Page Updated:- Friday, 10 May, 2024.



Notes of 1862


Kent Times, 8 March 1862.

DARTFORD. Petty Sessions, Saturday. Before Sir P. H. Dyke, Hugh Johnstone, F. M. Lewin, Esq. and Wm. Dyke, Esq.

Thomas Morris, who was remanded last Saturday on a charge of stealing two stone bottles, was placed in the dock for final examination. The police not having any further evidence the prisoner was discharged, at the same time the bench considered it a case of strong suspicion.


From the Era, Sunday 9 March, 1862.

ANNUAL LICENSING MEETINGS. Croydon Division, March 1st.

The whole of the licenses were renewed, with the exception of two. In the case of the "Rambler's Rest," Penge, licensed to Mr John Ely Vivian, Inspector Fraser informed the Bench that the occupier had been away from the house during the last nine months, and he did not expect that he would attend. The house was closed all last Summer. The license accordingly was not renewed.

The license of one house was refused to be transferred because the outgoing tenant had been guilty of a breach of the game laws.

There were seven applications for new licenses.

The first heard was that of Mr George Goulborn Wallace for a license to "Alma House," Woodbine-grove, Penge, The Bench refused the application.

The next was on behalf of Mr Henry Salmon Gifford, for the Cambridge Restaurant Hotel and Boarding House, Norwood. Mr. Drummond supported this application, and said it was one of the most important that had come before the Bench for some years; at least he conceived it was the most important application that day. The house was frequented by foreigners as well as English. From its position there was a good view of the Crystal Palace, and the kind of accommodation to be afforded in the house was different to what was afforded at other hotels. He admitted that there were no stables, but contended that they were not required for such a house. There was no bar, and the applicant did not intend to have one, nor a tap-room.

The house would afford the combined accommodation of an hotel and a boarding house. He was told that there was a lease of twenty-one years, at a rental of £240 per annum. There were twenty-four rooms. The petition was read, from which it appeared that the house was near the season-ticket entrance of the Crystal Palace Railway, and from July last it had been patronised by between sixty and seventy families of distinction. The applicant formerly managed the "Crystal Palace Hotel," and kept the tap for two years. It was expected that the new Exhibition would cause a much larger number of visitors to the Crystal Palace than there had been for years past.

Mr Drummond said it appeared that the lease had not been effected, but there was an agreement for it, and if the Bench adjourned the application, he would get the lease executed. The Bench consulted, and after some time the Chairman said the majority of the magistrates would grant a license on the lease being completed and presented at the adjourned day.

In the case of Mr William Heath, for a license to a house in Laurel-Grove and Maple-road, Penge, it was stated that it was not finished, but would be completed in three weeks. He was the builder and freeholder. The Chairman said it was of no use to ask for a license until the house was finished. Application refused.

The adjournment day was fixed for the 15th inst,; but the business on that occasion will be of a very formal character, namely, the presentation of Mr Gifford's lease.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 15 July 1862.

Margate Borough Police Court.

Wednesday:- (Before the Mayor, T. Blackburn Esq., W. T. Gilder, Esq., R. Jenkins Esq., and the Rev. G. W. Sicklemore.)

A Batch of Publicans.

Sarah Lennon of the Love Lane Brewery, (Margate) was next called, but did not appear, her son being present instead. This was for opening at 25 minutes pas 12.

Fined 10s and 8s 6d.s costs.