been an easy ride, but when we all return to something approaching normality there’ll be a new place to sit, eat and drink beside the Thames and watch the world go by.

History of the site.

Enderby House was home to the Enderby family involved in rope, twine and canvas manufacturing, as well as sponsoring whaling expeditions, and built in the 1830s. It’s now Grade II listed.

The signage of the sited is perhaps not the best reference of its history, looking a bit like the piping under my sink.

The interior appears to be the usual Young’s template seen in pubs regardless of age or location. All a bit corporate.

This even extends to the new additional extension as seen below beside the listed building:-

Enderby House new extension

New extension.

There’ll be no shortage of custom with Enderby Wharf homes alongside the pub, with plans for a tower to the north and then Morden Wharf just north of that.

New builds surround the pub.
Many thousands of residents will eventually join the thousands who now live in the immediate area.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-