From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 29 September, 1855.
Meeting of Licensing Magistratess.
On Thursday last, the annual adjourned licensing session was held at
the magistrates’ room, Crooms hill, for the purpose of renewing and
granting licenses, when the following magistrates were present:—Sir
T. Maryon Wilson, Bart., Thomas Lewin, Esq , Coles Child, Esq., John
Sutton, Esq., and Edward Eagleton, Esq. The jury lists for the
respective parishes were brought in and verified upon the oath of
the several overseers.
The following licenses were granted, "Admiral Sir Charles Napier,"
Amersham vale, New Cross road, Deptford;
"Roupell Arms," Lower Woolwich road;
"Raglan Arms," Raglan street, Plumstead;
"Bull's Head," High street, Crayford.
Orr's Kentish Journal, 26 April 1862.
Martha Naylor, Charlton, was summoned for assaulting Robert
Nichells, a toll collector, and wilfully tearing his coat at the "Roupell
Arms," Lower-road, Woolwich. The defendant denied the assault, and
said she tore the coat by accident. The magistrate fined her 20s.
damage, or 21 days.