Newsletter December 1994


114 Editorial
116 Faversham’s Open House Scheme - Bill Breeze
118 Visit To Montreuil - Peggy Alexander
121 "Long Live Kent” The Kfas Wye Conference - A. R. Goodburn
123 Dover its Economic Future - Terry Sutton
125 We Got it Right! - The Future Of Local Government - Jack Woolford
126 Planning Sub-Committee Report - Recent Planning Issues - Summary - Lawrence Gage
128 Impact Update - Winter 1994 - Julian Owen
132 Projects Update - John Owen - Working with the E.K Light Railway
133 Sports and Education Strategy
133 National Tree Week
134 White Cliffs Countryside Project - ‘But Mum, I Don’t Want to go for a Walk - David Hodd
136 White Cliffs Country U3A - Philomena Kennedy
137 Buckland Anglo-Saxon Cemetery - Keith Parfitt
140 The Marine Station at Dover’s Western Docks - Merril Lilley
142 The Golden Arrow - Alan Ashman
144 Some Notes on Dover Marine Station - Bill Breeze
145 Dover Marine - A Valediction - Bob Ratcliffe
147 Some Memories of Dover Harbour - E. J. Baker
149 The Millennium Project for Dover - Editor
150 Eurotunnel Shuttle Overture Leo Wright, Sybil Standing and Jeremy and Sheila Cope
152 Choral Society Magic - Jack Woolford
153 The Joy - and the Cost - of Music - Michael Foad
154 The Organ in Dover Town Hall - Michael Foad
156 Music Heralds Tunnel Opening - S. S. G. Hale
156 Membership News - Sheila Cope
157 Colonnes Morris and Litfafisaulen - Leo Wright
158 Exhibition - Philomena Kennedy - Merril Lilley
159 Front Line Britain '94 - Budge Adams
162 Letter to the Editor - May Bradley

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