Sort file:- Folkestone, September, 2021.

Page Updated Folkestone:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Jan Pedersen

Earliest Dec 1885

Arteries Tavern

Latest Apr 1886

 Arts & Treasures Exhibition site


Arts and Treasures Exhibition building

Above picture shows the premises built for the Arts and Treasures Exhibition 1885. From the Illustrated London news May 26 1886.


This was built as a temporary watering hole by the builder H. M. Moody to cater for his workmen who were building the Arts and Treasures Exhibition building between December 1885 and April 1886, so it was only open for a mere 5 months. The public house was housed in a shed which also contained  a soup kitchen and coffee palace for the workers. At the end of its life it was unfortunately pulled down.

The original National Treasure Art Exhibition, was held in Manchester from 5th May to 17th October 1857. This Arts and Treasures Exhibition ran from 26th May 1886 but was closed in October after making a loss of £27,000. It resembled a miniature Crystal Palace and a special railway line was laid from the Shorncliffe station to the site.

 After closure in October 1887 the Folkestone Pleasure Gardens Company purchased the site for a mere £2,100 and converted  it into a popular entertainment centre, including a theatre and this was eventually demolished in 1964, only to be replaced by an insurance company. The town's Police Station now occupy the site,



WEDDERBURN B E Dec/1885-Feb/86


Folkestone News 6 February 1886.

Extract from a report on the building works at the Arts and Treasures Exhibition.

We noticed that every accommodation appears to be provided for the comfort of those occupied in the construction of the building, notably a soup kitchen and coffee palace, and last but not least, The Arteries Tavern and it's adjoining refreshment buffet, thus providing for such as have little time at their disposal to go further afield for creature comforts.


Folkestone News 20 February 1886.

Extract from a report on the building works at the Arts and

Treasures Exhibition.

The table d'hote at Ye Arteries Tavern for the accommodation of the staff takes place daily at one o'clock, through the kindness of Mr. Wedderburn, the proprietor of the West Cliff Hotel, where accommodation may be found for man and beast, and worthy John Stonham has charge of the hostelry.

Note: No mention of Stonham in More Bastions. Was he possibly manager?


Folkestone News 17 April 1886.

Local News.

The poor old Arteries Tavern is pulled down. Alas!, it's spirit is fled, and the poor workmen upon the Exhibition are walking about with tears in their eyes.



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-