Sort file:- Dover, December, 2022.

Page Updated:- Friday, 16 December, 2022.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1842

Olive Branch

Latest 1896

Worthington Street (18 Worthington's Lane 1861Census and Gardiner's Lane)



From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 February 1958.

Worthington Street circa 1895

This picture of Worthington Street - then known as Worthington Lane  - gives a good indication of the narrowness of this thoroughfare before the widening in 1895. The shop in the left foreground, now (1958) occupied by Messrs. Clout, was then run by Mr. Edwin as an outfitters establishment. Some of the cottage property on that side of the street is still occupied by shops.

All the properties on the right-hand side of the street was demolished in the 1895 widening. The pile of rubble seen in the picture is now (1958) the site of Messrs. Olby's premises. Here stood Mr. E. Longley's butchers shop. Mr. Longley was a brother of Tom Longley, licensee of the "Star Inn," Church Street, who weighed 42 stone and was the heaviest man in England, and it was here that Tom spent his only holidays - a week every August, sitting all day in a huge chair behind his brother's butchers block.

Worthington Lane 1895

There was another butcher's shop Charles Wood's, at the other end of the street, shown in the photo above, where Messrs. Boots premises now stands (1958) and on the other side Mr. J. H. Morris's baker's shop. There were also two licences, the "Olive Branch," on the present site (1958) of the Prudential Offices, and the "Why Not," directly opposite Messrs. Wood and Son's ironmongery store.

Standing in the middle of the street when this photograph was taken were Messrs. H. E. Stilgoe, the Borough Engineer, W. H. Grigg, builder and contractor, and J. Lockwood, the corporation's foreman.


The street has held its present title since 1895 when the thoroughfare was widened. It was nearly called Military Avenue following that. The pub was on the corner with Queen's Gardens and was a beerhouse up to 1842 when it obtained its spirit licence. An outlet of Ash and Company, it could well have been theirs since 1859 when Walker sold for £360. The road widening meant the end of course but the brewer received £900 from Dover Corporation and possibly another £650 for the licence. That being accepted, by 1896 the licence had lapsed and the property removed.

The 1871 census lists both Mary Spice and Thomas Delph as being at the same premises and both being inkeepers.

The premises was situated next to the "Forester's Arms."


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 26 November, 1842. Price 5d.

Joseph Friend, publican, was fined £50, (afterwards mitigated to £12;10), for selling one pennyworth of tobacco without a licence.

(I am assuming that this was at the "Olive Branch" and that the licensee was Suzannah Friend's husband, although I have no proof that he had any connection to Suzannah or the pub, and I'm just going on the dates and surname. There are no other Friend's I know of around 1842. So much detective work in this sort of research. If I am correct perhaps after the above incident, the licence was transferred to Suzannah and the pub obtained a spirit and tobacco licence. Paul Skelton.)


From the Kentish Gazette, 13 December 1842.


(Before Wm. Clarke, Esq., Mayor; G. Graham, W. Coleman, J. B. Knocker, W. P. Elsted, L. Stride, and — Jarvis, Esqrs.)

Joseph Friend, the landlord of the "Olive Branch," Queen's Gardens, Dover, was summoned by the Excise, upon an information for selling one pennyworth of tobacco without a license, under the the Geo. 4th, c. 8. sec. 26.

William Rose, officer of Excise deposed, that on the 10th of September last he bought a pennyworth of tobacco of Mr. Friend (about six or seven o'clock in the morning) for which he paid one penny, had a pot of beer and a biscuit and cheese, for which he paid four pence and one penny, and afterwards gave him one penny for the tobacco.

Cross-examined by Mr. Wm H. Payn, solicitor for the defendant.— Was not dressed as he now appeared, he then had on a velvet shooting coat of a light colour. Defendant did not demand one penny, but he put out his hand and received one; did not know where the defendant took the tobacco from, but he went to the bar on witness asking for it. Would swear that he did not say "Give us a penn'orth of tobacco" in a slang way, nor did he say "Let me have a penn'orth"; did not push the penny into defendant's hand.

William Bayford, Supervisor of Excise deposed, that defendant had no license, his last expired on the 6th of July last.

George Beale proved that he had a conversation with the defendant, and told him that he must not sell without a license. He told him he did not intend to do so.

Stephen Hobbs labourer deposed, he was present when the officers came in, and heard the officer say "Give us a penn’orth of tobacco." That on the 10th of September he inquired of defendant for some tobacco, who told him he had not got any; he was compelled to leave the house and purchase some at Mr. Harvey's, chemist.

William Bass, cordwainer deposed, that on some day previous to the 10th of September, defendant refused to sell tobacco, not having a license.

Another witness deposed to the same fact, of defendant having refused to sell tobacco, stating to him that he had no license.

Mr. W. H. Payn submitted that for the purpose of conviction under the Act, the sale of tobacco must be clear and distinct sale—a sale not by implication. In the present case the officer acknowledges that defendant did not demand or ask for a penny. He certainly stated that he held out his hand, but this might not be construed into demanding, merely to receive something that the officer thought proper to give; it was quite certain that the desire to give was strongly impressed upon the officer to complete the case against the defendant. He might have given him half-a-crown or half-a-sovereign, but this would not be a sale, simply a gift, and as such, would not warrant a conviction under a penal statute, imposing so great a penally as £50. The Queen ought to be satisfied with her revenue officers for the active manner in which they got up the case, which, however, was evidently a trap to ensnare defendant. The revenue did not materially suffer, and when it was considered that a caution had been given by the Excise, and proved by the evidence of witnesses that he had actually refused to sell tobacco many times in consequence of his not having a license; it would he considered that he would not so commit himself as to sell tobacco as stated. He considered it only as a gift to a customer. The whole would then be left to the consideration of the Bench, who he trusted would deal as mercifully as the circumstances warranted.

The Mayor stated to defendant that the Bench had given the case their consideration, and after the able and learned defence made on his behalf by Mr. Payn, they considered it their duty to convict in the penalty of £50, but should mitigate it to one-fourth of that amount, £12 10s; and trusted that he would not be guilty of the same offence again.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 23 September, 1843. Price 5d.


Susanna Friend, landlady of the "Olive Branch," Queen's Gardens, was fined 12s. including costs, for assaulting Sarah Lloyd, by burning her with a flat iron. She paid the fine.


Dover Chronicles 17 January 1846.


To be sold, with immediate possession, the eligible freehold public house, called the "Olive Branch," in Worthington's Lane.

Enquire on the premises, or of Mr. Edward Knocker, solicitor.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 24 January, 1846. Price 5d.


THE eligible FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE, called the "OLIVE BRANCH," in Worthington Lane.

Enquire on the Premises, or of Mr. EDWARD KNOCKER, Solicitor.


From Coroner's Inquisitions ref: Do/JCi 1, E. Kent Archives. 17 December 1852.

Emma CARLTON on 16 Dec in Worthingtons Lane, cart drawn by 2 horses frightened – was thrown upon ground and wheel violently driven against and over her, and did presently die. Inquest held 17 Dec 1852 at Charles Pritchard's “Olive Branch” Dover.


Kentish Gazette, 21 December 1852.

Fatal Occurrence in Worthington's—lane.

At noon on Thursday an accident, resulting in the death of a little girl named Emma Carlton, aged nine years, residing with her parents in York-street, took place in Worthington's-lane. An enquiry to ascertain the circumstances attending the occurrence was instituted on Friday afternoon, at four o'clock, at the "Olive Branch Inn," before G. T. Thompson, Esq., coroner, when the following verdict was recorded:— "That deceased came by her death from injuries caused by being run over."

From the evidence elicited, it appeared that the deceased was carrying an infant brother from school to their home. In passing through Worthington's-lane, two horses attached to a cart were running furiously down the Military-road, and before the children could get out of the way, the animals and vehicle reached the lane, and knocked both the little creatures down, inflicting such injuries to the elder that death resulted in about three hours.

Before separating, the Coroner cautioned the driver to be more careful in future with his horses, and keep by them when using them.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 28 June, 1867.


John Spice, landlord of the "Olive Branch" public house in Worthington's Lane, was summoned for infringing his license by having his house open for the sale of drink on Sunday morning.

Sergeant Barton found two men in front of the bar at twenty minutes to twelve on Sunday morning last. Both belonged to the town. They were drinking, and on seeing him enter they went into a back room and placed their pots, which contained beer, under a form. The landlady was present.

The defence was that a man who was in the habit of leaving his keys of a stable at the house came in for the keys, and asked for a pint of beer. The landlady's daughter, a little girl, was alone in the bar and drew it without knowing the wrong she was committing. Mrs. Spice, who appeared in answer to the summons, said that she and her husband had conducted the "Olive Branch" for twelve years without a complaint, and had never had occasion to call in the police.

The Magistrates took the extenuating circumstances into consideration, and find the defendant 10s., and the costs, which was paid.


From the Whitstable Times, 29 October, 1870.


On Tuesday afternoon W. H. Payn, Esq., coroner, held an inquest at the “Olive Branch,” Worthington’s-lane on the body of John Cork, 56 years of age, a vendor of fruit. He lived with Stephen Sharp, labourer, at Queen’s-gardens, and about twelve months’ ago deceased had a paralytic fit, since which he had never been quite well. During the last week he had complained about his breath, and on the previous afternoon he died suddenly while sitting by the fireside. He was a very steady, sober man. Verdict, “Death from Natural Causes.”


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 November, 1890.


Samuel Baker, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Folkestone Road.

P.C. Hambrook said that about 11 o'clock on Saturday night he was called to the “Olive Branch” public-house in Worthington's Lane, where the prisoner was trying to get in, but the house was closed; the prisoner was drunk, and he advised him to go away. The prisoner then went to the “Red Cow” and tried to get in, but the house being also closed, he went to the “Griffin,” and knocked there. He again advised the prisoner to go away, but he went back to the “Red Cow” and commenced shouting at the top of his voice; he then took him into custody. Superintendent Sanders said that it was his 37th appearance since 1880.

He was sent to prison for a month.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 9 January, 1890. Price 1d.


Samuel Baker was charged with being drunk, disorderly and using obscene language.

Police-constable R. J. Prescott proved the charge.

Superintendent Sanders said it was his 38th appearance.

Sam promised with tears in his eyes that if he was let off he would never touch drink again.

The Magistrates dismissed him with a caution, and he signed the pledge in Court.




FRIEND Joseph 1842

FRIEND Susannah 1843

COLYER George Sept/1846+ Deal MercuryDover Telegraph

MARSH Mrs 1851

PRITCHARD Charles 1852+


PHILLIPS George William 1858-61+ (also coach body maker age 37 in 1851Census) Melville's 1858

SPICE Johnathan 1867/Mar/70 Dover Express

SPICE Mrs Mary Mar/1870-Nov/80 (widow age 57 in 1871Census)(15 Worthington Lane) Dover Express

FORESTER William Nov/1880-82 (also general dealer age 41 in 1881Census) Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1882

GILLIS Sarah Ann Mrs 1891-96 (age 50 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1891(Pikes 1895 beer retailer) (I believe she married Stephen Smith Wickenden.) Next pub licensee had

WICKENDEN Stephen Smith to June/1904 Next pub licensee had


Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Dover TelegraphFrom the Dover Telegraph

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
