Sort file:- Sandwich, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 23 December, 2024.


Earliest 1806-

Cinque Port Arms

Latest 1982

60 High Street


Cinque Port Arms 1898

Above photo, circa 1898, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Cinque Port Arms

Above photo, date unknown.

Cinque Port Arms

Above photo, date unknown.

Cinque Port Arms cycle club

Above photo, taken outside the pub on corner of Church Street, St Clements, date unknown, showing members of the Cycle Club whose headquarters were at the pub.

Cinque Port Arms 1970

Above photo, 1970.

Cinque Port Arms 1981

Above photo, 1981, kindly taken and sent by Michael Mirams.

Cinque Port Arms, Sadwich Cinque Port Arms window

Above photographs kindly supplied by Patricia Streater, 30 July 2010.


The pub closed in 1982. For many years it was the headquarters of the Cycle Club, before its conversion to a dwelling. Certainly as far back as 1898.


Kentish Gazette, 28 March, 1806.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. By ROBERT FAMARISS, On Tuesday the first day of April, and following day, on the Premises.

ALL the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, of Mr. William Graying, "Cinque-Port Arms," High-street, Sandwich:-

Consisting of four-post bedsteads, with cotton and other furniture, fine goose feather beds, blankets mattresses, and counterpanes, mahogany and walnut-tree drawers, mahogany and walnut-tree chairs, dining, tea card tables, pier and dressing glasses, parlour and chamber carpets, a very neat eight day time-piece, a handsome bureau, also a general assortment of kitchen utensils. The sale to begin each day at ten o'clock, and the goods may be viewed each morning of the day of sale.


Kentish Gazette 5 March 1819.


March 3, in a decline, Miss Anne Williams, age 19 years, eldest daughter of Mr. John Williams, "Cinque Port Arms Inn," Sandwich.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 30 December 1828.


Dec. 25, at Sandwich, Mr. William Bates, of Dover, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Williams, of the "Cinque Ports Arms Inn," Sandwich.


Kentish Gazette 01 December 1840.


Nov. 19, at Sandwich, Mr. John Pearson, landlord of the "Cinque Port Arms Inn," to Miss Elizabeth Mayle.


From the Kentish Gazette, 6 June 1843.


JOHN PEARSON begs to return his grateful thanks for the Patronage and Support he has received from his Friends and the Public generally, during the short period he has conducted the "Cinque Ports’ Arms;" and at the same time respectfully informs them, and the Gentry and Agriculturists of the Neighbourhood, that he has entered upon the Old Established Business of the "KING’S ARMS INN," for many years carried on by his Uncle, where he hopes from the increased means of accommodation he will be enabled to offer, and by perseverance and strict attention to business, combined with moderate charges, to merit and secure the approbation of those who may honour him with their support.

Genuine Wines and Spirits. Bottled Ales and Porter. Well Aired Beds. Good Stall Stabling and Lock-up Coach Houses. An Ordinary on Stock Market Days.


Kentish Gazette, 31 December 1850.

To Brewerx, Innkeepers, and Others. SANDWICH.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. HICKS, AT the "Cinque Ports Arms Inn," in SANDWICH, on WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of January, 1851, at the hour of Two for Three of the clock in the afternoon,—

All that valuable FREEHOLD COMMERCIAL INN, known by the name or sign of the "Cinque Ports Arms Inn," containing large and commodious bar, commercial and smoking rooms; together with kitchen, wash-house, storehouse, and cellar on the ground floor; and club-room, with three bed rooms, on the first floor; and a large attic; situate in High-street, in the town of SANDWICH, and now in the occupation of Mr. George Alfred Noakes.

The above premises will always command a large and respectable business, and are situate in the great thoroughfare between Ramsgate, Margate, Deal, and Dovor; and have a back entrance leading into Luck-boat street.

For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Market-street, Sandwich, and to Mr. Mourilyan, solicitor, Sandwich.

The Tenant will show the premises on application to him for that purpose.


Kentish Gazette, 14 January 1851.

Two Brewers, Innkeepers, and Others. Sandwich.

To be sold by auction, by Mr. Hicks. At the "Cinque Port Arms in, in Sandwich, on Wednesday, the 15th day of January, 1851, at the hour of 2 for 3 of the clock in the afternoon.

All that available freehold commercial inn, known by the name or sign of the "Cinque Port Arms Inn," containing large and commanding commodious bar, commercial and smoking room; together with kitchen, wash house, storehouse, and seller on the ground floor; and clubroom, with three bedrooms on the first floor; and a large attic situated in High Street, in the town of Sandwich, and now in the occupations of Mr. George Noakes.

The above premises will always command a large and respectable business, and are situate in the great thoroughfare between Ramsgate, Margate, Deal and Dover; and have a back entrance leading into to Luckboat Street.

For further particulars apply to the auctioneer, Market Street, Sandwich and to Mr. Monyilyas, solicitor, Sandwich.

The tenant will show the premises on application to him for that purpose.


Kentish Gazette, 2 May 1854.


A meeting of the Birth Day Club was held at the "Cinque Ports Arms Inn," on Friday last, to celebrate the extension of their club room, which was brilliantly illuminated with gas, and decorated with banners &c., skilfully arranged. Mr. John Lawrence ably presided on the occasion. The Sandwich glee singers under the direction of Mr. Moat, added much to the evening's entertainment. The usual loyal toasts were given, the health of the chairman and other gentlemen present, and the conviviality of the meeting kept up to a late hour.


Kentish Gazette, 12 September 1854.


Hornsby:- Sept. 12, after a short illness, Mr. Thomas Hornsby, of the "Cinque Ports' Arms Inn," Sandwich, aged 40 years, much respected.


From the Thanet Advertiser, 1 November, 1935.


There are seven candidates for the five vacancies on Sandwich Town Council and polling is taking place today at the Guildhall and St Peter's parish hall.

The candidates include for retiring members lieutenant colonel W. V. L. Prescott- Westear D.S.O. the mayor elect of Yew Tree Cottage, Strand street, Sandwich; James Herbert Rowlinson, manager of the Sandwich Tannery, who lives at 63, King Street, Ramsgate; John William Mackriell, retired London Fire Brigade officer, of 45, Cattle Market, Sandwich, and Miss Francis Maud Rice, of Manwood Cottage, Paradise, Sandwich.

The new aspirants are Herbert Jesse Spratt, licensee of the "Cinque Ports Arms," High street, Sandwich, who was formerly in business in Ramsgate; Henry Birch, market gardener, of Rose Nursery, Dover Road, Sandwich, and John Archibald, chartered and registered architect, of St. Georges Road, Sandwich.


From an email received 9 April 2012.

I remember going into this pub as a child because my late Aunt Annie Fagg - nee Jezzard (related by Marriage to the Fagg family) who ran the garage and petrol pump (only one pump!!) immediately opposite The Cinque Ports Arms, was quite a regular visitor.

In the the adjacent house, to the right of the Cinque Ports Arms is a grey building, which belonged to my Grandmother and in which I also stayed as a child for short holidays. I only wish I had a picture for you of how the Cinque Ports Arms used to be, but sadly my family didn't bother to take pictures and I, of course, was too young. I can recall the pub in my mind's eye and remember that there were two bars both quite small but very friendly.


John Kimber.



GRAYING William 1806

WILLIAMS Johnathan 1819-29+ Next pub licensee had Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1828-29

BURTENSHAW/BURKENSHAW James 1832-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

MAYLE Thomas 1840 Pigot's Directory 1840

PEARSON John 1840-June/43 Next pub licensee had (age 25 in 1841Census)

HOWARD W 1847+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

NOAKES George Alfred 1850 (Dover Telegraph)

HORNSBY Thomas to 12/Sept/1854 dec'd

CLARK George 1858+ Melville's 1858

PAIN Mark Clayson 1861-71+ (age 45 in 1871Census) Kelly's 1862

COLTHUP George 1874+ Kelly's 1874Post Office Directory 1874

PEARCE Robert 1878-82 (age 52 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1878Post Office Directory 1882

FAGG Charles 1891 (Census) (William Fagg's brother)

FAGG Arthur E 1901+ (age 58 in 1901Census)

FAGG William 1899-1922 Kelly's 1899Kelly's 1903Post Office Directory 1913

FAGG Arthur 1930+ (age 39 in 1911Census)

SPRATT Herbert Jesse 1934-38+ Kelly's 1934

CHASE Frederick G 1961-74+ Library archives 1974 Fremlins


The 1891 census shows Charles Fagg, brother to William Fagg, as proprietor of the pub, and he was living there with his parents and siblings.


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Kelly's 1862From the Kelly's Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Kelly's 1874From the Kelly's Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
