Sort file:- Dover, September, 2021.

Page Updated Dover:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1864

(Name from)

American Stores

Latest 1865

(Name to)

8 Last Lane (Bourman's Lane)



Possibly the origin of this pub was the "Lass" that was present in 1776, but without a definite address it may be yet another in the same street.

A new licence was granted to Beard in 1864, which might suggest the opening or reopening. When Mr. James arrived on the scene the following year his first act was to change the name to "Who'd a' Thought It".

However, the following article shown below suggests that a new license was again permitted as last as January 1870. The licensee being Frank Marin who is also shown as licensee of the "Who'd a Thought It," the same year. I believe the name confusion was caused by an error on behalf of the Dover Express.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 January, 1870.


In this case Mr. Minter made application for a fresh license. The Bench, at the annual licensing meeting, granted the certificate to a person named Evans. Subsequently there was some dispute between Evans and his landlord. The dispute was heard before the Bench, and it was agreed that Evans should give his house up, and transfer his license. A new tenant named Murray was found; but on his applying for the transfer, the Superintendent of Police raised an objection, he being refused a certificate in another district for harbouring improper characters in his house. The bench therefore very properly declined to transfer the house to him. The landlord had now obtained another tenant in the person of Mr. Frank Marin, who was well known in Dover, and in whose favour testimonials would have been given both by the Mayor (Mr. Birmingham) and Mr. Latham, were it proper in a case of this kind for gentleman sitting on the Bench to give testimonials to character. He believed that Mr. Marin was well known to the Superintendent, and he should be glad for Mr. Coram to be asked whether there was any reason why he should not have the license granted to him.

Superintendent Coram said he knew nothing whatever against Mr. Marin.

Two or three technical objections arose as to the granting of a new license, the previous license not having been formally cancelled; but evidence was given that the original holder of the license had caused his name to be painted out, and had ceased to have any connection with the house.

The Magistrates granted the license in this case also.




BEARD A 1864-65

MARIN Frank 1870+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
