5 Campbell Street (1891 census)
28 28a Campbell Road (today)
Lower Walmer
Above pictures taken from Google Maps 2009, showing the former
Lifeboat as the taller of the buildings shown. |
The Deal History Society have given an early date of 1878 when this pub
was serving beer, but unfortunately not a lot more information.
However, further information taken from "The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer" by
Steve Glover and Michael Rogers, adds that the property was originally
registered by Edward Leith, property owners in the area prior to 1850, and the
name was in existence by 1857. The building, although operating as one in those
days was let to a W J Green for 13s. and the other part to W J Green and E
Norris for 12/6d. I am going to assume that E Norris was licensee at the time.
The pub finally closed on 31 December 1909 when the Magistrates refused to renew
the licence.
By 1913 the property was a fishmongers run by Mr. F Adams, and by 1915 was
selling fried fish. 1924 saw the property sold out of the hands of the Leith
family when Frederick Leith sold it to W T Hunter.
1925 the property was split into two, becoming 28 and 28a Campbell Street and is
now two private houses.
From the Whitstable Times, 10 September, 1870.
On Thursday last the Magistrates sitting in Petty Sessions, consisting
of the Mayor, W. M. Cavell, E. Brown, G. Hughes, and R. Hazell, Esqrs,
were occupied for a considerable time in renewing spirit, wine, and
ale-house licences. In the great majority of cases the licenses were
handed to the publicans without comment or censure, but one or two who
were in arrear with their rates were compelled to pay up before they
could receive renewed licenses, and in only two cases were the landlords
reprimanded for the injudicious manner in which they had hitherto
conducted their houses. There was only one applicant for a new license,
viz., by Mr. Mercer Taylor, who was represented by Mr. J. N. Mourilyan,
for an ale-house license for the house at the extreme North-end to so
called the “Lifeboat;” but as it transpired that Mr. Mourilyan would
make another application at the adjourned meeting for a spirit license
for the same house, it was agreed that the present application should
stand over for a week, when both applications could be considered
together. Mr. E. Drew appeared to oppose the application.
From the Whitstable Times, 17 September, 1870.
The remainder of the licenses which had been adjourned were granted, and
a new one granted to Mr. Taylor, for a new house, the “Lifeboat.”
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 16 October, 1909.
A meeting of the East Kent Compensation Authority was held at the
Guildhall, Canterbury, on Tuesday, under the chairmanship of Lord
Harris, the other members of the Committee present being:- The Earl of
Guilford, Lieut.-Col. S. Newton Dickenson, and Messrs. H. Fitzwalter
Plumptre, H. S. Chapman. F. H. Wilbee, F. E. Burke, and H. H. Green.
Compensation in respect of a number of houses was allocated.
The "Lifeboat," Campbell Road, Walmer, alehouse, tenant, Mr. Richard
Thomas Walkerell; owners, the executors of Walter James Green, care of
the East Kent Brewery Co.. Ltd.. Sandwich.
Total agreed upon £619, of which £160 goes to Mr. Frederick Wingfield
Leigh, of West Mersey, Essex, the freeholder. £449 to the Brewery
Company, and £10 and a receipt for £73 4s. 2d. to the licensee.
From an email received 18 April, 2011 James Henry
Norris was the nephew of Bertie Stephen Norris. E Norris is a witness
on Bertie's daughter's (Gladys) marriage certificate and I have yet to
find out who he (I assume he not she) is?
Any information would be much appreciated.
Kind regards
Kathryn Tyrrell
LEITH Edward 1850s+

NORRIS E 1857+
TAYLOR Mercer 1870+
NORRIS William Cullen 1871-85 dec'd

(Born Walmer 1822)
MUGGLETON Edwin 1891 (census born Leicester circa 1868)
FINNIS Thomas H 1891 (Kelly's)
LEITH Frederick Wingfield 1893+

BLOYCE William Daniel 1898-1908
WAKERELL Richard Thomas
Closed 31/Dec/1909.
From the Post Office Directory 1874
the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers