Sort file:- Canterbury, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 04 December, 2024.


Earliest 1898+

(Name from)

Castle Hotel

Latest 1962+

30-31 Castle Street (24 in 1881) (St Mary's Street 1861Census)


Castle Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

Castle Inn 1910

Above postcard 7th May 1910. Part of the parade which took place around Canterbury to celebrate the accession to the throne of King George V, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Castle Hotel 1920s

Above photo, circa 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Castle 1922

The works outing for staff of the East Kent Road Car Company, all aboard locally registered Daimler charabancs, dated 1922. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Guild of Our Ladies 1923

Procession of the Guild of Our Ladies of Ransom, 1923.

Castle 1949

Above photo, circa 1949. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Castle Hotel 1949

Above photo, circa 1949, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Above photo 1953, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the sign of the "Station Hotel."

Castle 1953

Above photo 1953, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Castle 1955

Photo circa 1955 with St. Andrew's Church (now student accommodation) in the background.

Castle Hotel 1958

Above photo, circa 1958, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Castle Hotel 1960

Above photo, 1960.

Castle Inn circa 1960

Above photo showing the "Castle Hotel" left and "Station Hotel" centre around 1960, before the Wincheap/Rheims Way roundabout was built.

Castle Hotel 1961

Above photo circa 1961, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the "Avenue."

Castle Hotel 1961

Above photo, circa 1961, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

"Castle Hotel" on the left, the "Man of Kent" centre and just in shot on the right, the "Station Hotel" (which later adopted the "Man of Kent" name, when the original pub was largely demolished by ring road works).

Castle licensees 1962

Photo 1962, showing the licensees, William & Ethel Lack, not looking very happy in December 1962, faced with the imminent closure/demolition of their pub.

Castle Hotel 1963

Above photo, 1963, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. This photo was taken just prior to the total demolition of the remainder of Wincheap Green.

Vicinity of Castle Inn

Roughly the same shot today, as taken from Google March 2009.


Not to be confused for the "Castle Inn" which closed around 1880 and was addressed at number 24 Castle Street


Number 30 Castle Street has also been named as the "Victoria" from 1882 to 1898+, so I believe there were two pubs next to each other and some time after 1898 they merged swallowing up the "Victoria" to make just the one premises.

The pub was still there in 1960 but was demolished to make way for the Wincheap/Rheims way roundabout.


From the Kentish Gazette, 30 January 1838.


An inquest was held at the "Castle Tavern," Canterbury, on Wednesday week, before Mr. T. T. DeLasaux, coroner, on the body of John Bird, when came to his death under the following circumstances:—

The deceased had been labouring under a severe attack of the small-pox, which rendered him at times delirious; and in one of these fits he had cut his throat on the Monday preceding. He was immediately discovered, and the wound properly dressed by Mr. Rigden, who had attended him in his sickness, but after lingering till Wednesday he died; and Mr. Rigden being of opinion that although the wound would not, in the event of the deceased being in perfect health, have caused his death, still, labouring under disease as he was, it accelerated it, the Jury returned the following verdict:—

"Natural death, while labouring under the small-pox, accelerated by loss of blood, he having cut his throat in a state of delirium."


Kentish Gazette, 16 July 1844.


BEGS to announce that on MONDAY, the 22nd Inst., the PIECE of PLATE subscribed for by the Public to T. T. DeLasaux, Esq., for his exertions in the cause of humanity, will he Presented to that Gentleman, when the attendance of the Subscribers is respectfully invited.

The Annual TRAP MATCH will on the occasion take place in the Pleasure Grounds, to commence at Three o’clock.

July 15, 1844.


Kentish Gazette, 23 July 1844.

Yesterday a large party of citizens and agricultural residents of the neighbourhood met at the "Castle Inn," Canterbury, to present Mr. Delasaux, solicitor, with a piece of plate, for his disinterested and benevolent exertions in promoting the late inquiry at the Blean Union. In the after evening the party, to the number of nearly 100, assembled in the pleasure ground in the rear of the inn, and enjoyed a delightful game at trap. The conviviality of the evening was maintained uninterruptedly to a late hour. Mr. Ald. Masters, presided.


From the Kentish Chronicle. 13 August 1859. Price 1½d.

The “Castle Inn” Coal Club had their annual dinner on Tuesday, under the presidency of Mr. Gunner, when a most excellent repast was served by Mr. Sharp, and highly enjoyed by nearly 50 guests. The afternoon was spent in a friendly game of trap-bat and the evening in harmony and unanimity.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 22 September, 1860.


September 17th, at the "Castle Inn," Castle Street, Canterbury, Catherine, widow of the late Mr. Charles Sharp, aged 67 years.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 15 December, 1860.


On Saturday evening, Mr. T. T. Delasaux, coroner, and a respectable jury, of whom Mr. H. Good was foreman, held an inquest at the "Castle Inn," in this city, touching the death of Mr. John Mathar, a sub-contractor on the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway.

The circumstances which caused the death of Mr. Mathar will be best understood from the evidence, which we give in extenso. Mr. T. W. Hall attended to watch the proceedings on behalf of T. R. Crampton, Esq., contractor; and several other officials connected with the railway were present.

The first witness called was William Hardres, bricklayer, who resides in Rosemary-lane. On being sworn he deposed:- To-day, about half-past eleven o'clock, I was at work on the new brickfield bridge, over the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, in the parish of St. Paul. The deceased was also there and was engaged removing some earth from behind one of the abutments of the bridge. By some means the earth, about a waggon load, slipped from the rear of the abutment, knocked the deceased off and completely covered him up. Assistance was promptly obtained, and in about six minutes he was extricated. I ran for a doctor while this was being done, and on my return I saw the deceased, who was then quite dead The occurrence was purely accidental, and I do not think there were any means that could have prevented it. I have worked in many such places, but I never saw anything come down so quickly.

In reply to questions from the jury this witness said:—The earth was about nine or ten feet higher than the line, but there were no bricks stacked on the top of it. No doubt the wet weather had something to do with the earth slipping. The deceased might have been at work about half an hour when the accident took place. I am foreman of that part of the work.

James Clements, bricklayer, also residing in this city deposed:— I was at work with the previous witness when the accident happened, and what he has suited is quiet true. I assisted in getting the body out. At first I removed the earth with a spade, but on approaching the deceased's head I scraped it away with my hands. Just as we were getting the earth from the body I observed a slight movement, but there were no sign's of life afterwards. It was very dangerous to leave the earth in the state in which it was at the time. Brick earth, like that of which the sides of the cutting are composed is very insecure. The earth was cut nearly perpendicularly, but not quite, and it did not look safe. I did not tell anyone that I thought it was dangerous, but some of the men said it was not safe. Perhaps the remark would have been made if the deceased had not been killed.

The Coroner:— If you had considered it dangerous would you have continued at the work?

Witness:— Not if I had noticed it particularly. The other side was quite as perpendicular, and that is standing now, so there does not appear to be any accounting for the accident.

My the Jury:— The earth was not leaning or undermined at all. No attempt had been made to shore up the earth, although it was newly cut out. It was about 10 feet deep from the top to the bottom where the bricks were laid.

Mr. T. S. Cooper, surgeon, deposed that he was sent for to see the deceased between eleven and twelve o’clock, he found the body near the station of the Loudon, Chatham, and Dover Railway, on a truck on the line of rails. The deceased was quite dead, having evidently been suffocated. From the appearance of the body and the evidence adduced, he believed death was caused by suffocation. No doubt he had received sufficient injuries to cause death even if he had not been suffocated.

The Coroner having summed up, the jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."

We understand that the deceased has left a widow and seven children, but fortunately he had insured his life, only five days previous to the melancholy occurrence, for £250. He had also effected two other insurances amounting to £500.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 29 June, 1861.


Mr. Delasaux held an inquiry on Monday evening, in the “Castle” public-house, Canterbury, on the body or Caroline Lucas, an aged woman, who was discovered dead in her bed. Mr. T. S. Cooper said that he had seen the deceased, whose body presented no appearance of external injury; and that the cause of her death, in his opinion, was disease of the heart.

The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the evidence.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 29 March, 1862.


Richard Glover, a servant in the employ of William Beck, landlord of the “Castle Inn,” Castle-street, was charged with stealing half a pint of rum, value 1s., 4d, the properly of his master. The prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to a month’s imprisonment.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 10 May, 1862.


These favourite resorts of the Canterbury citizens on summer evening have commenced their meetings. And in each case seem to augur well for successful seasons. The most ancient of them, the “Beverley,” held its first meeting at the “Beverley Arms,” St. Stephen's, on Monday evening, the 28th of April. The St. Thomas Hill Club, held at the “City of Canterbury Tavern,” opened the campaign on May-day. The “Castle Inn” Club commenced its meetings in the beautiful orchard of the “Castle Inn,” on Monday evening last, the 5th inst.; and the next evening (Tuesday) a good muster of the members of the “Harbledown Club” assembled on the tap-green of the “Coach and Horses Inn,” which with the pretty gardens attached, have been got into very nice order by the new landlord, Mr. R. Eldridge.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 10 November 1866.

James H. Robbins. The "Castle Inn," Castle Street, Canterbury, soda water, lemonade, and aerated water manufacturer.

J. H. R. begs to announce that he has commenced the above business with the most powerful and latest improve machinery, including S. Barnett's Prize Medal Bottling Apparatus and Dial Pressure Indicator, with which appliances he is now prepared to meet any demand, however large, with a superior article, and always of the same quality.

All orders probably attended to. Bottles, hampers, and cases to be returned, or paid for.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 5 January, 1867. Price 1d.




J. H. R. begs to announce that he has commenced the above business with the most powerful and latest-improved machinery, including S. Barnett's Prize Medal Bottling Apparatus and Dial Pressure Indicator, with which appliances he is now prepared to meet any demand, however large, with a superior article, and always of the same quality.

All orders promptly attended to. Bottles, hampers, and cases to be returned, or paid for.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 9 November 1867. Price 1d.


An inquest was held on Saturday evening last at the "Castle Inn," on the body of Samuel Murdock, who expired on Saturday morning. The following evidence was adduced:—

George Andrews, watchman to Messrs. Ash, brewers, deposed that the deceased was gardener in the same employ; and came to work at 6 o'clock that morning, when he appeared to be in his usual state of health. He saw deceased again about 20 minutes after in the greenhouse, and spoke to him.

Lucy Maria Moyes stated that deceased had lodged with her for about 18 months. He went to work at 6 o'clock that morning, and soon after 8 o'clock returned to breakfast, and complained of a pain in his back. Deceased had a cup of tea and a mustard poultice on his chest, which appeared to relieve him. At eleven o'clock he had a biscuit and a glass of warm brandy and water, after which he sat down, and almost instantly expired.

Mr. Hallowes, surgeon, stated that he was called in to deceased between 11 and 12 that morning, and found him dead, in a chair. He carefully examined the body, and he had no hesitation in saying that the deceased died from heart disease, which is a natural death.

The jury returned a verdict of “Natural death.”


From the Whitstable Times, 30 December, 1944.

Miner Steals Dominoes.


The theft of a set of dominoes, valued at 3/-, from Robert Charles Bloxome, on November 25th, was admitted by 30-years-old Cyril Morgan, of 34, Milner Crescent, Aylesham, when he appeared at Friday’s session of the Canterbury Magistrates' Court.

The magistrates were Mr. Silas, Williamson (Chairman), Mr Frank Hooker and Mr Wright Hunt.

Detective Inspector Pierce explained that Mr. Bloxome was the licensee of the "Castle" public house, Canterbury, and he was in the habit of loaning sets of dominoes to people in the club room. Naturally, he expected them to be returned. On November 25th defendant borrowed a set and did not return it. It was still missing when Mr. Bloxome closed at 10 p.m.

The matter was reported to the Aylesham police and at 5 p.m. on December 6th Morgan was seen at his home by P.S. Feasey. Defendant denied any knowledge of the affair and said he had no dominoes. Further questioned and cautioned, Morgan produced a box of dominoes from the top of a cupboard in the kitchen, saying "Here they are." In a statement defendant said: "Last Saturday week I went into the "Castle" with a few friends. I borrowed the dominoes off the landlord and had a few drinks. After we had finished playing I put the dominoes in my pocket to knock off."

Morgan told the justices that he meant to take the dominoes back but was frightened.

Questioned by the Magistrates’ Clerk (Mr. J. A. Godley) about the phrase in his statement ..."I put the dominoes in my pocket to knock off," defendant said what he meant was that he put the dominoes in his pocket so that he could take them back at "knock-off" time.

The Chairman: Why didn't you do the honest thing and tell somebody?

Morgan: That should have been done.

Inspector Pierce said that Morgan was a married man with three children and was employed as a coal ripper at Snowdown Colliery. He was described as "a spasmodic worker" and "of intemperate habits." On July 13th, 1939, he was bound over for two years at the Wingham Petty Sessions for larceny of ducks. There were three other convictions for minor offences such as being drunk.

Morgan was fined £2, to be paid within a month, or a month’s imprisonment the Chairman warning him that he was lucky to get off prison.



LLOYD Arthur 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913

SOLLY William 1917-22+ Post Office Directory 1922

LEAVERS Edward Henry 1930+ Post Office Directory 1930

BLOXSOME Robert Charles 1938-44+ Post Office Directory 1938

LACK William & Ethel to Dec/1962



Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site

South Eastern GazetteSouth Eastern Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
