Sort file:- Sandwich, March, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 18 March, 2024.


Earliest 1823-

Black Horse

Latest 1970

89 Strand Street


Black Horse 1940s

Above photo circa, 1940s, kindly sent by Michael Mirams. (Showing the rear of the pub and Sir Roger Manwood's school in the background.)

Black Horse regulars 1950

Above photo circa 1950, left to right, Harry Pay, Alf Fasham, Bert Rogers (toll keeper), Charles Craycraft, Maurice "Moss" Rogers, Mrs. Kingsland (landlady), others unknown.

Black Horse 1952

Above photo, 1952. Creative Commons Licence.

Black Horse ledger

Thompson and Sons ledger, 1950-1963. Creative Commons Licence.

Black Horse 1956

Above postcard, 1956, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Black Horse and licensees

Above photo shows Mr. Kingsland and his wife standing outside their pub the "Black Horse." Date unknown.

From the East Kent Mercury, 26 June, 2014.

Former Black Horse 2014

Above photo 2014.

Black Horse was the smallest pub in town

One of the most historic pubs in Sandwich - and the smallest -closed its doors in 1970.

The Black Horse on Strand Street opened in 1823 and was owned by the same family for 80 years.

The building was probably an outbuilding of nearby Manwood Court and could be more than 400 years old.

The old picture shows owners Mr and Mrs Kingsland standing outside the pub.

Another landlord of the Black Horse, Mr H. G. Humphries, met an untimely death in 1839. He was stepping from a lighter, a type of open boat, lying near flow-gates at Salt Pans, about two miles from Sandwich, when his foot slipped.

He fell into the river and the current caused the flood gates to open and he was carried down the stream.

The pub was described as very quaint, with ales being served straight out of the barrel.

Gin was 11 shillings a gallon and one pound of tobacco was three shillings and 10d.

The last owners proposed to convert the building into a residential property in 1970, scheduled under the Town and Country Planning Act.

It has also been described as the smallest in Sandwich, but now it is a large detached house with large garden and patio area.

From a simple public house to a luxurious home, it has changed significantly in the last 34 years as the pictures show.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 9 March, 1839. Price 5d.

On Saturday last, Mr. H. G. Humpfries, Landlord of the "Black Horse," in Sandwich, met an untimely death. He was in the act of stepping from a Lighter, lying close to the flow-gates, at Salt Pans, about two miles from Sandwich, when his foot slipped, and he was precipitated into the river; and in consequence of the current, caused by the flood gates being open, he was carried down the stream, and all attempts at rescuing him proved unavailing. Several persons from the town have been engaged during the whole week in searching for his body; but without success.


From the Kentish Gazette, 12 March 1839.

Melancholy Accident.

On Saturday last Mr. Humphry, landlord of the "Black Horse," Sandwich, in attempting to step from a barge to the shore, at Stonar Cut, fell into the river, and notwithstanding all endeavours to save him, the water running rapidly at the time, he was drawn through the sluice and unfortunately drowned. Deceased was almost forty years of age, and has left a wife and three children to lament their loss.


From the Dover Express, 30 January 1970.

Historic Inn soon to close.

One of Sandwiches most historic and also its smallest will soon close its doors.

The "Black Horse" in the same family for over 80 years is to be converted, like so many more of the town's hostelries, into a private house.

Miss Ruth Kingsnorth, Black Horse landladyThe building was probably an outbuilding of nearby Manwood Court and could be over 400 years old.

The licensee, Miss Ruth Kingsland, has been landlady for ten years since the death of her mother. She was born there when her father was landlord and has all his meticulous records of business since he took over in 1886.

These show the changing value of the trade. Gin was booked in at 11s. a gallon and one pound of tobacco at 3s. 10d.

The owners Messrs. Charrington, have been asked to supply detailed plans of their proposals to convert the building. It is a scheduled property under the Town and Country Planning Act.

The photographs shows Miss Ruth Kingsnorth behind the bar of the "Black Horse" this week.


From an email received 2 March 2015.

Thank you for the photograph and information regarding this inn. This has been very useful and appreciated as it help me flesh out the history of an individual that I am researching. I collect Victorian Campaign medals issued to men of the Kent regiments. One of these gents is James Mooney.

James served for over 21 years in The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). He was born in Mansfield, Chester in 1840. He enlisted on the 23 February 1866 working as a labourer at the time. He retired on 22 November 1887 his intended place of residence was given as the "Black Horse Inn," Sandwich, Kent. This is confirmed by the 1891 census showing James (aged 45) as the licensed victualler of the "Black Horse." He is living there with his wife Sarah Ann (nee Cox) (aged 33) and Emily Cox (aged 17).

James and Sarah Ann married at the Parish Church in the parish of Christ Church, Folkestone on the 6 April 1881.

James died on the 2 July 1891, still the licensed victualler of the "Black Horse," his wife was nominated as the administrator of the estate - he left £44 7s 6p.

Sarah Ann then went on to marry John Kingsland in the third quarter of 1892 at Eastry. Sarah Ann died on the 1 January 1900 and was buried at Saint Mary the Virgin church in Sandwich. Sarah Ann left her estate valued at £56 2s 1p to John Kingsland working as labourer.

Hope this is useful and again thank you for the photos of the Inn.


Robert Hooper.



TAYLOR Richard 1823-28+ Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1828-29

ELGAR William 1832-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

HUMPHREYS Henry G 1839Dover Telegraph dec'd (1840+ Pigot's Directory 1840)

HUMPHREY Sarah Mrs 1847-61+ (age 58 in 1861Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847Post Office Directory 1855Melville's 1858

GRAHAM Robert 1862+ Kelly's 1862

WOLFE George 1874-86 (age 57 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Kelly's 1874Post Office Directory 1878Post Office Directory 1882

MOONEY James 1888-2/July/91 dec'd (age 45 in 1891Census)

KINGSLAND Mrs Sarah Ann 1899-1/Jan/1900 dec'd Kelly's 1899Deal Mercury

KINGSLAND John Mar/1900-3/Aug/33 (age 31 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922

KINGSLAND Mrs Emily 3/Aug/1933-61 (age 65 in 1939) Kelly's 1934

KINGSLAND Miss Ruth 1961-70


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1855From the Post Office Directory 1855

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Kelly's 1862From the Kelly's Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Kelly's 1874From the Kelly's Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Dover TelegraphFrom the Dover Telegraph



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
