Sort file:- Canterbury, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1817

(Name from)

Princess Charlotte

Latest 1972

2 (33) St. Martin's Hill


Princess Charlotte 1890

Above photo, circa 1890, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Princess Charlotte 1965

Above photograph taken by Edward Wilmot in 1965.


Listed in 1692 as the "Syne of Sandwich" and in 1693 offering Billeting for 4 soldiers. By the early 1800s the name was shortened to the "Sandwich" and in 1804 the rent was a mere £12 rent per annum, paid to the brewers Rigdens.

A Rigdens receipt for 31st January 1825 shows a Mr. Baldock paying £51 16s. 9p plus an extra £15 1s. 6d, totalling £66 18s. 3d., plus of Messrs Rigden, Delmar and Co. £18 14s 0d., totalling £85 12s. 3d. Received Mrs. Willard Half Stamp 2/6.

The pub was renamed the "Princess Charlotte" some time in the 1800s, probably just after the Prince Regent's daughter died in 1817.

The Inns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot's,1988, mentions a document, date circa 1945 that gives the description of clientele at the pub as being "Labouring."

The premises was compulsory purchased in 1972 and the licence has been in suspension ever since, the pub being closed then.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 April 1846.


Wednesday morning an inquest was held by the above coroner (T. T. Delasaux) at the "Princess Charlotte," Saint Martin's Hill, in this city, on the body of John Hinds, aged two years and six months, son of Mr. Hinds, miller, who had died the previous day from the effects of a blow on the head, received by the sweeps of the wind mill at Saint Martin’s-hill. It was stated by Mr. Richardson, miller, that the child was in the habit of getting near the mill to pick up the wheat that might have been shattered in conveying the sacks into the mill, and he was so engaged on Tuesday last as a witness had seen him in the yard a short time previous to finding him extended on the ground near the sweeps, which were working at the time. Deceased was quite senseless, and exhibited a severe contusion on the forehead. Medical aid was immediately procured, but death shortly put a period to the poor child’s sufferings.

Verdict "Accidental Death."


Kentish Gazette, 20 June 1854.


On Saturday, Mr. Delasaux held an inquest at the "Princess Charlotte," St. Martin's Hill, on the body of John Stanner, an infant, whose death had been caused by tincture of opium, sold by mistake by a Mr. Walters, at Fordwich, for a cordial.

Mr. T. S. Cooper surgeon, made a post mortem examination, and gave it as his opinion, that the child died from the effects of tincture of opium.

The jury accordingly returned a verdict "that the deceased was accidently poisoned."


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 9 April 1870.

An inquest was held on Monday, at the "Princess Charlotte" public-house, St. Martin's, before Mr. T. T. Delasaux, coroner, on the body of John Saunders, who, while undergoing a term of imprisonment for theft in the St. Augustine's gaol, died on Saturday last.

A verdict of "Died from natural causes" was returned.


Leighton Buzzard Observer and Linslade Gazette 15 August 1876.


Three boating accidents occurred lest week at Dover, and one was attended with loss of life. It was the annual regatta, and a large number of people were on the water. In the morning a sailing boat capsized, and three Dover boatmen were nearly drowned. In the afternoon a second boat was upset, and at about six o'clock a third. This contained six persons and a boatman, a mere lad. The parties were changing oars, which caused the boat to turn over. The women were frightened, and they immediately jumped on one side. The boat went over and some clung to her bottom, while others struck out for the shore. Fortunately a boat belonging to one of the channel steamers was near, and the whole were picked up, but one man named White, the occupier of the "Princess Charlotte," St. Martin's Hill, Canterbury, who was drowned.


From the Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 25 April, 1903.


Before Mr. W. W. Mason (in the chair), Mr. J. Hunt, Mr. W. H. Nethercleft, and Captain Stead.


Michael Lynch, a private in the 11th Hussars, was charged on remand with assaulting Police Sergeant Ewell in the execution of his duty on April 8th.

Complainant, who appeared to be in a very weak state and who was allowed to be seated while giving his evidence, stated that at about five minutes past eleven o'clock on the night of April 8th he was on duty in Palace Street where he saw five soldiers and two women standing outside the East Kent Fire Station. They were shouting and as witness approached them the two woman walked away. When he requested the soldiers to go away one of them went to the women. Prisoner came close up to him and said "We haven't got to get in till six. We shall go when we like." One of the other soldiers said to prisoner "Come on, Paddy." Prisoner said, "He's only one man by himself and I'm going for him." Prisoner then struck him in the mouth knocking him down. He did not remember any more until he saw Sergeant Jackson and P.C. Smith in Military Road. At that time the two soldiers went by and prisoner behind. Witness said "There's the man." Prisoner was taken into custody by P.C. Smith and the Provost Sergeant.

In reply to Mr. Mercer witness said it appeared that he must have followed the soldiers.

Mr. Mason:- It must have been a very severe blow to have knocked you down.

Witness said it was and he was taken unawares. He did not remember any more. He could not remember how he got from one place to another.

P.C. Adley stated that at about 11.20 p.m. on the 8th April he was on duty beside the "Jolly Sailor" public house. He met six or seven soldiers of the 11th Hussars. he saw Sergeant Ewell coming up behind them and as he had his handkerchief to his mouth witness asked him what was the matter. The Sergeant took the handkerchief away and said he had been assaulted by those soldiers, meaning those in front, and asked witness to go with him to the Barracks to get their names and regiment. They went up Broad Street and the soldiers turned round. Sergeant Ewell walked up to them and asked one for his name and regiment. They kept calling one man "Paddy." He gave a false name of his regiment and the Sergeant said "Very well, we will see about you later." Ewell came to witness and on turning round all the soldiers set on them with their whips. They got Sergeant Ewell between them and two came up to witness and he dropped back a little way to get his staff out. He did not run away. They went into Northgate Street where they met the piquet and asked the corporal in charge to go to Military Road where some soldiers had assaulted the Sergeant. The corporal said he could not go unless he had orders to go from the Provost Sergeant. They then met Sergeant Jackson and P.C. Smith, who saw the Provost Sergeant and said they wanted the man they called "Paddy." The Provost Sergeant asked if they wanted the name of any other man and he said they only wanted this one called "Paddy."

Superintendent Farmery said there was a suggestion that the witness ran away.

Witness said it was not true. He dropped back about nine or ten yards to draw his staff. When he turned round he saw Sergeant Ewell between two soldiers.

William Brown, a private in the 11th Hussars, stated that he was stationed at the Cavalry Barracks, Canterbury. He recollected being with prisoner in Palace Street on the 8th inst. at about 11 o'clock. He and others broke out of Barracks. They got over the wall and went across the farm and then went from the "Princess Charlotte" public house. From there they went to the "Bell and Crown." They arrived there at about twenty minutes to eleven and had five glasses of beer. At eleven o'clock they went outside and got in a "muddle" in the road. When the Sergeant came across to them witness went across to the two women at the corner of the street and on looking round saw Lynch strike the Sergeant with his fist. Lynch was drunk. Witness had been in prisoner's company about an hour and a half. They had been drinking all day. The Sergeant then fell on his back and as he was lifting his head Lynch kicked him in the head. Witness and the other soldiers went to pull Lynch away but could not. The Sergeant crawled away to the gutter and Lynch kicked him in the back of the ear and in the ribs. He and others picked the Sergeant up and took him to the fire office. The Sergeant took out his whistle and tried to blow it, but the force of the blood rushing from his mouth and nose he could not do so. The Sergeant said he should follow them. Witness got hold of Lynch and tried to conduct him to the Barracks. They got round Broad Street into Military Road, the Sergeant following. Witness again looked round and saw the Sergeant on the opposite side still approaching them. Lynch went up to the Sergeant just beside the church wall and they both fell to the ground. The Constable lent over Lynch and tried to get him away. Lynch got up and stepped towards the Constable who ran across the road. With that witness got hold of Lunch and took him towards the barracks as far as the "Little Wander." The provost Sergeant and a private then came up and the Provost Sergeant said "Is this the man you want?" The Police Sergeant said "That's him, Paddy." The Provost Sergeant looked round and said "Is that all?" and the Sergeant said "Yes." The Provost Sergeant said "We had better get them in Barracks." They said "All right, Sergeant" and went into the Barracks. Lynch was taken into custody.

In reply to Superintendent Farmery witness said Lynch had a whip but did not use it. He used his fists and feet.

In reply to Mr. Netherclift, witness said he tried to separate the men. There were five soldiers standing there. He had never been out with Lynch before.

In answer to questions by Mr. R. M. Mercer, witness said he had been in Lynch's company in the afternoon. He was the worse for drink at about half-past one and had been in public houses and had been supplied.

The Chairman:- Lynch was not sober when he came out of Barracks?

Witness:- No, sir.

The Chairman:- And he got drink at the "Princess Charlotte" when he was drunk?

Witness said that was so.

Mr. Netherclift:- What was the last public house you came out of?

Witness:- The "Bell and Crown."

Mr. Z. Prentice, police surgeon, stated that he had been attending Sergeant Ewell since Thursday, the 9th inst. Ewell, who was in bed on the 9th, when witness saw him, complained of pains in his head and there was a certain amount of loss of memory. There was an abrasion on the right side of the head and forehead. The top of the right ear had been cut and bruised, and two stitches had to be put in. There was a tenderness on the right side of the chest, but there was no mark there. The sergeant had remained in bed until two days previously by witness's instructions.

In reply to Mr. Netherclift, witness said generally speaking of the injuries and judging from the loss of memory the condition was harmonious with the evidence of the last witness.

Prisoner said he was drunk at the time and only remembered he was fighting, but he could not say who with.

The Chairman:- Do you wish to call any evidence as to your character?

Prisoner said he had been in the 11th Hussars twelve months, and had been in the Army three months before that.

The Provost Sergeant, who was in Court, said the Corporal in charge of the piquet should have gone to assist the police. The piqued had instructions to patrol from palace Street to the "Jolly Sailor," but the Corporal being young did not like to exceed his orders without permission. All the soldiers were on pass until the reveille, at 5.30. Soldiers were now allowed out all night. They got out at about twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

The Chairman said that if that sort of thing went on some recommendation would be made to the Commandant. Continuing, he said prisoner was guilty of a most cowardly and brutal assault, which might have been attended with much more serious consequences. There was no possible excuse and prisoner saying he was drunk was simply a disgrace. he had brought disgrace upon the regiment to which he belonged. The Magistrates were determined to protect the police, and they would deal with the case seriously. prisoner would have to go to prison for three months with hard labour.

Addressing the other soldiers in Court, the Chairman said he did not think their conduct was very exemplary to see a single policeman knocked about by one of their comrades. They should have stood up by the policemen if they were true soldiers of the King, and not have seen him so maltreated. It seemed, however, that brown endeavoured to interfere to stop the prisoner.



ROBINS William 1820 Edward Wilmot Canterbury

PIERCE Isaac 1821-24+ Pigot's Directory 1824Edward Wilmot Canterbury

BALDOCK John 1828-47+ (age 65 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847

COCK G 1858-62+ Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862

WHITE Thomas 1871-Aug/76 dec'd (age 43 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874

WHITE Elizabeth 1881+ Census

SLADDEN E 1882-91+ Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891

STIGGER F 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

PEARCE F 1913-22+ Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922

NICHOLLS Robert E 1930+ Post Office Directory 1930

SMITH Sidney 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Edward Wilmot CanterburyInns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot, 1988


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
