Sort file:- Folkestone, September, 2022.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 18 September, 2022.


Earliest 2011

(Name from)

Party Bar

Open 2021+

2-8 Tontine Street


Jolson's Party Bar 2012

Above photo kindly sent by Phil Nicholson, 29 November, 2012.


Used to be "Jolson's" prior to March 2011.


From the By Matt Leclere, 12 July 2017.

Folkestone: Tontine Street bus crashes into Jolson's Party Bar.

A bus has crashed into a building this morning in a street which residents warned is too narrow for two-way traffic.

The smash happened this morning in Tontine Street in Folkestone with the double decker hitting the Jolson's Party Bar.

Residents warned the street - which became two-way last May - is too narrow for traffic flowing in both directions before it was passed by highways chiefs.

Party Bar crash 2017

A bus has crashed into a building in Tontine Street, Folkestone. Picture: Legends of Folkestone.

The 100 route bus was travelling south along the road towards Folkestone Harbour on its way to Dover.

Stagecoach says it will now be investigating the incident.

Reports suggest the bus was trying to avoid a parked lorry and car travelling in the opposite direction when it struck the building.

Pictures posted to social media today show the bus mounted on the kerb against the building and a taxi trying to negotiate the blocked road.

A scaffolding lorry is also stopped at the incident where the building on the corner of the Old High Street is having work carried out.

But business owners in the street and local residents have warned the road is not wide enough for two buses, or for one to pass when other drivers are travelling the other way and trying to get around parked vehicles.

Party Bar crash 2017

Residents and businesses warned of dangers before the two-way scheme was introduced. Picture: Legends of Folkestone.

Jake Sackett, who runs JJ Taxis, has been a long-standing critic of the scheme and said crashes were inevitable before the road became two-way.

He said: "Even when a small van and a bus meet the bus has to mount the pavement.

"They said it would not happen but it does.

"Having the two bus stops next to each other outside blooms restaurant just block the whole harbour area and they don't seem to want to move off even though they are fully loaded.

"It's a joke but as usual the council is deaf to complaints just saying that Stagecoach have said that it doesn't happen. Well it does happen and one day someone will get hurt."

A spokesman for Stagecoach said: "A number 100 bus clipped the overhanging signage of a building.

"The bus was in service following its normal route at the time. No one was hurt in the incident and there was minimal damage to bus, however we are investigating what happened."

Police were called just after 10am. A spokesman said: "Officers attended the scene where no injuries were reported. The damage to the building is believed to be minor and not structural."

Shepway District Council, responsible for building control, said it was not called to the incident because there was no concern about structural damage to the building.




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