From the 11 October, 2017.
Former Legion club listed as a community asset.
Aylesham Parish Council has successfully applied for the former Sports Club
(Royal British Legion Club) in Burgess Road to be listed as an Asset of
Community Value by Dover District Council.
The decision was announced in early October and means the derelict building
cannot be sold without the parish council having the chance to bid for it
The Localism Act 2011 gives local groups the opportunity to bid for
buildings and land that are defined as community assets when an owner wishes
to sell them.
Assets – usually either land or buildings – that can be considered as having
community value are those places where its actual or current use, or there
is a time in the recent past when its use, furthers the social wellbeing or
social interests of the local community.
Another qualifying factor has to be that it is realistic to think there can
continue to be, or it is realistic to think that there is a time in the next
five years, a non-ancillary use of the building or land that would further
the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community.
Now that the site is registered, the owner is obliged to notify Dover
District Council when they intend to dispose of it and community groups then
have six weeks to apply to be treated as potential bidders.
If a written intention to bid is received within that six week timeframe,
the group will be given six months to raise the finance and prepare a bid to
purchase the asset before it goes on the open market.
The sale itself will take place under normal market conditions and while the
community group will be given an opportunity to submit a bid the owner is
not bound to accept it.