Sort file:- Canterbury, January, 2022.

Page Updated:- Monday, 03 January, 2022.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1836-

(Name from)

Malt Shovel

Latest 1874+

30 Broad Street


Malt Shovel 1920

Above photo, circa 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Malt Shovel area

Above picture from Google, August 2016, shows the area where I believe the "Malt Shovel" used to be.


However, I have also found reference to this pub as being addressed as 42A Broad Street, from the research done by Edward Wilmot in his 1992 book Eighty Lost Pubs of Canterbury. That would make it the house below. He goes on to say that it was situated on the corner of Old Ruttington Lane and had previously been called the "Shepherd's Wake."


Malt Shovel 1992

Above photo 1992.


George Beer's Star Brewery was housed along this street and a good number of residents were listed as being maltsters in the late 1800s.

By 1880 the premises was lived in by John Goldsmith whose trade was as sweep of the firm Goldsmith and Son. His son lived at 32.


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 May 1843.


Either on Lease, or from Year to Year, A FREE PUBLIC HOUSE, called the "Malt Shovel," with coachhouse and stabling, situate in Broad-street, CANTERBURY, and now occupied by Mr. Irons.

Tenders to be sent to the Office of Mr. Plcmmer, Solicitor, Canterbury, on or before Twelve o’clock on TUESDAY, the 16th MAY instant.

The proprietor will not be bound to accept the highest tender, and satisfactory security will be required for payment of the rent.

Immediate possession may be had.

For further particulars, apply to Mr. Callaway, Post Office, or to Mr. Plummer, solicitor, Canterbury.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 29 June, 1861.

George Mackett, carrier, charged George Bradford, carrier, with assaulting him at the “Malt-shovel” public house, Broad-Street, on the 18th inst. It appeared there had been some ill-feeling between the parties in consequence of which the complainant would not speak to the defendant. On meeting in the “Malt-shovel,” the defendant struck him in the face. Complainant, did not return the blow but got up to go home, and when he got out of the house the defendant knocked him down and kicked him so severely that he had not been able to work since.

The defendant admitted striking the complainant, but said he had received great provocation. The complainant and his friends had called him a “sneak,” and charged him with taking their work from them.

The Bench fined the defendant 20s. and 6s. expenses, or in default of payment 21 days imprisonment in the city gaol.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 5 October, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.

The Superintendent of Police reported that he found persons drinking, during the prohibited hours on Sunday morning, in the house of Mr. W. C. Irons, the “Malt Shovel., Broad street, and in the house of Mr. Stroud the “Little Rose,” in the Borough. The landlords of the two houses, who were in attendance, were reprimanded. They promised not to repeat the offence.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 23 May, 1863.


On Monday evening an inquest was held at the “Malt Shovel” public-house, Broad-street, Canterbury, on the body of Frederick Butt, aged 24 years, gardener, late in the employ of H. G. Austin, Esq., whose death took place on Saturday, under circumstances which will be gathered from a perusal of the evidence adduced. The investigation took place before Mr. Delasaux, coroner, and a respectable jury, of whom Mr. Crow was foreman. The first witness was Elizabeth, wife of James Browning, who deposed:— I have known the deceased for the last two years. He was of a delicate constitution, and has had medical advice. On Thursday, the 7th May, Dr. Tassell was sent for, and continued to attend him until his death. I have not heard that he had any pills. The deceased told me he was an out-patient at the Hospital. He has lodged with me for the last eighteen months. I have had access to his bedroom, but never saw any pillboxes. He complained of a pain in his chest.

Edwin Butt, gardener, of 7, Orchard-place, deposed:— The deceased was my brother. He told me on the 7th of May that, he had swelling of the legs and arms, and he could not account for it, but thought it was the rheumatics. I then went for advice for him, and Dr. Tassell attended. The following morning I asked him what he had been taking, and he said some of Holloway’s Pills. He had taken them about a fortnight before Dr. Tassell attended. I never saw him with the box of pills, but my mother took them out of his pocket and gave them to me. He said he took from six to eight at a time.

Dr. Tassell deposed:- I have attended the deceased since last Thursday week, the 7th of May, and I saw him on the following morning. He appeared to be suffering from a slight rheumatic attack in the knees and joints. I gave him some medicine, and a lotion to apply to the parts affected. He seemed to get better for a day or two, but afterwards appeared weaker and fell away, and looked careworn and emaciated. After that a severe vomiting came on, which I attributed to a bilious attack, from his vomiting a quantity of bile. I then asked him if he had been taking anything particular, and he said that he had only taken a chop and some cold meat but he remarked that he had taken some of Holloway’s pills. I never saw the pills. In consequence of his getting worse, I saw Mr. Austin, who told me if he was so seriously ill I had better consult Dr. Lochée. Dr. Lochée and myself asked the deceased how many pills he had taken. He said he had taken about six or seven in the morning and the like number in the evening during the last sixteen days. The deceased continued to sink until Saturday last, when he died. Vomiting continued up to his death. Dr. Tassell then went on to state that he made a post mortem examination. He found excessive congestion and inflammation of the bowels. The inflammation, in his opinion, was sufficient to cause death, and he had no doubt it had been produced by taking the pills as before described, which contained a quantity of gamboges.

This being the whole of the evidence, the Coroner summed up, and the jury after being locked up for forty minutes, returned an open verdict to the effect that deceased had died from inflammation of the bowels.




IRONS William Cullen 1836-67+ (age 54 in 1861Census) Kentish GazetteStapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862

FRIAR William 1871+ (age 25 in 1871Census)

GAFFNEY James 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
