Committee |
2 |
Editorial - Merril Lilley |
4 |
Planning - Jack Woolford |
4 |
Membership News Summer
2003 - Sheila Cope |
5 |
The Annual General
Meeting - Merril Lilley |
6 |
Current Assets |
7 |
Statement of Financial
Activities |
8 |
Bob Goldfield's Address
to 2003 AGM - Jack Woolford |
8 |
The March Meeting -
Merril Lilley |
9 |
Dover Castle Garrisons -
Wendi Atherton |
15 |
Our River Dour - Has its
Time come at Last? - Jeremy Cope |
16 |
Update on Cowgate
Cemetery Clearance - Lesley Gordon |
16 |
A Miracle of Music - Jack
Woolford |
17 |
The Western Heights
Preservation Society - Chris Taft |
18 |
The Victorians in Dover -
Merril Lilley |
22 |
Collecting Staffordshire
Figures - Marion Short |
24 |
Dover's Medieval Walls -
Ivan Green |
26 |
Glimpses of the Past - 1 Memories of 1915 -
Budge Adams |
28 |
2 The Good Old Days
- Ernest Stoke |
29 |
3 Working for Parker Pens
- June Dyer |
30 |
Book Review - Terry
Sutton |
31 |
Letter to the Editor |
34 |
Website |
40 |
Books |
Programme |
Adverts |