Kentish Gazette, 31 May 1803.
On Friday the 24th day of June next, at three o'clock, in the
afternoon, at the "Butcher's Arms," in Headcorn, (subject to such
conditions as will be then produced) in four lots, by order of the
Assignees of Mr. John Boorman, timber-merchant, a Bankrupt.
Lot 1. A Messuage or TENEMENT, consisting of a good kitchen, two
parlours, brewhonse, washhouse, pantries, four exceeding good
bedchambers, with garrets, and all other the outbuildings and
conveniences, two wood lodges, barn, fatting lodge and yards,
together with ten pieces or parcels of exceeding fertile land,
arable, meadow, and pasture, containing 36 acres, in Headcorn, and
at a small distance from the town; also a cottage, and several
pieces or parcels of land, arable, meadow, and pasture, containing
eight acres; also two cottages in the occupation of Sherlock Thorp;
and also a new built stable, late in the occupation of the said
bankrupt. There are two exceeding good gardens, well planted with
the choicest fruit trees, and a thriving orchard of the best of
apples on the premises, lately in the possession of the said
Bankrupt. The situation is eligible and the soil exceeding kindly,
and the whole promises arc are held under lease, 63 years of which
will he unexpired at Michaelmas next, at the very low rent of £28.
per annum, out of which land-tax and quitrents are allowed. And the
whole forma a most desirable situation, well worthy the notice of
those who may wish for a rural and comfortable situation; and at the
expiration of the said lease, provided the proprietors should not be
inclined to purchase the said houses and buildings, a reasonable and
competent time is allowed to remove the same, which much increase
the value of the said lease.
Lot 2. A Piece or Parcel of Meadow Land, containing by estimation
one acre, situate near Stephen's Bridge, in Headcorn, now in the
tenure of Stephen Goodwin.
Iot 3. The Late Estate and Interest of the said Bankrupt, in a
message, with the appurtenances and two acres of land, situate in
the parish of Lenham, in the county of Kent, in the occupation of
John Hadler, at a low rent.
Lot 4. An extensive Wharf, with a large and commodious warehouse,
exceedingly Well situated and calculated for trade, at Standard Key,
in Faversham, held under an agreement lease, from Messrs. Fairbrass
and Company, at the yearly rent of £21. per annum.
Note. Immediate possession may be had of Lot 4, and all the
tenants have notice to quit at Michaelmas next.
The estates may be viewed and farther particulars had, by
application to Mr. Joseph Lee, of Boy Court Farm, near Headcorn, one
of the Assignees of the estate and effects of the said Bankrupt.
And all persons indebted to the estate of the said Bankrupt, or
who have any of his effects, are desired forthwith to pay and
deliver the same to the said Joseph Lee, otherwise they will be
proceeded against without farther notice.
May 30. 1803.