Sort file:- Dover, October, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 20 October, 2024.


Earliest 1849

Diamond Brewery

Latest 1907


Diamond Brewery map 1922

Above map of the Diamond brewery ground, 22 October 1922.

Diamond Brewery

Maxton in the 1890's, with the old manor house on the left and the Diamond Brewery in the centre. E. Dawes and Sons' brewery sign on the left spans the yard which still exists between the Diamond Stores, in Folkestone Road, and the premises occupied until recent years by Mr Hector Langford, the newsagent. The gently sloping roof of the building on the right is that of a barn which has long been used as a garage but once housed the brewery drays. Two of the drays are visible on the right of the picture which was taken by Whorwell, of Bench Street, and published in the Dover Standard's illustrated visitors' list in the 1890s.


In the 1890s, the manor house, which stood just beyond the old tram terminus, now a council garage adjoining the Orange Tree public house, became the home of a Mr Dawes, who ran the Diamond Brewery for a time and also had the Diamond Stores next door. An old barn believed to have been used to house the brewery drays, still stands, set back from the road at the side of the Diamond Brewery Stores and off-licence. Another building at the rear, used until recent years by Whitbreads, was the old granary of the brewery. The Diamond Brewery had a succession of owners, including "T. Phillips and Co.", who took over from Mr Dawes, and Allen and Co. The site of the manor house, which was demolished in the first half of the 20th century, is now occupied by a petrol filling station.

Diamond advert 1881

Advert that appeared in the Folkestone Express, early 1881.

Diamond Brewery Advert






In their 1890s advertisement, reproduced below, Dawes and Sons offered their speciality - a luncheon ale costing one shilling a gallon!



Information taken from John Bavington Jones' book "A Perambulation of the Town, Port and Fortress of Dover", 1906. (Reprint in The Dover Express, 7th November, 1980.)

From Coopers and Custom Cutters by Janet Probyn Worthington.

The Diamond Brewery

The Diamond brewery was the building closest to Maxton Manor on the Folkestone Road and it is believed to have been built by Henry Worthington after he bought the property from John Minet Fector, Esq. in 1849.

At various times of his life, such as the christening of his seventh child Maria Henrietta Adelaide on 2 December 1840, Henry gave his occupation as that of wine merchant or brewer. The yearly registers of Dover Freemen regularly record Henry as a wine merchant at Snargate Street in 1832/3, at Strond Street in 1834/5 and as an innkeeper in 1836. A notice in the Dover Telegraph on 6 September 1834 reports that J. Poulter had taken over Henry Worthington's (wine, spirit and porter merchant) business at 157 Snargate Street, Dover. Mr. Poulter was perhaps only managing the business because the following information was placed in the Dover Telegraph on 29 April 1843 by Henry: 'extensive offices and warehouses, no.157 Snargate Street, where places can be secured for the several trains and parcels, goods and luggage booked and forwarded to any part of the kingdom with the utmost regularity and dispatch'.

Caves situated in the limestone cliffs of Finnis Hill, Dover, a very good storage place for wine because of the even temperature and humidity, were listed beside Henry's name in the rating book for St Mary's Parish, Dover ('Pier Ward') 1838-9. Valued at £7 10s. with an assessment of 2s. 6d., these caves are still used for storage. Another entry attributed to Henry in the same rating book was for a lodge with a valuation of £15, and an annual assessment of 5s.

The name Worthington appears as owner of 'wine vaults near Snargate Street' on 19 February 1841 when George Gray was the occupier. A Worthington may have owned these vaults prior to this date. However the church record books for the 1830's do not name the owner of a property, only the occupier. George Gray occupied the property here as far back as 1818 but it is described as a house on Western Heights. It is not described as wine vaults until 3 November 1840. Perhaps this was the date when the Worthington's purchased them. George Gray ceases to occupy them by 10 November 1843 and 'Worthington' occupied the wine vaults from 16 February 1844 to 16 August 1844. B. and H. Worthington occupied the vaults from 16 February 1846 until 20 November 1846 and David Barnard occupied them from 16 July 1847 to 27 April 1850 although B. and H. Worthington still owned them.

An article in the Dover Express and East Kent News on Friday, 26 December 1941 queried the 'much discussed origin' of the Snargate Street caves. The journalist refers to a book called Ireland's History of Kent (published 1829) which said: We are informed by Mr Batchellor that Mr Hight, in constructing the wine vaults for Mr Worthington, in Snargate Street, when excavating the ground for a poaded vault, at about ten feet from their entrance discovered in the fissures of the rock the beach that had been washed in by the force of the waves; and, at a few feet farther from the entrance, masses of beach were clearly discernible; affording convincing proof that the sea formerly washed against the base of the cliffs in question. The article went on to say that although the date Mr. Hight built the vaults had not been found, a Mr. Hight, builder, lived at 7 St James' Terrace, Dover in 1837. The caves belonged at some stage to the once well-known firm of wine merchants Messrs. Court & Co, who were in business in Snargate Street prior to 1837 and it is possible that the vaults constructed for the Worthingtons may have been an addition to the network of caves already in use by Mr. Court. A plan of this firm's use of the caves was printed in an Official Illustrated Guide to the South-Eastern Railway, issued in 1863.

In Kelly's 1855 Directory, Henry Worthington is described as a farmer and brewer of Folkestone Road in the Parish of Hougham. Henry alone is listed as owner of the Snargate Steet wine vaults from 17 October 1855 until 8 January 1863, with D. Barnard the occupier. The Crown appears as owner in October 1863 and Barnard and Co. own and occupy them from January 1864.

Two of Henry's sons were known to be brewers. The last record of a brewer in the family relates to his youngest son Robert. The 1870 Kent Post Office Directory includes under brewers: Robert Worthington, Maxton, Hougham, Dover.

The brewery premises, along with all his estate in Maxton, were left in Henry's will dated 16 December 1865, to his brothers-in-law, the Rev. Peter Harnett Jennings of Longfield Rectory, Gravesend and Robert Finnis Jennings of River, Esquire. These properties were left in trust, to pay yearly rent equally to his daughters Sophia and Maria Henrietta while they remained single. Upon their marriage or deaths the properties were to be sold at auction. After Sophia's death in Rome in 1883 and Maria's 1885 marriage in Rome the estate was auctioned on 30 July 1885 in accordance with the terms of the will. John James AlIen was the successful bidder for '...All the Manor or Lordship of Maxton in the Parish of Hougham otherwise Huffam... And also all the messuage of dwellinghouse called Maxton with the Brewery brick chimney shafts and other erections and buildings.' AlIen payed £1,500 for the house and grounds and £350 for the brewery. His purchase also included: 'all that messuage or tenement beer house and premises known by the name or sign of the "Hare and Hounds" and the appurtenances thereto belonging situated at Maxton'. It appears from the property's sale indenture that Robert Worthington was the lessee of the brewery and beer house which were situated within a mile of each other.

The brewery was sold again in 1889 to Stanley Single; in 1891 to Edwin Dawes and in 1898 to Thos. Phillips and Co. Ltd., brewers of West MaIling, Kent and Dover against whom a winding up order was made in December 1907. On 14 April 1908 the first meeting of creditors was heard in London and the deficiency of funds was estimated at £55,000. The company and its assets were sold off and Alfred Leney & Co. of Phoenix Brewery, Castle Street, Dover, purchased the Diamond Brewery and other properties. It was then run as an Off Licence with parts sold gradually over the years."

Malt House
Diamond Brewery Map
Diamond Brewery LabelDiamond Brewery Label

Above shows two bottle labels from the Diamond Brewery.


Maxton Post Office 1900

Maxton Post Office circa 1900. Kindly sent by Paul Wells. This later became the Diamond Stores.

Diamond Stores back

Photo kindly supplied by Jan Pedersen showing the buildings just at the back of the "Diamond Stores."

Diamond brewery 2009

Above picture taken from Google June 2009 showing the same area taken from the opposite direction. The building shown above would have been where the cars parked under the PROTON sign are now.


Maxton Post Office 2019

Above photo, 2019.

Diamond Stores sign 1980

Above sign which hung outside the off-license, 1980.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 12 October, 1877. Price 1d.


A great deal of excitement has been caused in the town by the death, on Sunday last, of a labourer named James Whaley, at Maxton, from hydrophobia. It is to be regretted that, in a case of so much importance to the public at large, a coroner's inquest was not held in order that the whole of the facts might be placed on record. As far as we can gather the particulars it appears that four weeks ago last Monday morning Whaley, who is employed at Maxton brewery, went at three o'clock in the morning into the brewery yard to call up a man who lives there. On passing in at the gate he saw there a large strange dog. Whaley made a pretence of throwing at the dog in order to frighten it him away, but the dog instead of bolting made a dash at the man and bit him on the forehead, over the eye. The dog then disappeared. We understand that in the course of the day Whaley came into the town to a chemist to have the wound dressed, but that the chemist (we have not heard who he was) did not regard the bite as being serious. A neighbour at Maxton, however, was not so comforting to the poor fellow, for on his showing her the bite, she remarked “Well, Jim, poor as I am, I would not have that bite which you have for a thousand pounds.” Time passed on, the wound healed, and Whaley thought but little more of it until Friday morning last when he was taken ill. On Saturday he grew worse and on Sunday he went raving mad. Mr. Clement Walter and Mr. Grandison attended him, but their services were altogether unavailing, the case being regarded as hopeless from the first. In the earliest part of Sunday the poor fellow, thought very excited, was sensible, but towards the evening he tried to leap out of the window, and eventually it was the work of six men to hold him. The neighbours say that towards the last his cries were like the bark of a dog. He died on Sunday evening in terrible agony.

Turning from the sad scene to the animal that was the cause of the calamity, at appears that on the day that Whaley was bitten a rabid dog was seen running about Buckland and he was snapping at all dogs that came in his way. Mr. R. H. Jones, going to the Police Court the same morning, gave information of the facts to the Police, and Sergeant Johnston and Constable Ash went in search of the dog and at 11.30 a.m. they found him lying exhausted in a garden at the back of Mr. Ashdown's paper mill. The Officers procured a double-barrelled gun, with which they shit the dog, and buried him on the spot. The animal is described as being of the lurcher breed, of considerable size, standing about a yard high. In his career up Buckland, he is suppose to have bitten several dogs, more particularly one belonging to Mr. Jones, of Mr. Mannering's Mill, which dog has been shot, and another, belonging it is said to Miss Loud, and that one has been kept chained up since, but we believe shows no signs of madness. The Police have since heard of some other dogs which were bitten, and the owners of them have been cautioned.

The consternation caused by this case of hydrophobia has brought out statements that there are several persons in the borough who have been bitten. One man and two children are specified, but the bites have been cauterized, and it is hoped that no bad results will follow. We learn, too, that a lady visitor (a well-known authoress) staying here has been bitten.

It is not surprising that with such a state of things existing an application should have been made to the Mayor by the Superintendent of Police for the prohibition of dogs, not under control, from being in the streets. We have several times urged, during the past summer, that such a course should be adopted, and the precaution taken late is better late than never. The order is to the effect that dogs in the street must either be muzzled or be led by some one in charge. It will be the disagreeable duty of the Police to take into custody all dogs found at large. If the owners apply for them, we suppose they will be liable to a penalty for allowing them to be at large; if they do not supply for them the dogs will be destroyed.


Dr. G. O. Drewry, editor of “Health,” in an article in this month's number, makes the following statements (1.) that Hydrophobia is on the increase. (2.) That the poison causing Hydrophobia is always communicated by the saliva of the dog passing by a bite into the blood or an open wound. (3.) That no person actually attacked with Hydrophobia ever recovered. (4.) That many persons are bitten by mad dogs without having the disease. (5.) That the disease very seldom appears later than three months after the bite. (6.) that the best remedy is burning with a hot iron, or sucking the bite, which is not dangerous. (7.) That Hydrophobia might be stamped out by preventing dogs from running at large.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 7 April 1870.


A fire of a rather serious nature occurred on Monday afternoon, at Mr. Worthington's Brewery, on the Maxton Estate, Folkestone Road. It is supposed to have originated from a spark from the chimney of the steam engine blowing on to the thatched roof of the store-house adjoining, for when first discovered the flames were rising from this building. All hands on the brewery, together with a few persons gathered near, immediately went to work, and threw buckets of water upon the fire; but the flames by this time had obtained complete mastery of the building, and all hopes to save the property were given up. The main object now was to keep the brew-house and adjoining buildings that the fire had not touched cool, and prevent it if possible from spreading. Several gentlemen from Dover who were upon the spot, rendered great help in superintending these proceedings. The only water that was available was from a well adjoining. The scanty supply of water that has been resorted to in the first instance was soon exhausted, and beer and porter barrels were tapped and their contents thrown in buckets full over the burning mass. Shortly after, the engine arrived from Dover and the fire was extinguished. The actual cause of the fire is at present unknown, and the damage is estimated at from £300 to £400. Mr. Worthington is, however, insured in the "Alliance" Office.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 12 July, 1889. Price 1d.


Mr. Spain applied for the transfer of Maxton Brewery from Mr. J. Allen to the present proprietor. (Stanley Single)


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 July, 1891. Price 1d.


This was a claim of £14 5s. 10d. loss of commission by reason of dismissal from the defendant's service.

Mr. M. Mowll appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. A. Harby for the defendant.

From the statements of the solicitors, and the evidence of the plaintiff, at appeared that the plaintiff was traveller to Mr. Single, at the “Diamond Brewery,” Maxton. He had been in the situation for some years. At the end of January an agreement was entered into by the defendant and plaintiff, according to which he was to have 20s. a week and 5 per cent. commission on all money collected for orders he received. At the end of February he was dismissed, he having first given notice, and two week's salary, £2, was paid in lieu of notice. He was also paid 7s. 8d. commission. The claim was for £8 15s. 10d. percentage on money he had collected during February on orders he had received before the agreement was entered into, which he claimed under a clause in the agreement, and £6 commission lost by his dismissal.

His Honor having heard the various arguments and the plaintiff's evidence, said that the plaintiff could not claim a commission on money he received for orders obtained before the agreement had existed. On the second claim he awarded the plaintiff 30s.

This concluded all the business of public interest.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 3 July, 1914. Price 1d.


At the Dover Police Court this (Friday) morning, before Mr. M. Pepper (in the chair), Messrs. G. C. Rubie, Edward Chitty, and H. Hobday.

An application was made by Mr. G. Wood, for a temporary transfer of the licence of Maxton Brewery, from Mr. A. C. Wilson to Messrs. Lukey and Co., wine merchants.

The Chairman: How long have you held the licence?

Mr. Wood: Since we acquired the property, and we temporarily held the licence until we got a tenant.

The chairman: Then it does not come under the nine months clause.

The Magistrates' Clerk: No.

Mr. Chitty: is trade being carried on at the present time?

Mr. Wilson: Oh, yes.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 2 October, 1914. Price 1d.


Allsopp's Stores, Strond Street were transferred from Mr. Terson to Mr. Sandford, for Messrs. G. Beer and Co., who are using them as stores.

The Maxton Brewery Stores from Mr. Watson to Mr. J. E. Lukey.


Found by Jan Pedersen at a boot fair 10 June 2011.

Diamond brewery container 1885-89 Diamond brewery container 1885-89

Photographs kindly supplied by Jan Pedersen.


Bought by Alfred Leney Co Ltd, after closure in 1907, until bought out by Fremlin Brothers brewery of Maidstone in 1926, brewing at the Dover brewery ceased in 1927, which later passed to Whitbread.


FECTOR John Minet 1849

WORTHINGTON Henry 1849-65

WORTHINGTON Robert 1865-85

ALLEN John James 1885-July/89 Dover Express

SINGLE Stanley July/1889-91 Dover Express

DAWES E & Sons 1891-98 (Also brewers and wine & spirit merchants 1899Kelly's Directory 1899)

PHILLIPS & Co Ltd 1899-1908 Post Office Directory 1903

LENEY Alfred & Co 1908

LUKEY Mr June/1919 Dover Express

WOOD Mr G P June/1919+ Dover Express


Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
