Page Updated:- Wednesday, 31 March, 2021.


Earliest 1931-

Coldred Hotel

Latest 1931+



As yet I have no details of the above establishment, but I did receive the following email:-


From an email from Stuart Fox of New Zealand, 22 February 2009.


In reference to the "Two Sawyers" at Woolage Green, I visited the "Two Sawyers" in 1985 and knew that the hotel had reputedly been ‘in the family' and would be most interested in any further information you may be able to provide.

There was also a Joe Fox who held the license of the "Coldred Hotel" for some time, this was a ‘Free House', however he died in 1931. This Joseph Fox was a brother of my Great Grandfather John Fox who emigrated to New Zealand in 1858 and held continuous licenses here at Christchurch for over 40 years, my Grandfather had an interest in the trade and my father at various times held the license for two country hotels, unfortunately I have ‘let the side down'.

My Great Great Grandfather was William Fox (1802-1881) who was a beerhouse keeper and farmer of Woolwich Green. In the 1851 census William's occupation is listed as a farmer of 13 acres. This small farm at Woolwich Green is still farmed with this title acreage and is very close to the Pub.

Family ‘lore' also says that the "Bell" at Lydden was in the Fox Family for over 200 years, I believe the last being a John Fox leaving in 1926 ?

I would be most grateful for any information that you are able to provide.


Dover Express 01 April 1932.

Mr. Joseph Fox, of Coldred, near Dover, retired farmer and contractor, who died on December 2nd. 1931, aged 88 years, left estate of the gross value of £7437, with net personally £4668. He left £50 to his employee, Charles Gosby, if in his service at his death.


I believe Joseph Fox's son John, was the licensee of the "Bell Inn" at nearby Lydden.



FOX Joseph pre 1931-Dec/31


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
