Kentish Gazette, Friday 13 October 1815.
All person's to whom Mr. Charles Neeve, late of Deal, blacksmith, deceased,
stood indebted at the time of his death, are requested to send in their
accounts within 21 days from the date thereof, to Mr. James Chidwick, of
Deal, aforesaid, Victualler; or to Mr. G. E. Gravener, Solicitor, Dover, in
order that they may be discharged.
And all persons who stood in depth into the said Charles Neeve, at the
period of his decease, are requested within the said time aforesaid, to pay
the amount of their debts to the said James Chidwick or G. W. Gravener, who
are duly authorised to receive and give discharges for the same.
October 13, 1815.
Name of pub as yet unknown.