Strand Street near the bridge
Only information so far is the following passage taken from the Kentish
Gazette of 1769.
I am also assuming that the "Old Bell" is not being confused with the "Bell Family and Commercial Hotel" or even the "Bell
and Anchor".
Kentish Gazette, or Canterbury Journal [one title].
March 11 to 14, 1769. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.
Advert for sale of
a Sloop at the Old Bell in Sandwich, to be held March 20th.
Kentish Gazette, 2 April, 1774.
Sandwich Society.
For the benefit of Widows only.
The annual meeting will be held at Mr. Jacob Friend's, the "Old
Bell," in Sandwich, on Thursday next, the 7th
instant April.
Members are desired to attend as soon as convenient, that benefits
may be executed before dinner.
Dinner on table at 1 o'clock.
Kentish Gazette, Wednesday 4 November 1778.
Arthur Waller, having taken the "Old Bell Inn," Sandwich, humbly solicits
the favours of his friends, which will be gratefully acknowledge by him.
He likewise begs leave to assure those, who honour him with their
company, that they may depend on his utmost care to oblige and
accommodate them.
Genteel Post Chaises and Ssaddle Horses.
Kentish Gazette, 6 May, 1780.
The creditors of Arthur Waller of Sandwich, innkeeper are designed
to meet at the "Old Bell Inn" in Sandwich on Saturday next the 13th
of May at 2 o'clock in the afternoon; in the meantime the creditors
are particularly requested to send an account of their respective
demands to Mr. Matson, Attorney at Law at Sandwich, in order that a
state of the said Arthur Waller's Affairs may be produced at the
The Inn will be kept open for the accommodation of the public as
Kentish Gazette, 17 May, 1780.
To be Let, and entered upon immediately.
The well accustomed and commodious inn called the "Old Bell," with
convenience Stables, Buildings, and Appurtenances adjoining, situate
and being in the town of Sandwich, now in the occupation of Arthur
The said Arthur Waller having made an Assignments of his Goods Debts
and Effects to Mr. Daniel Rainier and Mr. William Wyborn Bradley of
Sandwich in Trust for the Benefit of his Creditors, all Person's
indebted to him the said Arthur Waller are designed to pay their
respective Debts to the said Trustees or to Mr. Matson Attorney at
Law at Sandwich immediately, otherwise they will be sued without
further Notice.
The House is kept open for the Accommodation of the public, and may
be viewed, and further particulars thereof be known by applying to
the said trustees or to Mr. Matson.
Kentish Gazette, 31 May, 1780.
"One Bell Inn," Sandwich.
C. E. Bushell takes the earliest opportunity to inform his
friends and the public in general, that he is taken and entered upon
the above Inn, where he hopes for their continuance and support.
Having laid out a a fresh stock of the best wines, and other
Liquors, flattens himself that by good accommodation, and a constant
endeavouring to oblige, he shall merit the favours of all those who
honour him with their company.
At the same time he begs leave to return his sincere thanks to
all his friends and customers who have supported him in his form of
A good Larder, and Dinners dressed on the shortest notice.
Genteel Post Chases and Saddle Horses to any part of England.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Friday 14 September 1798.
Bell Inn, Sandwich.
Thomas Mead, (Latt head waiter at the "Fountain Inn," Canterbury)
respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has
taken the above inn, and laid in a choice assortment of wines and
spirituous liquors, and hopes by a strict attention to merit the favours
of those who may please to honour him with their commands.
Neat Post Chaises, able horses, and good stabling, with every
accommodation for travellers. |
Alec Hasenson goes on to say:- "Old Bell", Sandwich, which presumably is
just a name on a sign and excludes any Bell family connection.
FRIEND Jacon 1774+
WALLER Arthur Nov/1778-May/80

BUSHELL C E May/1780+
HARRISON William 1790 (British Directory)
MEAD Thomas 1798+
Kentish Gazette