357 Folkestone Road
Above photo pre WW2. Photo supplied by Stuart Kinnon. |
Above photo 1953 showing a Mrs. Smith. At present I have no further
details who she was. Anyone know? Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo of Orange Tree circa 1980, photo by Barry Smith. |
Orange Tree circa 1987 (Photo by Paul Skelton) |
Above photo circa 1990. Photo supplied by James Moore. |
Orange Tree 2004. |
photo of the Orange Tree just before closure 20 February
2006. |
Sign left, 1990, sign right 2006.
With thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com. |
Much of the groundwork concerning this licence was performed by Brazier
and Curling in the last century. Brazier could even be said to have died
whilst still trying. He had some support in 1873 when the owner of the
"Tradesman's Arms" on Commercial Quay offered to transfer his licence. He
was not permitted to do so.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 September, 1871. Price 1d.
In the next case, Mr. Lewis appeared in support of an application made
by Mr. William Brazier for a license in respect to a newly-erected house
upon the Maxton Estate. Mr. Lewis explained that Mr. brazier was at
present licensee of the “Hare and Hounds,” a public-house about a
quarter of a mile distant from the house in respect to which he now made
application; and he thought the present was just one of those cases
which would be exempted from the operation of the section of the recent
Act or Parliament which had been quoted. Here was a newly-formed
neighbourhood, consisting of some five-and–twenty or six-and-twenty
houses, absolutely without a public-house. The nearest house, on the one
hand, was the “Hare and Hounds,” to which he had already referred, and
only beer could be obtained there; while, on the other, the nearest, the
“Engineer,” was some half-a-mile distant.
Mr. Fox: There is one in Winchelsea Street, which is nearer.
Mr. Lewis: That may be nearer as the crow would fly; but it is about the
same distance as a man would walk. He hoped the magistrates would hold,
therefore, that this was one of the cases in which they might grant a
license to the public advantage. As proof of the wishes of the
neighbourhood, he presented a numerously-signed memorandum in favour of
the application, which included the name of Major Munn, a county
Magistrate, who resided at the opposite end of the estate. Major Munn
was well known to the Magistrates; and it was his duty, no less than
theirs, to conserve the spirit of the Act or Parliament; so that it was
not likely he would have put his name to such a document
inconsiderately, or if he had not thought that the accommodation which
the memorial sought to have established was really necessary. Mr. Lewis
also called attention to the fact that the house in question, which was
built especially with a view to its use as a public-house, had been
commenced before this Act of Parliament had been passed, and that to
exercise its provisions strictly would therefore be an injustice, and
such an injustice as he would contend the spirit of the Act intended to
guard against.
Mr. Brazier, on being sworn, said he had occupied the “Hare and Hounds”
for seventeen years. He had recently bought a plot of land upon the
Maxton Estate, upon which he had erected the house which he now asked
the Magistrates to license. His was the only plot intended for business
purposes; and there was a large population upon the estate. The nearest
house in which spirits could be obtained was at present the “Engineer,”
on the Folkestone Road.
By Mr. Fox: I am still occupying the “Hare and Hounds.” That is a beer
house. The “Grapes,” in Winchelsea Street, is half-a-mile away from the
house I have erected, and I do not consider it more accessibly than the
“Engineer.” Beer is sold at Worthington's Brewery, but not in small
quantities, the smallest, I believe, being “four and a half.”
In re-examination by Mr. Lewis, Mr. Brazier said the “Hare and Hounds”
was not adapted for the sale of spirits, and he never solicited a spirit
license for that house, though he had often been asked for spirits.
Mr. Fox, in reply, rested his opposition on the clause of the Act of
Parliament which had been already quoted. He contended that this was not
a case in which public inconvenience would result from the refusal of
the license, and it was not therefore such a one as was contemplated by
the Act. He would confidently ask the Bench to say whether that fact of
26 houses was sufficient reason for the erection of a public-house, and
whether it would not be a straining of the Act of Parliament to grant
this application. As to the memorial which had been presented and the
signature of Major Munn, about so much which had been said, it was very
well known that Major Munn was a very amiable gentleman, and the
Magistrates could well understand that he, like the other signatures,
would be inclined to oblige the neighbour, seeing that it must be a
matter of perfect indifference to him whether the license was withheld
or not.
The Magistrates retired for the purpose of consulting, and on their
return to Court, the Chairman announced that they had considered the
arguments for and against the application, and had come to the
determination of refusing it
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 31
August, 1877. Price 1d.
William Brazier, landlord of the "Orange Tree," of Maxton, applied
for a spirit licence. Mr. W. Mowll objected, and the application was
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 3 September, 1886. 1d.
Mr. Vernon Knocker applied for a license to sell beer on the premises at
the house of Mr. Brazier, known as “The Orange Tree,” Maxton. It was
stated that there was a license for selling beer off the premises and
that there were a great many applications for ale on the premises.
Mr. Lewis opposed on behalf of the inhabitants, arguing that there was
already ample accommodation.
Mr. Worsfold Mowll appeared on behalf of the owner of the “Hare and
Hounds Inn,” about 300 yards further on the road.
The license was refused.
Mr. George Packham, and Mr. J. W. Wells applied severally for off
licenses for houses at Union Road, Buckland, but in both instances the
license was refused, owing to the houses not being of sufficient value.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 22 July, 1887. Price 1d.
Persons who have an idea of securing business premises at Maxton should
give their attention to the sale of property there next Thursday by
Messrs. Terson and Son. The corner piece on which stands the “Orange Tree
Inn,” and the freehold corner plot adjoining, are the only parts of this
important estate that can be used for commercial purposes.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 25 August, 1893. 1d.
Mr. Hills, solicitor, of Ramsgate, applied on behalf of Mr. William
Curling for a license to sell ale and beer for consumption on the
premises, he now having an off license. He applied for this license four
years ago. At that time there were less than fifty houses at Maxton, and
now there were over 100 and 14 more in the course of building. He put in
a memorial in favour of the license signed by most of the inhabitants,
and by Mr. Major, a principal resident.
There was non one in attendance to oppose the license.
The Bench retired to consider the matter, and on returning announced
that they had resolved to refuse the license.
This concluded the proceedings at the Dover Brewster Sessions.
Dover Express, Friday 12 December 1902.
Alice Sargent was summoned for assaulting Albert Uden in the "Orange
Tree" Maxton. She was bound over to keep the peace for 6 months and
ordered to pay the costs 8s. 6d.
Dover Express 21st June 1918.
The Dover Tribunal 19th June 1918.
Mr. Harby appeared for Mr. H. Sergeant, aged 45, landlord of the “Orange
Tree” Inn.
Applicant was also a contractor for motor transport which were doing
work for the Navy and Army Canteen Board. Three months exemption was
Applicant has had twelve years service with the colours, including the
South African war and was there promoted King’s Corporal for services in
the field.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17
February, 1933. Price 1½d.
Mr. Sergeant of the "Orange Tree" was granted an occasional licence for
The Drill Buffs Hall dance in aid of the Mayor's Benevolent Fund, February
Dover Express 6th August 1943.
Town, Port and Garrison.
“Sally” is the dog owned by Mr. George Watson, licensee of “The Orange
Tree”, Maxton, Dover. She is well known to the customers, for, by begging
for pennies, she has so far collected over £13 for local charities, as well
as £1 each for the British Red Cross Society and the Cancer Hospital,
Dover Express 28th April 1944.
The Hospital Workers Committee have acknowledged another £5 from “Sally”,
Mr. Watson’s wonder dog at the “Orange Tree”, Maxton.
Dover Express 14th July 1944.
Mr. G. W. Watson of the “Orange Tree”, Folkestone Road, has received a
letter from Mr. W. G. Jeffery, Secretary of the Royal Victoria Hospital
Workers Joint Committee, thanking him for a further contribution of £5 from
his dog, “Sally”. The letter states that the Committee had decided to
present “Sally” with a collar suitably inscribed in appreciation of her work
for the Hospital. Sally begs for pennies from the customers, picks the penny
up in her mouth and carries it to the collecting box.
Dover Express 4th May 1945.
“Sally”, the well known dog at the “Orange Tree”, Maxton, is still begging
for pennies for good causes. Her most recent effort has been to collect £2.
13s 6d in two weeks for the Maxton childrens’ peace trust.
Dover Express 28th June 1946.
Mr. Watson of the “Orange Tree”, the owner of the dogs, Sally and Judy, has
just collected another £5 for the Dover Hospital. The dogs pick up the coins
given by customers and receive a biscuit from the landlord. |
The 'ale' off licence was procured that year but
it was 1895 before Curling got the beer 'on' licence. His application had
been backed by a petition signed by ninety of the one hundred and thirteen
householders in the area. Looking towards the town, 136 dwellings had
materialised between here and the "Engineer" at that time. In 1889 there had
been less than fifty houses at Maxton but there were a hundred by 1893. The
full licence came later the same year and by then it was on outlet of Dawes,
the Maxton brewer.
Concerning the property itself, which was always described as a newly
built house in the applications, it was the opinion of one of the past
licensees that two cottages had been converted. They stood well back from
the road and the conversion date is put at 1890.
From a publication written for http://kentww1.com 2018.
Mr H Sergeant, an ex soldier, was the landlord between March
1912 and 1936 and he also provided motor transport for the Navy and Army
Canteen Board during WW1. Stringent licensing laws meant that; in
addition to sale of alcohol being restricted to 2 hours at lunchtime; no
member of the forces was allowed to be served alcohol until the evening.
The Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) had restricted when public houses
were allowed to sell intoxicating liquor and there were further
restrictions in garrison towns such as Dover. Although pubs could open
to sell food and non alcoholic drinks from 5.30 a.m. they were only
allowed to sell alcohol between 12-2.30p.m. and 6p.m.-8p.m. and were not
allowed to sell spirits for consumption off the premises at the weekend.
There were also restrictions on orders which were delivered to private
The main impact on the customers was that they were not allowed
credit or to buy a round of drinks ‘treating’ as it was known. The
penalty for breaking the regulations was a fine (up to £100) or
imprisonment. Customers were also not allowed to stand and drink at the
bar - they would have to be seated and be served at their seats. |
It is now a Whitbread outlet where the bars were improved by David Hanney
in 1978.
The pub has been closed on numerous occasions, but after again opening in
2005, advertising that it was "Probably the best Pub in Dover" the pub
finally closed in 2006 and is still waiting (April 2007) demolition for
the building of flats on the site.
It is hoped that this modest first publication of the 'Orange Tree
Observer' will be but the forerunner of regular monthly issues growing
in size, scope and general interest as the months pass. The intention is
to include news of forthcoming social and sporting events such as Darts
and Cribbage Matches, results of games played during the previous month,
snippets of history of the Orange Tree and the district of Maxton and
any such items as may be considered to amuse or interest those who will
form the bulk of our readership. To assist this end the editor will be
very grateful to receive contributions from any who have an interesting
(and printable!) story to tell. Particularly welcome would be anecdotes
and reminiscences from the older regulars concerning the earlier days of
the pub. There is no need to compose an essay or even so much as to
write it down; a chat with the editor over a pint will suffice.
Those responsible for social fixtures are also urged to give details to
the editor before the last week of each month, together with team lists
where applicable. With your help this may well become, to coin an
atrociously punning phrase, "your very own 'local' rag."
Why Orange Tree? As far as one knows no orange tree ever grew in Maxton
and very few regulars over the age of consent ever drink the juice of
that otherwise blameless fruit, (the hop and the bar-Ley-mow taking
precedence!) Local tradition has it that the pub was originally two
cottages, in the front gardens of which grew two trees closely
resembling the orange .... Hence the name. However, its use as an
innsign has much earlier connections. During the reign of Charles II
orange trees were one of the ornaments of St. James' Park (London) which
was then, of course part of the St. James' Palace gardens. At that
period and long after, orange trees were mostly used as sign boards for
the Seed Shops and by Italian Merchants and were gradually adopted as
It is an interesting coincidence that one of the two excellent floodlit
pictures in the Public Bar Gamesroom is of the lake in St. James' Park.
The other picture, incidentally, is a view of the Norfolk Broads. The
actual place is not named but I should imagine it to be either Wroxham
or Horning.
The week-end which sees the publication of this issue is the new-style
August Bank Holiday week-end. All topers and others in festive-mood
should take note of the following extensions to the closing times.
Friday, August 29th, 11 p.m. Saturday, 30th August, 11.30 p.m. Sunday,
31st August and Monday, 1st September, the normal hour of 10.30 p.m.
Unfortunately at the time of going to press no details are available of
forthcoming fixtures. These will, however, be publicized on the Notice
Boards. We congratulate the team on a close-run victory in the 1st Round
of the 'Fremlin's Cup (or should it now be the Whitbread's Cup, or
possible the Frembread's or Whitlin's!) Excellent home and away legs
were played against the "Royal Oak", River. The away match, which came
first, was narrowly lost by 3 games to 2, but a 4 - 1 victory at home
ensured a passage into the next round. I would like to Publish more
detailed scores in future, together with the names of team members, if
one of the players would kindly furnish the information. So, Peter, Jim,
Mick, Pluto and Co., rake up a pen from among you and let us all share
the news.
The Orange Tree is astonishing for the scope and variety of its services
to the public. Not only is the landlord knocked-up a half an hour after
midnight for five-bob's worth of coppers for a late card-school, (this
actually once happened though his reaction is not reported!) but even
more fundamental needs are catered for. Did you know, for example, that
once every three weeks on a Thursday evening a fully qualified, top-rate
barber is in attendance in the Gamesroom?
Why not make use, of this excellent service? Ask the Landlord for
details. Instead of staring glumly at ancient copies of Reveille or
Week-End whilst you endlessly wait your turn, why not quaff a pint or
two in convivial company. Away with those feeble and time-worn excuses
about taking the dog for a walk, going out to post a letter or running
out of cigarettes! You can now truthfully say, "I'm just going up the
road for a haircut". A likely story indeed, but you can go home with a
short-back-and-sides to prove it. '''And what is that alcoholic smell?"
"Oh, that's the Bay Rum, my dear."
At the time of going to press the Minipot has not been won for several
weeks so there is now a quite healthy little sum to be won by some lucky
member (or members). When it has "gone" and the next ''Pot'' opens, why
not join in and try your hand at this very pleasant little Saturday
lunchtime relaxation? The more members, the bigger the "pot" and the
better the prizes. You need no knowledge of form or horseflesh, just a
touch of Luck. The merest novice stands as much chance as the expert.
Give it a go next time! The relevant notices are always to be seen under
the clock in the Public Bar.
OVERHEARD IN ANOTHER PUB, where a convivial company (probably a wedding
party) were getting in their umpteenth round of drinks. "What do you
mean, you can't manage another.... just have a Double Diamond then." "Oh
no", replied a very frail and elderly man, "I'll just have a single."
WOT! Nothing in this space?
Let's have some material for next month please"
Whether or not there was another publication I haven't yet found
one. (Paul Skelton.)
From the Dover Express, 21 June, 2001.
Pub plans to improve.
THE Orange Tree public house, Dover, has been taken over by a new
landlord and landlady.
Chris and Dawn Ripley have moved in with their five year old twins
Lauren and James, and have vowed to make much-needed improvements to the
Dawn said: "We have completely refurbished the kitchen and are
planning to make major changes.
"We've got a lot of work ahead of us but we are enjoying it."
The Orange Tree will hold a boot fair on Sunday July 1 and a house
and garage music night on July 22.
From the Dover Express, 21 February 2002.
THE new licensee of the Orange Tree pub in Folkestone Road believes he might be the youngest
publican in Britain.
Marcel Blythe, 20 was granted a full licence recently. He has been at
the Orange Tree for five months and, after attending court and
satisfying the requirements of the chiefs of the police and fire
brigade, now has his name above the door.
Mr Blythe runs the pub with business partner David Bliss and enjoys the
After he was granted the licence he phoned the national trade
publication. The Publican, and asked it to check to see who the youngest
full licensee in Britain was. When Marcel reported his own age it
appeared it could possibly be him.
Mr Blythe moved to Dover after working in a five-star hotel in
Doncaster. He intends to make a career of bar management and hopes
eventually to run his own business.
He said: "I enjoy this job because you get to talk to lots of different
people. Everyone knows each other here at the Orange Tree as it's a real
back street boozer.
"I don't find the responsibility daunting. Eventually I'd like to be my
own boss and manage my own pub."
A spokesman for The Publican said: "He's probably one of the youngest
but we've had quite a few letters from people of Marcel's age.
"A few years ago the government started training of 16-year-olds who, a
few days after their 18th birthday, would apply for a licence - so there
are probably a few licensees younger than Mr Blythe across the country."
From the Dover Express, 19 January, 2006.
Flats development raises crime and drugs worries.
Report by Jonathan Holden
PLANS to convert the Orange Tree pub into flats have been met with
concerns over crime levels and drug use in the Priory area of Dover.
The police and the district council's anti-social behaviour unit have
both raised safety concerns over the development.
Anti-social behaviour chief Chris Allen believes there is a "high
risk" that problems with drug dealers and drug users experienced in the
area five years ago could be repeated.
His warning on the Westbury Road development follows a deluge of
applications to convert the area's large town houses into flats and
In a report to the council's planning committee, he wrote: "Currently
Folkestone Road and the surrounding streets give an impression of being
run down.
This has the effect of encouraging those who wish to commit crime and
involve themselves in anti-social behaviour.
"It is noted from this application that the flats are small and
hardly indicative of an upmarket development... concern is expressed
that these flats will be used for housing people in need on a temporary
Mr Allen said the sheer number of applications to convert properties
on or near Folkestone Road had "serious implications for the police,
council, NHS and emergency services".
Kent Police have raised similar concerns and pointed to the area's
recent past. They described how bed and breakfasts and small flats and
bedsits "allowed drug dealing and bootlegging to flourish" at the turn
of the century.
The force has asked the district council's planning committee to
"carefully consider" the size and quality of the flats planned for the
Orange Tree.
The issue is due to be debated this evening and councillors have been
recommended to pass the application. Councillors have been told the
flats largely comply with the council's' draft guidelines on
Members have also been reminded that plans to convert 126 Folkestone
Road were blocked on the grounds they could affect crime; disorder and
anti-social behaviour.
That application and another, which "would have seen homeless people
placed in an Effingham Crescent guest house, are currently under appeal.
The town council has formally objected to the proposals, arguing
there would be too many residences on the site.
The Priory Forum also opposes the plan, raising concerns about
flooding and the site's poor access.
From the Dover Mercury, Thursday 22 April, 2010.
PLANS to convert the former "Orange Tree" pub in Folkestone Road,
Dover, into a house, together with a single-storey rear extension, are
being considered by the district council. It is also being proposed that
the garage be turned into a living room, with a rear extension and lobby
being demolished.
From the Dover Express, 22 April, 2010.
AN application is to be made to the planners at Dover District Council
to convert the Orange Tree public house in Dover's Folkestone Road into
a home with an extension.
Above matchbox, date unknown kindly sent by Graham Butterworth. |
BRAZIER William 1873-87 dec'd (off
CURLING William 1887-95+
(Late in
employ of Messrs Flashman and Co.) (age 58 in 1891 )
HINKLEY John 1899-1901 (beer retailer
(age 41 in 1891 )

FITZGIBBON J M 1903-Oct/1904
WARD Alfred E Oct/1904-Mar/12

SARJEANT Harry Mar/1912-July/36
WATSON George William July/1936-56+
DYER John E 1964-75 dec'd
Whitbread Fremlins
DYER Mrs Rene 1975-78 end
HANNEY David Edward 1978-87
RIPLEY Chris & Dawn 2001+
BLYTHE Marcel & BLISS David 2002+
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49
From the Kelly's Directory 1950
From the Kelly's Directory 1953
From the Kelly's Directory 1956
archives 1974
From the Dover Express