Sort file:- Sittingbourne, November, 2023.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 07 November, 2023.


Earliest ????

King Henry

Latest 1805-

(Name to)

East Street



Changed name to the "Plough" some time before 1805.


Kent Gazette Reports 16 August 1805.


ON Tuesday the seventeenth of September next, at the "George Inn," in Sittingbourne, at five o’clock in the afternoon, unless previously disposed of by private contract, (of which the earliest notice will be given in this paper).

The following Freehold Estates, in four lots.

Lot 1. That long established Public House, formerly the "King Henry," but now known by the sign of the "Plough," at the east entrance of Sittingbourne, with the garden, stable, yard, all the out buildings now standing thereon, and appurtenances, in the occupation of Mr. Edward Langshaw, under an agreement to quit on the tenth day of October next.

Lot 2. Two pieces of excellent Pasture, planted with cherries, in high perfection, together with a garden, stable, and cart lodge, containing in the whole 2a. 2r. 19p (be thereof more or less) situate south of Sittingbourne, towards the cast end thereof, and adjoining lot 1.

Lot 3. One other piece of Orchard Ground, containing 2a. 0r.5p (more or less) planted chiefly with pears, adjoining lot 2. and extending to the London road, presents a front of about 316 feet, exceedingly eligible for building on, either for making a handsome addition to the admired Village to which it is contiguous, or with a view to increase the trade of lot 1, for it is almost exclusively situate.
The Pasture of lots 2 and 3, with that of a small corner piece containing about 40 perches and adjoining lot 3, is let to Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Smith, at tenants at will for the yearly rent of twenty five pounds. The garden, with its fruit, forming part of lot 9, to Mr. Milliner, tenant at will, for two guineas per year; and the fruit of the whole, exclusive of the said garden, to Mr. Milliner, on a lease which expires at Lady Day, 1815, tender covenants to pay the tithe and keep up the plantation, and at the yearly rent of thirty pounds.

Lot 4. A small compact Farm, called Pinks, situate at Dungate, in the parish of Rodmersham, about two miles from Sittingbourne, comprising a dwelling house, and barn, with twelve acres of land (be thereof more or less), one acre of which, planted with ash and willow, in a very thriving state, is in hand, and the remainder being arable, meadow, and orchard, now let to Thomas Spice, tenant at will, at the yearly rent of sixteen guineas.

The timber on lot 4, and the growth of the wood are to he taken by the purchaser at a fair valuation.

The land tax on lots 2, 3, and 4 is exonerated.

Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. Gibbons, at Sittingbourne; or to Mr. J. Gibbons, Evershead Place, in Oakley, near Darking, Surrey.





If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-