Sort file:- Hythe, February, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 07 February, 2024.


Earliest 1874-

(Name from)

Prince of Wales

Open 2024+

Dymchurch Road



01303 265950

Prince of Wales

Above photo, date unknown.

Prince of Wales


Originally known as the "Surprise Inn," but had changed name by 1874.

During the first year of service of the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway, a halt was scheduled here taking the name of the pub but with very little, if any use, was finally forgotten.

Early 2014 the property was up for sale at £225,000, but I believe it has now been let by Enterprise Inns and is still open.


Further local knowledge and any pictures, old or current would be appreciated until I can get into the area myself.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 13 September 1884.

Alleged Assault by Soldiers.

At the borough petty sessions, on Thursday, before J. V. Bean, Esq. (Mayor), Dr. Lovegrove, and G. Cobay, Esq., Francis John Townsend, John Sheppard, and Henry Swindon, soldiers of the York and Lancaster Regiment, were brought up, on remand, charged with maliciously wounding Carolus Paine, at West Hythe, on August 15th. Mr. Mailiam appeared for the prosecutor.

Complainant said that he lived at West Hythe, and was a labourer. On the day in question he went to the "Prince of Wales" public house about three o’clock in the afternoon. The three prisoners arrived after he got there. Witness spoke to them. All he could remember was that the three prisoners were having some words together, and Piddock took off his coat to fight them. Piddock said, referring to witness, "Here's a man that can fight the three of you." The prisoners then turned on him, and Piddock ran away. He became insensible, and remembered nothing more until Mr. Hackney, surgeon, attended him in the evening. He thought they were all the worse for drink.

George Pidiock said that he lived at West Hythe. He was in the "Prince of Wales" public-house on the 15th instant at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Paine was there when he went in. The three prisoners came in about three o’clock. About an hour-and-a-half after while witness was taking to the prisoners, Paine said he would three soldiers at any time. The men said they came in for a glass of beer, and did not want any row, Paine took off his jacket, and they all went of a rush out of the front door. Witness did not go out with them. The three prisoners and Paine were the worse for liquor. Witness was sober. He did not take off his coat, as stated by Paine, nor did he say that Paine would fight the three of them.

Townsend made a lengthy statement, in which he said that the complainant was in the house when they went in. He asked who they were, and he replied soldiers. Paine said "I don’t care what are I'll fight the three of you," at the same time taking off his coat. After that Paine rushed at him, knocking him down, and falling across him. They got up, and he walked away from the man, when Paine made another rush at him, and they both fell to the ground. As soon as he got clear from Paine he went into the public-house, and Paine afterwards came in and said "I’m very sorry for insulting you soldiers."

John Sheppard confirmed Townsend’s statement.

Swindon declined to say anything.

The bench committed prisoners for trial at the quarter sessions for the borough.



AUSTEN William 1874+

GREEN Walter H 1881+ (also bricklayer age 24 in 1881Census)

TUFF Stephen 1882+

NEVARD Edward 1899+

FRIEND Richard 1903+ Kelly's 1903

FRIEND Margaret E Mrs 1911-13+ (age 58 in 1911Census)

WHITE Arthur 1922+

WOODWARDS George Henry 1930-38+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
