Page Updated:- Monday, 23 December, 2024.


Earliest 1861-

Carriers Arms

Latest 1996

(Name to)

St. Margaret's at Cliffe

Carrirs rms, St Margaret's 1900

Above photo circa 1900.

Frank SherwoodEthel Sherwood

Above photos kindly sent by Eileen Coleburn showing 1920s licensees Frank Sherwood and his wife Ethel May Sherwood. While licensee, Frank also had a job as a teacher at Dover College.

Carriers Arms 1960

Above photo taken in 1960 and kindly sent by Terry Wheeler of the Ramsgate Historical Society.


Eileen Coleburn emailed me to say:- "apparently there was a parrot kept in the bar while Frank Sherwood was licensee around 1920, whether inherited from previous licensee or not I don't know, but it was famous for shouting to departing customers "Take your umbrella, it's going to rain!" REPEATEDLY!!!! One can only imagine that it was removed to the living quarters pretty damn quick before all their customers left for good."

She goes on to say that Eileen sadly passed away suddenly in 1920. According to the records, Frank stayed at the pub just one more year to 1921. Both are now buried in the churchyard opposite.

This pub has now been renamed The "Smugglers" probably due to its distant past when it was frequented by various smugglers with their goods from St. Margaret's Bay.

St. Margaret's Bay being the closest part of England to France.


Dover Express 11th August 1944.


At an occasional Court at Deal on Wednesday before the Mayor (Alderman E. J. Dobson OBE) Marine Arthur Edward Nixon was charged that, on the night of August 7th-8th, he entered the "Carrier's Arms", St. Margaret's at Cliffe, occupied by May Annie Weston, with intent and further with being found on enclosed premises, the "Carrier's Arms", for an unlawful purpose.

At the request of Inspector W. Bennett, Nixon was remanded to Wingham Petty Sessions at Sandwich on August 24th. Defendant made no application for bail and the prison authorities are to be asked to provide a medical report.


Dover Express 17th June 1949.

Licence Transfer.

At a sitting of Wingham Magistrates on Thursday last week, the licence of the "Carrier's Arms" was temporarily transferred from G. H. E. Cant to J. H. Anderson.


Cariers Arms team circa 1980

Carriers Arms dart team, circa 1980.

Cariers Arms team circa 1980

Carriers Arms ladies team (unknown event) circa 1980.

Cariers Arms team circa 1980

Carriers Arms dart team circa 1980.



MAUD/MAND Charlotte 1861+ (age 36 in 1861Census)

JELL Ann 1881-89+ (age 37 in 1881Census)

GAGE John 1890-1900+ Pike 1890Piks 1891Pikes 1895Pikes 1896-7Pikes 1898Pikes 1899Pikes 1899-1900

NORRIS Herbert 1891-1901 (age 36 in 1901Census) Post Office Directory 1903

WOOD Herbert 1901+ (age 36 in 1901Census)

GRANT William 1911+ (age 48 in 1911Census)

GRANT James to May/1913 Dover Express

LIEL Henry May/1913+ Dover Express

SEAL Mrs 1914 Post Office Directory 1914

SHERWOOD Frank Caton to Nov/1921 Dover Express

COX/COCKS George Henry Nov/1921-Apr/31 Dover ExpressPikes 1923Pikes 1924

MATCHAM Richard Henry Apr/1931-July/32+ Dover ExpressPikes 1932-33

JOHNSON Mr Frank July/1932-Jan/1941 Pikes 1938-39Dover Express

CROCKER Ernest William Jan/1941-Sept/42+ Dover Express

(B)ROACH Edward James Sept/1942-Jan/44 Dover Express

FINCH Ernest W Jan/1944-Sept/44 Dover Express

MEERS John G Sept/1944+ Dover Express (From Cranford)

CANT Mr G H E-June/49 July/1946+ Dover Express

ANDERSON Joseph Henry June/1949-56+ Kelly's Directory 1950Kelly's Directory 1953Kelly's Directory 1956

ANDERSON A Mrs 1961+

DRIVER Ann 1974+ Library archives 1974 Gardner & Co

WILLCOX John 1980's

SHAW Ron & Glenys Next pub licensee had 1982-86


Pike 1890From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1890

Piks 1891From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Pikes 1896-7From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1896-97

Pikes 1898From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1898

Pikes 1899From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1899

Pikes 1899-1900From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1899-1900

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1914From the Post Office Directory 1914

Pikes 1923From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-