Sort file:- Folkestone, July, 2022.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 21 July, 2022.


Earliest 2002

(Name from)


Latest 2009

4 South Street


Kat-Man-Do May 2006

Above photo showing "Kat-Man-Do" on the left, taken in May 2006.



Called "Kat-Man-Do" in 2005 after changing name from "Fat Sam's."


Application for Renewal of PEL 252 LA/04/02

Premises: Kat Man Do, 2 South Street, Folkestone, Kent.

Applicant: Mr Ashok Shrestha


Licence type: Indoor Public Entertainment

Proposed use: Live Music & Disc Jockey

Current Hours:

1100hrs - 2400hrs Monday - Tuesday

1100hrs - 0200hrs Wednesday - Saturday

1100hrs - 2300hrs Sunday and Bank Holidays

Occupancy: 240 persons



The renewal of this application is brought before the Board for determination as there have been several issues relating to these premises which need to be taken into consideration prior to a decision being made on the renewal.



2.1 Environmental Health

With reference to this renewal of the public entertainment licence for these premises the recommendation to the Board is that the application be refused. This recommendation is based on the evidence provided below.

The following information is a precis of events at the premises since the business was purchased by Mr. Shrestha and his partners. A full history is attached as an addendum to this memo.

When Mr. Shretsha applied for a PEL in July 2002, this section did not object as we had been involved with the setting of a noise limiter with the previous owners of the business in January 2002. The conditions that were recommended to go on Mr. Shretsha's PEL were the same as those which existed previously. The limiter had been set to a level such that music was inaudible in neighbouring residential properties. Subsequently, the committee did grant a PEL to Mr. Shretsha for a temporary period of six months with similar terms and conditions to that which existed on the previous licence.

Three months following the granting of the licence to Mr. Shretsha complaints were received by the Pollution and Housing Team about noise coming from Kat Man Du. The history of events detailed in the attached addendum show that council officers have, at the request of Mr. Shretsha, been to the premises to try and reset the noise limiter on four occasions. It can be seen that this approach is successful for a while, but problems with loud music always re-ccur. Arrangements for the setting of a noise limiter involve a large amount of organisation and on each occasion at least four council officers are involved. Twice our acoustic consultant has also been requested to attend, as well as having to make contact with local residents of the area so that we have access into their properties. Mr. Shretsha and his team, on more than one occasion, did not have the equipment correctly prepared and in place to enable the setting of the limiter to be carried out to an extent such that once set it could not be tampered with.

Complaints about loud music therefore continued, with some periods of quiet in between. Finally, after three warning letters being sent to Mr. Shretsha, council officers had no alternative but to serve a noise abatement notice as there was enough evidence to demonstrate that a Statutory Nuisance was occurring. The abatement notice was served on Mr. Shretsha and Mr. Siwa on 17th November 2003. Since then, council officers have witnessed three breaches of this notice, two warning letters have been sent, and consideration given to prosecution in court. If another breach is witnessed, prosecution will be the only cause of action available to the council.

The Pollution and Housing Team would like to make it clear to the Board that a lot of time and effort has been provided by council officers to assist Mr. Shretsha in accommodating the running of his business. We have responded positively to his requests in organising the setting of the limiter, provided information on a selection of retailers/sound engineers for purchasing/servicing reliable and suitable equipment to limit noise levels, provided verbal advice on a selection of matters as well as advising him that the structure of the premises is such that it requires very strict management by reliable persons to ensure nuisance does not occur. This level of service far exceeds any other that has been provided to other businesses of this nature within our district.

The premises will always be problematical for the playing of nightclub type music unless extensive structural work is carried out. A list of suitably qualified acoustic consultants was sent to Mr. Shretsha so he could seek advice on the best method of insulating the building to prevent air borne and structure borne noise escaping from the premises. However, it is not guaranteed that this type of work would be completely successful in ensuring problems do not continue to occur.

The history of events demonstrates the following facts: -

1) The managers have failed to ensure that the premises operate within the conditions of the PEL. It is considered that the conditions that exist are reasonable and are present on the PELs that are granted within this area of the district to other premises.

2) The management of the premises has been unreliable. There are periods of quiet leading up to the renewal of the PEL and also after the abatement notice was served. On numerous occasions the levels set on the limiter have been tampered with, resulting in the levels set by council officers to be exceeded. This demonstrates lack of control and management of the business by Mr. Shretsha and Mr. Siwa.

3) The structure of the building is unsuitable for playing loud bass music.

Our recommendation of refusal of the renewal of this PEL to the Board is based on the above factors and to ensure as far as possible further nuisance is not caused to residents in the area.

2.2 Police No objections

2.3 Fire Officer No objections

2.4 Building Control No objections

2.5 Public No objections

2.6 District Councillors No comments


The Licensing Manager is requesting that Members determine the application having considered the Environmental Health report. (Addendum attached). The recommendation to the Board is that the application be refused.



28/10/2002 Telephone call received advising us that music from Kat Man Do was audible within residential premises. Access was provided to the Emergency Response Officers to be called.


15/11/02 Time 22.25 Bass music audible in nearby premises. Witnessed by ERO officer.


28/11/2002 Contact made with Mr. Shrestha and visit arranged to Kat Man Do to check the settings of the noise limiter.


12/12/2002 Visit made with officers of the council and our noise consultant to reset noise limiter.


Dec 2002 PEL renewal with variation of hours to open later.


14/01/2003 Letter to Mr. Shrestha enclosing copies of noise levels made by our acoustic consultant when the noise limiter was reset. Also contained advice, as requested by Mr. Shrestha, of suppliers of more sophisticated equipment to enable higher sound levels to be obtained on the dance floor without causing disturbance to local residents.


07/02/2003 Telephone call received to advice that the music was loud again. Advised to call out the ERO.


07/02/2003 Letter written to Mr. Shrestha confirming appointment for 18/02/2003 to set the noise limiter.


11/02/2003 Telephone call received about an under 18 party, which ended with trouble outside the premises, as well as audible music within residential property.


14/02/2003 Music witnessed by ERO part way up The Old High Street, over to the car park near the tourist information centre and as far along as The Harbour public house.


18/02/2003 Officers visited premises with our acoustic consultant to reset the noise limiter. However, no new equipment had been purchased, but the sound engineer working for Mr. Shrestha was given some indication as to the levels that need to be adhered to in order for inaudibility to be achieved in residential premises.


13/03/2003 Letter to Mr. Shrestha enclosing sound levels recorded by our acoustic consultant on 18/02/2003. Further advice provided about type of equipment required and fixings for mixer console so that it cannot be tampered with.


16/03/2003 Monitoring visit. Music was audible outside TIC and further up the Old High Street past The Usual Suspects pub.


12/04/2003 Telephone call to ERO's advising of loud music at 23.48


16/04/2003 Visit by officers to set the levels of the graphic equalizer such that no bass beat was audible in the residential property. It was also agreed that a framework was to be fabricated and fixed over the graphic equalizer allowing access to mid and top range frequencies but blanking off low frequencies.


18/04/2003 23.10 hrs. Loud music audible in residential premises and noticeable even above speech level. Witnessed by ERO officer.


19/04/2003 2300'hrs. ERO witnessed loud bass in residential premises. Progressively got louder and was still on going when officer left premises at 0025 hrs.


20/04/2003 2235 hrs Visit by ERO, music audible outside TIC and part the way up The Old High Street.


22/04/2003 2200 hrs ERO witnessed loud music in nearby premises and could also be heard in the' car park opposite, near the TIC.


25/04/2003 Warning letter sent to Mr. Shrestha over the levels which had been exceeded after the visit by officers the previous week.


26/04/2003 2225 hrs ERO witnessed loud music in residential premises. On going when the officer left at 2330 hrs.


02/05/2003 2158 hrs. Music audible in car park outside TIC. Also bass clearly heard in residential premises. Officer left site at 2245 with the music continuing at audible levels.


07/05/2003 Requisition for Information issued under Section 16 of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976


07/05/2003 Telephone call from Mr. Shrestha to advise he had received my letter. He advised he would get a limiter installed. Informed him the graphic equalizer he has is just as effective and that the levels set on this by us last time, should not result in the type of problems we are having. Mr. Shrestha claims it has not been interfered with.


09/05/2003 2230 hrs Music audible in car park near TIC, and also witnessed in surrounding residential premises. Music ongoing when ERO officer left site at 23.05 hrs


16/05/2003 Telephone call from Mr. Shrestha New equipment purchased and agreed to go along and set limiter on 22/5/03.


July 2003 PEL renewed


08/09/2003 Telephone call received to advise noise from Kat Man Do is becoming a problem again. Advised to call out ERO as required.


14/09/2003 0005 hrs ERO witnessed loud music as far up as the old bakery along The Old High Street


14/09/2003 2145 hrs ERO witnessed noise as far up as The Usual Suspects and across the road in the car park near the TIC building.


16/09/2003 Letter to Mr. Shrestha advising him we had witnessed loud music from Kat Man Do.


19/09/2003 2200 hrs ERO witnessed loud bass beat within residential premises that masked the music being played in the premises.


25/09/2003 2250 hrs Music audible in car park opposite and very loud outside properties in The Old High Street. It is the bass that is most noticeable.


01/10/2003 2200 hrs Music audible along the Old High Street and in the car park opposite to the extent that tracks could be identified.


02/10/2003 2310 hrs Loud garage type music being played, with excessive bass beat


04/10/2003 0025 hrs Sixties type music being played which was audible out in the street


04/10/2003 2310 hrs Music audible out in the street. Different tracks could be identified.


06/11/2003 2315 hrs Music very loud tonight. ERO reported that it could be heard over the telephone. ERO reported music could be heard in the car park and up as far as No 57 The Old High Street. Excessive thumping of bass beat evident in front bedroom.


17/11/2003 Abatement notice served under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.


18/11/2003 Telephone call from Mr. Shretsha. Explained why the abatement noticed had been served and that if breached consideration would be given to prosecuting.


30/01/2004 2155 hrs Loud music witnessed by EHO and further council officer also called out to witness the noise.


31/01/2004 2210 hrs Loud music audible in residential premises and witnessed by council officers.


05/02/2004 Warning letter sent to Mr. Shretsha as a breach has been made of the abatement notice served on 17/11/2004.


09/02/2004 Telephone call from Mr. Shrestha wanting some advice about how to resolve this problem. Did mention about purchasing further equipment etc. Advised that the management should really be carrying out checks in order to make sure the limits that have been repeatedly set by the council are not being exceeded.


11/02/2004 Mr. Shretsha phoned again requesting a meeting with his sound engineer to check levels of the noise limiter etc.


16/02/2004 Letter sent to Mr. Shretsha providing advice from the council and suggested action they should be taking to prevent problems occurring.


28/02/2004 2310 hrs Loud music witnessed by ERO in residential property. Music could be identified by the tracks being played.


05/03/2004 Telephone call from Philip Carter requesting our attendance to set levels with new equipment to be installed.


24/03/2004 Sandra Francis reported that during a meeting she has had with the managers of Kat Man Do, the DJ handed over a key to the cupboard where the graphic analyzer was kept locked away. Mr. Shretsha took responsibility for the key.


April 2004 Mr. Shretsha contacted us as the customers of Kat Man Do complain that the level of music within the premises is not loud enough and he was making enquiries as to whether this could be changed. He asked if we would be prepared to go along and meet his sound engineer on site so that maximum levels can be set with their equipment, or any new equipment he was thinking of purchasing. Advised that we were quite happy to work with his sound engineer, but our standard will always be that music must be inaudible in nearby residential premises.


05/05/2004 Telephone call from Rory Kehoe, Mr. Shretsha's sound engineer. Discussed in general the problems with the insulation on the building and the equipment that is already on the premises. Faxed a copy to him of the noise levels that had been recorded at previous occasions when we were there to set the noise limiter.


No further complaints have been received since this date on loud music coming from Kat Man Do. Periodic checks have been made to the site over the month following this meeting, but noise levels were never excessive or intrusive.



I believe the premises has now also closed and is boarded up and further information tells me that it closed in 2009.



SHRESTHA Ashok Babu & SIWA Nabin & GURUNA Prasad 2003-04 Bastions

SHRESTHA Ashok Babu & SIWA Nabin 2004+ Bastions


BastionsFrom More Bastions of the Bar by Easdown and Rooney


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-



LINK to Even More Tales From The Tap Room