Bulwark Hill,
& at Sandwich.
Above photo, 1908. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
It is not yet known whether this brewery is indeed the same one as
Brewery at Archcliff also known as the Archliffe Brewery, but in 1887 a John
Rolls also brewed at Sandwich and took over the
Cliffe Brewery at that time,
but was in financial difficulty by 1890.
The East Kent Brewery Co. is mentioned in Kelly's Directory in 1899 , and
so from this information I am assuming that the Cliffe Brewery at Archliffe
was taken over by the East Kent Brewery Co. by 1899 and that they are indeed
one and the same.
However, Post Office Directory 1901 gives an address of between 1 and 4
Commercial Quay, Facing Harbour as East Kent Brewery Co.

From an email received 25 March 2013

Above pictures showing an old bottle stopper retrieved by kind
digging of a mole, and sent to me by Chris Saville. The wording says
"East Kent Brewery Co. Ltd. Sandwich."
From the Thanet Advertiser, 24 June, 1888.
At the Guildhall, yesterday (Friday) morning. Mr. J. C. Martin, coroner,
held an inquest on the body of William Henry Lawrance, who met with his
death on the 20th inst. From the evidence adduced it appeared that the
deceased, who was 46 years of age, was engaged at work in the East Kent
Brewery Stables, shortly before seven o'clock. One of the horses kicked
the unfortunate man in the stomach, and upon his calling out, some of
his fellow workmen came to his aid. Deceased asked for some brandy which
was given him. He was then conveyed to his home and Dr. Harrison
attended him.
Dr. Harrison, who gave evidence, deposed that he attended to the
deceased, and treated him as if he had ruptured part of his bowels.
Witness saw him again the following morning, but the deceased, however,
succumbed to his injuries, and died at about midday. In his opinion
death was caused by the kick of a horse.
The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 15 September, 1900. 1d.
Charles Staunton, who described himself as a painter was charged with
stealing a coat, value £1, the property of Mr. William H. Harvey,
corn-factor, on Friday last.
According to the evidence of the prosecutor, and Henry Burt (a man in
his employ), the former drove to the station on Friday morning, and left
his coat on the seat of the cart. The latter then drove the cart back to
the stores in Strand Street, the cart being left in a lodge at the back
of the yard. Between 9 and 10 the witness went again to the cart, and
noticed that the coat was missing, but thinking that one of the staff
had taken it into the office, he took no further notice of it. He made
enquiries just before going to meet his master, about 5, but the coat
could not be found. He informed Mr. Harvey, and the police were
eventually apprised of it.
Terry Wraight, Delf Street, deposed that he was employed at the East
Kent Brewery. On Friday last, the prisoner came to him and asked for
employment. Witness gave him some coppers, but said that he could not
engage him. Prisoner, who was wearing the coat (produced), then asked
him to buy the garment for 2s., and he refused at first, but eventually
gave him the 2s. to help the man on the road, and did not dream but what
the coat was his own. Prisoner went away, and witness afterwards,
hearing that a coat had been stolen from Mr. Harvey's, informed P.C.
Woodgate of the matter.
The prisoner was arrested at Tilmanstone, and brought to Sandwich by
P.C. Wood.
Staunton stated that he was a painter, and had been at work at
Brighton, but had been drinking heavily since.
The Bench sentenced prisoner to 14 days, with hard labour.
From an email sent 4 May 2020. Hello, I found an old stoneware flagon
in my loft from the East Kent Brewery Co. Thought it may be of interest
to you,
Mark Collins.

From an email received 4 July 2021. I found this on the beach today at
Wenduine, België.
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1901