Sort file:- Walmer, October, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 30 October, 2024.


Earliest 1674

George and Dragon

Latest May 1973

(Name to)

335 Dover Road

Upper Walmer


George and Dragon 1900

Above postcard, circa 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George and Dragon 1907

"George and Dragon" in 1907, now called the "Thompson Bell",

George and Dragon 1907

The same picture shown as a colour washed postcard.

Above postcard, 1907.

George Cole and regulars circa 1930

Above photo again with kind thanks from Lionel Cole, showing Walter Cole and three regulars at the "George and Dragon" circa 1930.

George and Dragon 1939

Above postcard, circa 1939, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George and Dragon landlord 1930s

Above photo showing Walter Cole and his son, pre 1943. Kindly sent by Lionel Cole. (Grandson).

George and Dragon 1952

Above photo showing the "George and Dragon" 1952.

George and Dragon ledger

Thompson and Sons ledger 1950-1964. Creative Commons Licence.

George and Dragon 1957

Above postcard, postmarked 1957.

George and Dragon quart pewter mug 1790

Above pewter quart measuring jug, circa 1790. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

From the Kentish Gazette, 3 April 1773.

To be Sold Publicly to the highest Bidder.

On Thursday next the 8th day of this instant April, between the hours of three and four o'clock in the afternoon, at Mr. Watson's, being the Sign of the "George," Walmer Street, Deal.

A neat small new built Dwelling House, with a garden before and behind it, containing together about 30 Perches, situate in Walmer Street, near Deal, late in the occupation of Mr. John Hart, and now unattended.

For further particulars enquire of Mr. John Cannon, Attorney at Deal.


Kentish Gazette 19 October 1790.


At the House of Henry Watson, in Walmer, known by the name of the "George and Dragon," on Thursday the 28th Day of this Instant October, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

ALL that new erected Freehold Messuage or Tenement, which at a small expense may be converted into two or three dwellings, with the Bakehouse, Garden, and Appurtenances thereto belonging, situate in Walmer, in the County of Kent, at a place there called Walmer-street, and now, or very lately in the occupation of Mrs. Mary Stringer. Particulars in the mean time may be known of Mr. Roby, Attorney at Deal.

N. B. The Purchaser may have immediate Possession.

All persons indebted to the said Mary Stringer, are desired forthwith to pay their Debts to the said Mr. Ruby, who is authorised to receive the same; and her Creditors are requested to send an account of their demands to the said Mr. Roby, that they may be adjusted.


From the Kentish Gazette, 17 February, 1797.

To be sold by auction by Richard Hyman.

In Walmer, on Monday, the 10th day of February instant, 1797, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Four small cottages, and one house with a garden, near  the "George" in Walmer, and late in the occupation of Mr. John Norris.

For further particulars enquire of Richard Hayman, Deal.


From the Kentish Gazette 25 December 1838.


ALL Persons who stood indebted to Mrs. SARAH WATSON, Widow, late of the Parish of WALMER, in Kent, victualler, deceased, at the time of her death, are requested to pay their respective debts to her Executors, Mr. William Bushell, of Walmer aforesaid, builder, and Mr. G. W. Gravener, of Dovor, gentleman; or at the Office of Messrs. Grayener and Son, Solicitors, Deal. And all Persons having any claims or demands on the estate of the deceased, are required to send the particulars thereof to the above Office for inspection and payment.

GRAVENER and SON, Solicitors,

Deal and Dover.

Deal, 10th December, 1838.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 1 June, 1844. Price 5d.


On Monday 1st about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, an old man named Frederick Knott was found dead, with his head plunged in a cow trough, in the rear of the premises of the "George and Dragon." It appears the deceased had been keeping Whitsuntide by carousing at the expense of two young "blades," who, disposed for a spree, shamefully encouraged the old man to drink freely by keeping his glass well charged. The strong beer gradually did its office, to the no small amusement of his thoughtless companions, so that when he essayed to walk, the locomotive powers or muscles were so completely enfeebled as to attract attention. In this state he repaired to the rear of the Inn, and, having seated himself on the trough, the presumption is that in the attempt to rise he helplessly sank into it, and was actually suffocated by a depth of water not exceeding 6¼ inches. An inquest was held on the body on Tuesday, before R. J. Emmerson, Esq., coroner, when, after a lengthened discussion, a verdict of Accidental Death was returned. Knott was a man of rather eccentric habits, and had nearly attained his 73rd year.


From the Kentish Gazette, 2 June 1857.


Carlton:- May 20, at the "George Inn," Walmer, the wife of Mr. H. Carlton, of a son.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 20 November, 1869. 1d.


Jane Hillier, a girl not yet 16 years of age, was charged with being drunk and disorderly on the previous night at Upper Walmer.

P.C. Ralph deposed: Last night, about half-past ten o'clock, I was on duty at Upper Walmer and heard a tremendous hallowing, screaming, and bad language going on. I went to the spot from whence the noise proceeded, and there found the prisoner and two other females - prostitutes I know them to be - belonging to Deal, just in front of the "George and Dragon." They were in company with two marines, who were also tipsy. I ordered them away, and they took hold of the prisoner and got her as far away as the top of Drum Hill, where I fell in with her again. She was then lying on her back in the road screaming and halloing. I then got hold of her myself, and, with the assistance of another constable, took her to the Deal lockup. She was all over blood and dirt, and saw as drunk as ever I saw a young woman.

In answer to the Magistrates, Prisoner said she would be 16 years old next February. She belonged to Deal and lived in Middle Street.

The girls' mother was present and pleaded for the Magistrates to deal as lightly as possible with her, as she believed she was led away by other girls.

P.C. Ralph informed the Bench that he knew the prisoner's mother, and gave her a bad character.

Mr. Davey said it was a very sad thing to see a girl of 16 brought into a police-court on such a charge as had that morning been preferred against the prisoner. He hoped, however, she would mend her ways. The judgement of the Court was that she must go to prison for seven days.

Prisoner urged the Magistrates to let her off this time, and promised she would never come before them again. This was the first time she had ever been before a Bench of Magistrates.

Mr. Davey informed the prisoner that he thought the imprisonment would do her good, and said that if it had not been her first appearance she might have gone to gaol for three months.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 16 January, 1875. 1d.


Mr. H. Carlton, landlord of the "George and Dragon Inn," Upper Walmer, made application for extension of time till one o'clock on Wednesday last, on the occasion of an annual supper. Permission was granted.


From the Probate Records. 1893.

GORHAM William of the "George and Dragon" inn, Walmer, Kent, licensed victualler, died 3 February 1893. Administration, Canterbury.

24 March to Jane Gorham, widow, Effects £28 18s.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 17 march, 1900. 1d


George Machins, 48, described as a carpenter and joiner, of no fixed abode, was charged with feloniously stealing a War Fund contribution box, value 8d., 2s 9d. in silver coin, and 2s. 1d. in bronze coins, total value 5s. 6d. the property of Edward Castle, at Walmer, on the 10th March.

Edward Owen Pettet said that on Saturday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, he was left in charge of the bar of the "George and Dragon," Upper Walmer, the landlord being absent at a funeral, and he was there when the prisoner came in and had something to drink, for which he paid. While he was there with the prisoner he saw the contribution box in question standing on the counter close to the prisoner. Witness left the bar for a short time, and hearing a noise as though someone were moving in or out of the bar, he went to see who it was. He then found that prisoner had gone, and that the box was also missing. Witness went in search of the man and found him at his lodgings at Belmont, Upper Walmer. He could then see the corner of the box under the prisoner's arm, and he took it away from him and asked him what he meant by it. He made no reply. he sent for a constable, and about three quarters of an hour afterwards prisoner was brought to the "George and Dragon" by P.C. Stokes, and he was charged in witness' presence with stealing the box and its contents. Witness handed the box, unopened, to the constable. it was entrusted to Mr. Castle, the landlord of the "George and Dragon," for the purpose of obtaining contributions for the War Fund, and  he estimated its value at 8d. When subsequently opened in witness' presence the box was found to contain 4s. 10d. It was uninjured when taken from prisoner.

P.C. Stokes deposed that about 3.15 p.m. on the day in question, from information received, he proceeded in search of the prisoner, and found him hiding behind some bushes between Walmer Castle and Kingsdown. He asked him to accompany him to the "George and Dragon," and on arriving there prisoner was identified by the last witness as the man who stole the box from the counter. Witness then told prisoner that he should charge him with stealing the box and its contents. He replied "Well, I shall not walk, then." Witness hired a conveyance and took him to Deal Police-station, and when charged there with the offence, prisoner said, "What! going to lock me up for stealing that paltry box, are you?" In company with the last witness, he took the box, which he had in his possession from the time of receiving it at the "George and Dragon," to when Mr. W. Matthews, the secretary to the War Fund, and the box was then opened, and found to contain 2s. 9d. in silver and 2s. 1d. in coppers.

Prisoner: What do you call hiding?

P.C. Stokes: Lying down behind the bushes.

Prisoner: I didn't want to be run over, and I wanted as rest, and lay down there to be out of the way of the carts going along the road.

Prisoner elected to be dealt with summarily, and pleaded guilty to the charge. Asked if he had any statement to make, he said: It was simply a piece of mad, mischievous folly on my part, and I had no more intention of appropriating the box or any portion of its contents than any gentleman here. I could have made a box better than that myself if I had wanted one, and I didn't want the contents. If it had been left to me for a few minutes I should have taken the box back again. I would sooner have put something in the box than have taken anything out of it. I am a carpenter and joiner by trade. it is likely, if i took the box with felonious intent, that I should have taken it to my lodgings, and that the first witness would have found it under my arm when he came there?

Ald. Cottew said that, to say the least, it was a very foolish act on the part of the prisoner to take property from another man's house, and it was a very unpatriotic thing to take money subscribed for soldiers on active service. They would fine him 10s. or 7 days' imprisonment. They had taken a lenient view of the case.

Inspector "Ellender stated that prisoner had 11s. 2d. in his possession, and prisoner said that he would pay the fine.

Mr. Matthews remarked that Mackins might consider himself fortunate to have got off so lightly.



From an email received 22 September 2010.

Dear Sir,

I have just been sent your page on the "George and Dragon," Walmer, by my brother.

The tenant of the pub in the 1930s was my grandfather WALTER ASHBY COLE.

Walter Askby Cole

He was an old soldier who fought in the Boer War and was called up at the beginning of the First World War. His career in that war was remarkably short as he was captured within a week of entering the newly dug trenches and so survived.

Walter was not a local man, coming from the Sevenoaks area of Kent.

Lionel Cole.


From an email sent 30 September 2010

Dear Paul,

I can't help you any further with information on the George and Dragon, I am afraid. I do know that the pub was closed during the war. I spent a term in Walmer in 1941; I was put into a private pre-school and this was before I started normal school in Petts Wood at age 5. My grandfather was upstairs in bed. I can only remember visiting him once but this may be faulty memory. I remember clearly that he had a soda water siphon. I have never seen once since. He died in 1943. He had been disabled by a stroke, possibly while working in the pub cellar. My memory was that he was still in the "George and Dragon" in 1941 but that is probably wrong as other memories are of 5, Sea View, Walmer, where my grandmother lived. The two were estranged, but I can't imagine that I saw so little of him if he was upstairs in 5 Sea View which is quite a small house, unless I slept downstairs. So my best impression is that Walter and his wife continued to run the pub until 1939 when it was closed by order of the government. I do a lot of historical research but only in my home area, not in east Kent.

Lionel Cole.

P.S. My second eldest brother Elmer has advised me he was born in the pub.


From 'The Deal, Walmer and Sandwich Mercury - Downs Reporter and Cinque Ports Messenger, 14 February, 1920

FOR SALE. Cart Mare for sale; sound; quiet; good worker; good stamp; cheap. - George & Dragon, Upper Walmer.


From 'The Deal, Walmer and Sandwich Mercury - Downs Reporter and Cinque Ports Messenger, 24 April, 1920

FOR SALE. Bay Cart Gelding; active; quiet; all gears, road or land; seen on farm. - George & Dragon, Upper Walmer.


From an email received 18 May 2015.


I found your website and was interested in the "George and Dragon," Walmer, Kent and the Proprietor in 1891 Robert Berridge.

Robert was born in Syston, Leicestershire and was the brother of my Great Grandfather Joseph Berridge. Robert Berridge enlisted in the Royal Marines on 29th December 1865 at the age of 17 years.

He is at the Royal Marine Barracks, Gillingham, Kent in the 1871 Census. At the Chatham Barracks in the 1881 Census. He married Charlotte Ann Miles in 1876.

From the 5 May 1887 to 27 March 1890 he appears to be at the "Roxburgh Castle" Pub, Broad St, Deal.

In the 1891 Census Robert and Charlotte are running the "George and Dragon," at Dover Rd, Walmer, Kent.

Charlotte died aged 47 years in June Qtr. 1892 and is buried in the Old St Mary's Church Yard at Walmer.

Robert does not appear in later Censuses or Deaths in England.

On July 7th 1892 a Robert Berridge age 44 sailed for Hobart, Tasmania on the Ship Arawa. I think it is very likely that this is the same Robert Berridge.

I live in Sydney, Australia and will try to find out more about the Robert Berridge who landed in Hobart on August 19th 1892.

I loved the photographs of the regulars outside the pub. I just wish there was one of Robert Berridge.


Pat Hurworth nee Berridge.


The census of 1841 gave the address as Walmer Street which obviously was renamed the Dover Road later in in life.

Robert Berrage's wife Charlotte died in 1892 as indicated from the death register of April-June 1892 and Robert decided to emigrate to Australia in July of that year. His replacement was William Gorham who previously was a farm bailiff from Knole Park, near Godden Street, Sevenoaks and later at Ightham

The government closed the pub at the start of world war 2 although the licensee Walter Cole and his family were allowed to stay there.



WATSON Thomas 1674+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

SIMMOMDS Thomas & brewer FFASHAM Mr 1681+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

STRINGER Mr 1700 The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

WATSON Henry 1773-90+

WATSON Sarah (widow) 1797-40+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and RogersPigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839Pigot's Directory 1840

STRINGER Sarah 1841+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

TANTON George 1845-51+ (age 51 in 1851Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847

PARKER Edward Stephen 1855+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

CARLTON Henry 1857-74+ (age 44 in 1871Census) Melville's 1858Kelly's 1862Kelly's 1874Post Office Directory 1874

CARLTON Walter 1881-82+ (age 23 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

WILLIAMS H Mrs 1891 Post Office Directory 1891

Last pub licensee had BERRIDGE Robert 1891-July/92 (age 43 in 1891Census) The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

GORHAM William July/1892-3/Feb/1893 dec'd

CASTLE Edward 1898-1903+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and RogersKelly's 1899Kelly's 1903

ASH George Herbert 1908+

COTTON G W 1910+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

WOODWARD Sylvia 1913-14+ Post Office Directory 1913Deal library 1914The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

RICHARDS Mrs George 1918+ Post Office Directory 1918

LIMEBURNER Charles 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

COLE Walter Ashby 1930-43 dec'd Post Office Directory 1930Kelly's 1934Post Office Directory 1938

WILMOTT H B 27/July/1944

WILMOTT Mrs Edith E 1945+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

ELLIOT E E 1956+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

GANDY L W 1958+

FAGG Frederick C & Dorothy 1964+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

21 May 1973 name changed to "Thompson's Bell"


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Kelly's 1862From the Kelly's Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Kelly's 1874From the Kelly's Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Deal library 1914Deal Library List 1914

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and RogersThe Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
