Page Updated:- Monday, 02 October, 2023.


Earliest 1874-

Forester's Arms

Latest 1924

48 Evenhill


Former Forester's Arms

Above picture taken from Google March 2009 shows number 48 High Street which according to "Littlebourne Conservation Area Appeal June 2005" is now called "Forester's Lodge" and used to be the "Forester's Arms. However, I have been told that this is incorrect. Dave Chalk tells me the following:- The above picture does show 48 High St., Littlebourne but that was not the old pub. The confusion obviously arose from the old property shown to it's right which was the home of Henry and Joyce Forester, a carpenter/builder whose workshop stood on the corner of Evenhill and Jubilee Rd.

The actual 'Foresters Arms' pub was at 48 Evenhill Littlebourne. It is a stones throw down from 'The Evenhill' as mentioned in your text and of course just up the hill from 'The Anchor' ph. It is currently having a rear extension built which uncovered the old well. I have enclosed some pics of the building and an old wall in the back garden that have old beer? bottles built into the bricks. It has a large cellar and the old beer chute is capped off. Hope that's of use. Regards Dave Chalk.

Foresters Arms beer hatch 2023

Above photo showing the covered beer-hatch. Kindly sent by David Chalk.

Forester's Arms bottles

Above photo kindly sent by David Chalk.

Forester's Arms bottles

Above photo kindly sent by David Chalk.

Forester's Arms bottlesForester's Arms bottles

Above photo kindly sent by David Chalk.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 22 March 1912.


A transfer of the licence of the "Forester's Arms," Littlebourne, from R. Booker to J. Smewing, late of the "Duke of York," Sandgate, was granted.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 February, 1924. Price 1½d.


Supt. Ford, Home Division, reported that there had been one conviction against a licensee and one non-resident female convicted for drunkenness (consuming methylated spirits), this being the first conviction for eight years. He had been instructed by the Chief Constable of Kent to oppose the renewal of the licence of the “Forester's Arms,” Littlebourne.

The Chairman said that he was pleased at the satisfactory reports from the Police. The licenses would all be renewed with the exception of the “Forester's Arms,” Littlebourne, to which the Police were objecting.

Supt. Ford contended that the licence was not required. The house was 103yds. from a beer house and 600yds. From a fully licensed house. The licence was continually changing hands. When he served the notice on the licence, he said that trade was very bad. He was losing money, and he had to go out to work when he could get it.

The licence was refused.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 29 November 1924.

Compensation for extinguished licences.

A meeting of the East Kent Compensation Authority was held at the Sessions House, Longport Street, Canterbury on November 17th to approve the awards agreed as regards three houses which have been referred for compensation.

Lord FitzWalter presided and was supported by Messrs. W. A. Lochee, C. E. Bass, N. A. Poole, A.G. Iggulden, C. Igglesden, and A. H. Godfrey.

The following were the awards "Foresters Arms," Littlebourne (beer house,) £405, in the proportion of £355 to Messrs. Mackeson and Co., Ltd., Hythe and £50 to the tenant, James Payne.



CASTLE Andrew Edward 1874-81+ (also blacksmith age 43 in 1881Census) Kelly's 1874

STRINGER Charles 1901+ Census

JOHNSON Mr George Will to Nov/1904 Dover Express

HALL Mr John Nov/1904+ Dover Express

BROOKER R 1911-Mar/1912 CensusDover Express

Last pub licensee had SMEWIN George Mar/1912-Nov/13 Dover Express

COLE Herbert Nov/1913-Oct/16 Dover Express

NEWING Mr & WILLIAMS Mr Oct/1916+ Dover Express

PELLETT George Welstead to Oct/1922 Dover Express

STICKELS Elvy Fred Oct/1922+ Dover Express


Kelly's 1874From the Kelly's Directory 1874

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
