Page Updated:- Tuesday, 30 July, 2024.


Earliest 1549

Dog Inn

Open 2023+


01227 720339

Dog painting 1803

Above painting by Amelia Long (1762-1837) circa 1803,

Dog Inn at Wingham

Above postcard of Dog Inn at Wingham, date unknown.

Dog Inn

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent my Mark Jennings.

Dog 1913

Above postcard, circa 1913, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Dog 1920

Above photo, circa 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. The property to the right of the Dog is c.14th century and called Canon Cottages, or the Old Canonry.

Dog Inn 1930s

Above photo, circa 1930s.

Dog inside

Above engraving, date unknown.

Dog Inn 1952

Above photo 1952. Creative Commons Licence.

Dog 1953

Above photo, circa 1953, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Dog Inn in Wingham

Above photo by Paul Skelton 17 February 2007.

Dog 2019

Above photo, August 2019, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Dog Inn at Wingham Oct 2007
Dog Inn sign at Wingham Dog Inn sign at Wingham
Dog sign 1991Dog Inn sign 2016

Dog Inn sign left August 1991, sign right, 2016.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis and Roger Pester

Dog Inn at Wingham

Dog Inn and Old Forge at Wingham August 1983. Photograph by John Smith.

Gog Inn Wingham

Dog Inn, taken from postcard, date unknown.

Wingham map 1896

Above map 1896.

Dog 2023

Above photo 2023.


The "Dog Inn" was part of the Canonical College of 1286, but may have been an inn since 1549. It takes its name from the dog on the coat-of-arms of the Oxenden family, great benefactors to Wingham, and especially St Mary's Church.

The year 1660 reports a major fire which badly damaged the College buildings and "The Dog" in particular.

One reference found is in the Wingham Division Ale Licence list, which shows the "Dog," Wingham, to be re-licensed for the sum of 8 shillings in 1740.

I have reference to this pub from the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle September 1768, when the paper advertised the sale of household furniture of Colonel Parr, at his House in Burgate Street, Canterbury. It was stated that catalogues could be obtained from this public house. See Notes of 1768.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 7 September to Saturday, 10 September, 1768. Price 2d.


On Monday the Third Day of October next, about three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the “Sign of the Dog,” in Wingham, (unless the same shall be before sold by private Contracts).

All the Messuage or tenement, with the Felmonger's Yard, Garden, Hopground and Alderland thereto belonging, containing by Estimation Two Acres, more or less; situate and being in Wingham Street, in the County of Kent, and now in the occupation of Mr. Abraham Barras.

Enquire for particulars of Mr. Matson, Attorney at Law at Sandwich.


From the Kentish Gazette, July 27-30, 1774. Article kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

Monthly meeting of H M Justices on September 6, at the Sign of the Dog, in Wingham.


Kentish Gazette, Friday 18 May 1810.


Monday last, at Wingham, age 53, Mr. John Moon, landlord of the "Dog" public house, at that place.


From the Kentish Gazette, 18 May 1810.


May 16, Mr. John Moon, landlord of the "Dog" public-house, Wingham.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 20 December, 1845. Price 5d.


The Wingham Catch Club held its first meeting for the season, at the “Dog Inn,” on Monday evening, and was well attended; the performance of the orchestra was spirited, and gave much satisfaction. Mr. George Elgar presided in his usual able happy manner, to the delight of all present; and the evening throughout passed off with great exult.


Kentish Gazette, 2 February 1847.


KEMP:- Jan. 27, at Wingham, aged 61, Elizabeth Kemp, daughter of the late John and Elizabeth Kemp, of the "Dog Inn," Wingham.


Kentish Gazette, 29 July 1851.


On the 21st inst., an old man of the name of Wm. Perren, while intoxicated was robbed of his watch and appendages at the "Anchor" public-house, by a woman of questionable character, with whom he had been drinking for some time. Another robbery was effected from the bundle of a hawker of the name of Deacon. In this case the bundle was opened, and a silk dress abstracted, while left in the bed room of the "Dog" public house. No clue has yet been obtained at the whereabouts of the authors of the robberies.


Kentish Gazette, 18 November 1851.


An inquest was held yesterday at Wingham, by T. T. Delasaux, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Davey Yeilding, whose death resulted from a fight with Henry Webb, in a marsh belonging to Mr. Matson; deceased received a blow in the last round, and on being lifted up was unable to stand, and having been removed to the stable of the "Dog Inn," was there attended by Mr. Sankey, surgeon, who found him in a state of insensibility from which he never recovered, and his death took place on Saturday morning.

Several witnesses were examined, and a verdict of Manslaughter returned against Henry Webb, who was committed to Maidstone Gaol for trial.


Kentish Gazette, 23 December 1851.


Moon:— Dec. 18. Mr. Henry Moon, many years landlord of the "Dog Inn," Wingham, aged 64 years.


Kentish Gazette, 3 February 1852.


THE coming-in will take from £300 to £400.

Aplication to be made to Mr. Edmund Thompson, Walmer Brewery, Walmer.

Possession maybe had immediately.

The above offers a desirable opportunity to such as possess the necessary Capital, and qualifications requisite for well and efficiently Conducting the Business.


Southeastern Gazette, 19 April 1853.


BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that the above-named Inn is now re-opened by him for business, and he trusts, by courteous and unremitting attention to the wants and comforts of all who may honour him with their patronage, combined with the improvements lately made in the house and stabling, to merit a continuance of that support with which this well-known inn has been favoured for so many years.


Kentish Gazette, 19 April 1853.


RICHARD SUTTON Begs to inform the Friends and the public in general, that the above named Inn is now reopened by him, for Business, and he trusts, by courteous and unremitting attention to the wants and comforts of all who may honour him with the patronage, combined with the improvements lately made in the house and stabling, to merit a continuance of that support with which this well known inn has been favoured for so many years.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 22 March 1879.

An Unsustained Set Off. Hall v. Highsted.

In this case the claim was for £20 for a pony and trap. The claim was not disputed, but the defendant pleaded for set-off of £5 7s. 6d., and had paid into court the amount of the plaintiff's claim less that sum. Mr. George Collard appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. Ellis for the defendant.

The statement of the defendant was that certain of the articles mentioned in the invention of the contents of the "Dog Inn," Wingham, which has he took off the plaintiff, were not on the premises, and he had deducted the value of those articles.

His Honour said the defendant had better sue the parties who made the Invention.

Defendant then stated that a horse belonging to the plaintiff stood in the stables and he (defendant) partly provided the keep for it, which he had charged for at 12 s. a week. He also found stabling for a pony for a week, for which he had charged 2s. Also lodging for a man in the employ of the plaintiff for a month, and part hire of a fly.

Defendant was cross-examined by Mr. Collard as to these items of the set-off, and he stated that on one occasion the plaintiff said "You must not charge us too much for the keep of this horse."

Mr. Collard said there was an arrangement between the parties that the horse and pony should remain on the premises until Mr. Hall could dispose of them, and there was corn, straw, and fodder in the stables. Nothing was said by the defendant about his claim until the summons was issued by the plaintiff for the £20.

The plaintiff was then examined. He used to keep the "Dog Inn" at Wingham, which was transferred in November to the defendant. When he left the defendant said he could let his horses and traps remain for a time. He (plaintiff) left 6 bushels of maize, 9 or 10 trusses of hay, and a quantity of straw on the premises. He also left his man there to look after the horses. Some weeks afterwards when witness went over to the place again he found the horse was without straw, and the man said it had had no straw since they used up what he (plaintiff) left. Witness never authorised his man to run up a bill for board at the defendant's house. Never agreed to pay part of the carriage hire.

His Honour held that the defendant had not proved his set-off, and he therefore gave judgement for the amount of the plaintiff's claim, less £14 12s. 6d. paid into Court, with costs.


It is a grade II listed 13th Century Inn, built in the reign of King John I, and originally formed part of a monastery, the property has recently undergone restoration both outside and in. The Dog Inn is situated just opposite the church.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 9 May, 1914. Price 1d.


Plans submitted by the owners, for the alteration of the "Dog," Wingham, were approved.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 20 July, 1923. Price 1½d.


Mr. Allen, of the "Dog," Wingham, applied for an extension for the annual visit of the A.O.D. (Dover) on July 24th, which was granted.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 22 January, 1926. Price 1½d.


The "Dog Inn," Wingham, was granted an extension from 10 to 11 p.m. on the 27th, on the occasion of a dart match with visitors from Dover, and supper.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 5 March, 1926. Price 1½d.


Plans for alterations to the "Dog," Wingham, were approved.


From the Dover Express, 1951.

Police are making enquiries into an attempt, on Saturday night, to deprive the "Dog" Inn, Wingham, of its sign.

A coach drew up outside and the attention of the licensee (Mr. C. J. Edwards) was attracted by an unusual noise. Looking out of the window, he saw a young man standing on the coach roof, endeavouring to unhook the sign. He shouted and the coach quickly moved off, still with the young man on top.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 10 April, 1953.

Licence Change

The licence of the "Dog Inn," Wingham was changed at the Wingham Sessions, Canterbury, from Charles A. Edwards to Osmond  C. Hasson. The latter recently retired after 13 years[' service with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in Persia.



The pub has recently been mentioned in Egon Ronay's restaurant guide. (2007)


From the Kent on Saturday, 13 February, 2010. BY STEVE KNIGHT

This Dog is best in show

BELONGING to a group of restaurants known as the elegant Kent Inns of Distinction, the Dog Inn finds itself under pressure to perform from the off.

Last July the business was ranked as one of the top 150 in the UK by Restaurant magazine, which heaped lavish praise on the quality of the food and service on offer at the four eateries run by Richard and Sherry Martin.

These also include the Ivyhouse in Tonbridge, Harveys of Ramsgate, and the Blazing Donkey at Ham, near Sandwich.

Included in Egon Ronay's guide to the UK's best restaurants, I was eager to find out if the Dog Inn - a 13th-century building set in the postcard village of Wingham, near Canterbury, could live up to its reputation.

I'm happy to report that it does.

It was immediately clear from the neat presentation of each dish that, as far as the kitchen staff are concerned, appearance is important.

From the starter right through to the main course and dessert, it felt that for one night only I had stepped into Gregg Wallace's shoes and was judging each course not only on its taste and texture, but on how it looked on my plate too.

Needless to say, none of the dishes remained pretty for long, as my companions and I eagerly devoured everything placed in front of us.

For starters I ordered a liver pate with toast (£6) while my guests both opted for the salmon and plaice (£6).

As per usual there was more pate than there was toast with my dish, which meant some of the liver had to go to waste, as Pm not one for eating it on its own. This was a shame as it was a tasty way to start my meal.

I was more impressed with my main course - roast belly of pork complete with confit potato, vegetables and a caramelised apple (£16). The crisp crackling complemented the tender pork perfectly and, though I was sceptical at first, the apple did not seem out of place and was a fine replacement for the traditional apple sauce.

One of my guests had the same as me while the other opted for the steak (£22), which came complete with home-made chips, vegetables and even a mini cottage pie. She was as pleased with her choice as I was with mine.

Forgetting I had only just eaten an apple, I ordered an apple tarte tatin (£6) for dessert. Despite going into apple overload, I was pleased I did, as this was delicious and the perfect way to end my meal.

One of my guests was unfortunately less than impressed with her "assortment of Kent cheeses" (£7), which she said tasted no different to anything she could have purchased at the local supermarket.

The final cost of the meal for the three of us - including a bottle of wine (£15.95) - was just over £108.

As far as negatives go, there were few to report from our visit to the Dog Inn, but they existed nonetheless. One is that we visited on a freezing cold night and, despite the restaurant being home to a log fireplace (which had gone out), the premises were fairly chilly inside.

We also found it strange when our waitress left the restaurant during our dessert, leaving the chef to sort out our bill.

These minor complaints aside, the Dog Inn lives up to its reputation for fine food and is well worth a visit. And if its sister restaurants are in any way similar, then so are they. The Dog Inn, Canterbury Road, Wingham, near Canterbury CT3 1BB Telephone: 01227 720339.

Review visits and pays for meals anonymously.


Latest news says that the new managers Martin and Bex Butchart are currently brewing their own beers from what they call their "Nano Brewery," and the beer should be available on a permanent basis from March 2015 onwards.

I believe the brewery is called the "Black Dog Craft Brewery Co."


From the Dover Express, 28 January, 2016.. Exclusive by Joe Kasper.

Printing firm boss moves to pub trade.

Jim Little

Father and son now at helm of respected business.

DAVID Little is leaving Dover to run a pub after 20 years at the helm of his town centre printing company.

The former Ukip parliamentary candidate has owned Graphic Images since 1997 and the company has been in Castle Street since 2006.

But now the “man about town” will be the man behind the bar at the Dog Inn in Wingham, on the outskirts of the district.


The grade II listed pub has a restaurant, eight bedrooms for accommodation and a nano-brewery. Mr Little hopes he can soon sell his own ale.

Dog Inn

The former Dover Grammar School for Boys student is passing Graphic Images on to Jim Walker, from Elms Vale, who will run it with son Jacob, 18.

Mr Little, 52, said: "I’m delighted to pass the business on to safe hands.

“The pub is owned by an old friend who has given me the opportunity of a new and exciting venture.

“It’s something completely different to what I’ve been doing and I’m looking forward to it.

“My friend asked me what I am going to do when I sell the business and if I fancied doing something different.

“He said: ‘Why not run The Dog for me?’ It just seemed like too good an opportunity to turn down.”

Mr Walker, 51, said: “I was at a loose end and not working.

“I’m going to be looking at the business side and Jacob will be doing the design side.

“I’ve been here the last couple of weeks learning the ropes.”

The father-of-two has worked in freight for 30 years, including supplying wine to top chefs such as Rick Stein and Gordon Ramsay.

Mr Walker added: “It seem like a good opportunity - an established business rather than a start-up one with a good reputation.

“It’s quite a challenge. I’m looking forward it.

“I’m keen to get involved in local community groups.”


From the Dover Express, 19 October 2017. By Lauren MacDougall.

Seaside pubs on the short list for county’s best boozer award.

THE finalists for the Kent Tourism Awards 2017 have been announced, with three pubs making the shortlist for best boozer.
The awards, organised by Visit Kent, recognise 22 businesses in the county across seven categories, including family friendly business of the year, large visitor attraction of the year and the hidden gem award.

Sponsored by Shepherd Neame, the Raising the Bar Award honours the county’s tourism pub of the year. This year the nominees comes from across east Kent with pubs in Dover, Margate and Wingham.

The Dog in Wingham is a wholly family affair as the B&B is run by Marc Bridgen, his mum Marilyn Bridgen, his brother Oliver Brigden and his stepfather Shaun Tilley. The family have worked tirelessly renovating every aspect of the pub since picking up the keys last June.

Earlier this year, it was listed as one of the best pubs in the country by the National Pub & Bar Awards.


Managers Will and Hugh are brothers from the village, while head chef Dan Johns is their childhood best friend, who has made quite a name for himself recently in the culinary scene, once heading up the restaurant atop London’s Gherkin.

The rooms are the centre-piece though - with numbers three and four particularly standing out with their quirky “new meets old” design.

There are over 40 gins to try at The Dog - including a rhubarb concoction which goes down a treat with a dash of ginger ale.


Mark Brigden 2019

Above photo 2019, showing licensee Mark Brigden.

From the By Alex Jee, 24 February 2023.

The Dog in Wingham goes viral on TikTok with blind beer pouring challenge.

A Kent pub has gone viral after posting a video of staff taking part in a blindfolded beer-pouring challenge.

Staff at The Dog at Wingham, near Canterbury, were left stunned when the TikTok post climbed to more than a million views in less than a day.

The video sees the staff, including owner and general manager Marc Brigden, try their hand at pouring a pint of Estrella blindfolded.

After just 24 hours, the clip has now attracted more than 1.2 million views - despite being only the sixth video the pub has posted on the platform.

Mr Bridgen says the reaction to the short clip has been "a real surprise".

"It's absolutely ridiculous," he said.

"We haven't been on the site long and I don't think any of us could have imagined this kind of reaction.

"We've always maintained a social media presence but focused on Facebook and Instagram, but after I met Thom Cakebread he suggested we take on TikTok too."

Mr Cakebread, who runs Dover-based digital marketing agency Cakeshop Media, was brought in to boost the pub's online presence.

His idea to film the challenge resulted in a pints of varying quality being poured – with Mr Bridgen coming a cropper and dropping his (half-full) pint off the bar.

"When Thom came in, he wanted to do the challenge – being the busy manager type I begrudgingly went first so I could get on with other things!" explained Mr Bridgen, who has run the pub for seven years.

"It was a bit of fun for the staff, a good laugh, but what a result in the end!"

Marc Brigden 2023

Marc Bridgen of The Dog at Wingham.

The pub's following has also increased from "around zero" to almost 550.

"It really is incredible, and from a business perspective the following is especially good because it gets us closer to 1,000, when we can link our website to the profile," explained Mr Bridgen.

"I can't say I ever envisaged TikTok being quite this handy!"

The Dog has two AA rosettes and was recently listed 29th in the Estrella top 50 Gastropubs in the UK under head chef Rob Mantegna.



GOOGER John 1740+ Wingham Ale Licences 1740

MOON John to 16/May/1810 (dec'd age 53)

MOON Henry 1828-18/Dec/51 dec'd ( age 63 in 1851Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839Pigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847

SUTTON Richard 1853-58+ Melville's 1858

HALL George 1874-79+ Post Office Directory 1874

HISTED William 1881-82+ (age 27 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

LARKIN William 1891+ Post Office Directory 1891

CAREY Edwin 1899+ Kelly's 1899 (Spotted Dog)

SMITH Henry 1901-13+ (age 54 in 1901Census) Post Office Directory 1913

FAIRWEATHER Walter Alfred 1918-Jan/21 Dover Express

SOMERVILLE James Edward Jan/1921-May/22 Dover Express

ALLEN Ernest Crocker May/1922+ Dover Express

WEST Harry 1930-May/35 Kelly's 1934Dover Express

BROTHERS Mr Sydney Walter May/1935-Feb/37 Dover Express

LINWOOD Mr E M Feb/1937-Sept/45 Dover Express

ALEXANDER Albert P 1939 (Hotel proprietor age 60 in 1939)

EDWARDS Charles A Sept/1945-Apr/53 Dover Express

HASSON Osmond C Apr/1953+ Dover Express

RINGHAM Peter 1974+ Library archives 1974 Charrington & Co

MARTIN Richard and Sherry 2004-Feb/2015 (Also "Blazing Donkey" Ham)

BUTCHART Martin and Bex Feb/2015+

BRIGDEN Marc June/2017-23+


The Dover Express states that James Edward Somerville was from Dewsbury.


Wingham Ale Licences 1740From Wingham Division Ale Licences 1740 Ref: KAO - QRLV 3/1

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-