Sort file:- Canterbury, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 31 March, 2021.


Earliest 1859-

(Name from)

(General) Havelock

Latest 1861+

(Name to)

5 White Horse Lane


From a report to the Mayor and Magistrates in Guildhall on 17th April 1859.

"Sergeant Ells reports that he found the following number of Prostitutes at the following public houses and beer-shops yesterday morning:

"Havelock," White Horse Lane, 3.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 19 October, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.


Peter Martin was charged with assaulting Cobley.

Complainant said he went to the “General Havelock” to sell nuts, when the prisoner took some out of his basket. He asked him for the nuts, when he struck him (witness), and he gave him in charge.

This was corroborated by the landlord of the house.

The prisoner denied the charge.

He was fined 5s. and costs, 7s. or 7 days’ imprisonment.

Money paid.


From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 29 October 1861.

Assault case.

Thomas Marks, formerly a waiter at the "General Havelock" beer house, was charged before the city justices on Tuesday, with having assaulted William Miles, the landlord. The defendant has been discharged from his situation for his misconduct. On Monday last, he went to the house, on the plea that he wanted his bedstead. He was told that it belonged to his mother, and not to him. He then smashed a window, and tried to strike the complainant, who was waiting at the bar at the time.

Find 2s. 6d. and the costs.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 2 November 1861.


Thomas Marks was fined 2s. 6d. and costs, for assaulting William Miles, the landlord of the "General Havelock beer shop.


According to Edward Wilmot, in his book Lost Pubs of Canterbury an application for a licence was refused in 1862 but was granted in 1865. It had formerly been called the "Painters Arms". The inn was No.5 White Horse Lane, next to Howard’s Rag Mill. On the Rag Mill site is now the Salvation Army Temple. By 1882 the ‘hero’ was forgotten and the "Havelock" became the "White Horse."

(*Paul – according to Wilmot then, not the Fleur de Lis Tap – but according to the 1874 map, White Horse Lane was there before the renaming of the pub!! Wilmot’s book seems to be opening a whole can of worms!)


The only pubs in White Horse Lane that I know of is the "Cherry Tree" today and the "Eagle". The "Eagle" was still there in 1858 and to at least 1917, but the "Cherry Tree" was called the "Fleur de Lis Tap" before 1949. I have only traced that back as far as 1863 for definite. In 1858 I believe it was the home of a painter and decorator. However, the premises as the "Havelock" is mentioned one year later in 1859 as shown above, and after being reported as having prostitutes frequenting the place, as often to change their reputation, the name of the pub may have also changed, so I am going to guess that this pub became the "Fleur de Lis Tap" shortly after 1859.

However, I also have reference to a "Fleur de Lis Tap" as early as 1838Stapletons Guide and 1843, so perhaps it was also this before it became the "Havelock." This has also been referred to, possibly incorrectly as the "General Havelock."



MILES William 1861+

PINCHER Henry 1861+ (age 35 in 1861Census)


Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
